Watching Laika Movies

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Had this Idea early in the past, but I completely forgot about it until now.
I've lost interest in making this story, so I've giving up on it and it's up for adoption.

All of the cast form each movie are gathered into a theater to watching each other's stories (movies).


I highly recommend watching the movies because not all transcripts are to a T to the movies



Watching Coraline


"Mom? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"
Coraline's "Mother" turns around to face her with a happy greeting. "You're just in time for supper, dear." said her "Mother".
This person looks like her mother, but the one big difference of this imposter was that her eyes were sewed with big black buttons.

Norman "Oh god."

Wybie "You weren't kidding, Jonesy."

Winifred "Who is she?"

Kubo "An imposter."

"We're about to find out."

Coraline points at slowly walking towards her while shaking her head in denial, "You're not my mother. My mother doesn't have..."
Coraline points to her eye as she stutters out the word, while the imposter copies her joyfully and said, "Buttons? Do you like them?"

"No" says everyone.

"I'm your other mother, silly." Said the Other Mother.

"'Other Mother'?"


Watching Paranorman


Courtney: I knew something like this was gonna happen tonight!

Mitch: You did? Wow! Cause that zombie bit really threw me.

"Whoa, for real?"

"No way man."

[Courtney turns to Norman]

Courtney: Why did you have to go and get everyone involved in all your weird stuff?

Norman Babcock: Well, you weren't supposed to follow me, were you!

Neil: Sorry, my fault. When I'm nervous I get mouth diarrhea.

Alvin: Whoa! Diarrhea!


Courtney: Oh, my gosh! I think I'm having an aneurysm! Oh, this is so typical of you!

Norman Babcock: No! You don't understand. I'm the only one who can stop this, Courtney!

Courtney: Oh, I understand! I understand that this is all getting completely out of...

[suddenly the zombie's hand crashes through into the car from the roof top]

Courtney: Hand!

[everyone screams]

Everyone screams and laughs

"If this wasn't so terrifying, I would have thought this moment would be funny."

Neil: What do we do?! What do we do?! Mitch?!

Mitch: I don't know! I don't know!

Neil: You're the oldest!

Mitch: Not mentally!

"This just keeps getting funnier and funnier."


Watching The Boxtrolls


"Shoot, Mr. Pickles, shoot!"
Mr. Pickles "It'd be easier if he stopped moving."
Mr. Pickles "Stop moving!"
Mr. Pickles "Thank you!"

Eggs "Boxtrolls don't hurt anyone! Let them go!"

Snatcher "Yes, well, I need them! They're my ticket to a white hat, Trubshaw baby!"

Winifred "Trubshaw baby?"

[everyone turns to see Winifred standing in the middle of the front doorway. Everything went quiet until Mr. Pickles pulled the trigger missing the shot a few feet away from Eggs.]

"Talk about an awkward moment."

Winifred "I knew there was something strange about you!"

Snatcher "Miss Portley-Rind, what a surprise!"

Snatcher "Does your... Does your father know you're here?"

Winifred "No, of course not. But wait till I tell him! 'The Trubshaw baby', alive!"

"Sorry, miss.

Winifred "What are you doing? Unhand me!"

Snatcher "Looks like the boxtrolls have a new victim, miss, and her name is you."


Watching Kubo and the Two Strings


Monkey "You have questions, I can tell."

Kubo "Who..."

Monkey "You get three."

Kubo "I think I have more."

Monkey "Three. But first you're gonna eat."

Kubo "Why only three?"

"Yeah, why only three?"

Monkey "Okay, that was your first question."

Kubo "What? I don't understand what's happening. Who are you?

Wybie "I'm with Kubo, who are you?"

The Monkey only smirk at him.

Monkey "You don't recognize me."

Monkey got into a familiar position, one that Kubo instantly recognized.

Coraline "No way."

Monkey "All these years, you had to keep me in your pack. Well, now you know why."

Kubo "But you were a wooden charm. You were this big. I called that charm Mr. monkey."

"Looks like Mr. monkey is actually a Ms. monkey."


Watching Missing Link


"Sir Lionel, I'm a little afraid that this isn't gonna work."

Sir Lionel "Oh, come now. I imagine everyone in there has hairy knuckles and poor hygiene. You'll fit right in."



This is all I have to show. The rest is up to you.

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