𝚁𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢

503 13 11


TW// running away, snake attack, snake bite (and side affects), puking

Please tell me if I missed any TW's!

3rd person POV

Tommy had walked by a small shop earlier and took notice of how much a climbing hook and 100 foot rope was. It's was about 141 pounds (150 USD).
(I think I calculated that right?)

He then went around and sneakily stole money from as many people he could, taking the last 40 pounds from the caretaker at the orphanage that oh-so-kindly ripped his hood.

After he got this money, he went and purchased the hook and rope just a few minutes before they closed the shop. He shoved them into his burlap sack and sped back to the orphanage, making sure to stay in a shadows so he didn't get in trouble for being up past his curfew.

He tiptoed into the kitchen of the orphanage and grabbed some food that consisted of: four apples, three oranges, two bags of berries, three loafs of bread, and five canteens full of water.

He wasn't sure how long he'd be gone.

He found a piece of paper, and a feather pen, and wrote out a note for his two friends, explaining where he had gone. It told them not to worry about him, and that if he never returns, that he loves them.

He went to put the note beside of Ranboo and Tubbo's bed, unintentionally waking Ranboo.

"Go back to sleep, Ran." Tommy whispered. Ranboo rubbed his sleepy eyes and let his eyes focus in the dark. He looked up at Tommy with confused eyes. "You read this in the morning with Tubs, ok?" He said, pointing at the note.

Now realizing what was going on, Ranboo covered his mouth and held tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry. It's ok!" Tommy whispered. "Just read that with Tubs, ok?" Ranboo nodded. Tommy gave him a hug, and then left. Ranboo watching him as he silently walked across the floor, and leave.

Tommy threw his sack over his shoulder and ran to the wall on a side that didn't have many guards. He took the hook and rope from the sack, making sure it was tied tightly.

It took him many, many, many tries, but he finally got the hook over the wall. He tugged on it, making sure it wasn't going to fall. He tied his sack to his back, flipped his red hood over his head, and began to scale the seemingly infinitely tall wall.

By time he made it to the top, he was properly drained.

After catching his breath, he finally looked to the other side of the wall. It was beautiful. There were overgrown trees and vines that hung from the trees that looked like you could swing on them. There were little flying lights that would go out, and come back on repeatedly. What we're they?

Tommy put his hook and rope back into his sack and climbed onto a nearby tree branch that seemed to be waiting there for him. He climbed down the tall tree, onto the ground.

The ground was soft, the air was crisp, and the little noises of nighttime bugs were so much louder than inside the walls. He went over to a patch of the flying lights. One landed on his hand, startling him for a second, before he realized they were just little bugs.

Glowing bugs.

So cool!

The grass was tall and there were rocks everywhere that had bright green moss growing on them. And there were also many small things growing from the ground. They had white stems, and red and white tops. Tommy had seen a picture of one of these in school once. They're called mushrooms.

He then heard lots of yelling from the other side of the wall.

"Someone jumped the wall!" A lady yelled. "What?!" A male voice shouted. "A little kid!" The lady said. There were many other faint shouts before Tommy heard someone say: "Open the gates!"

Once the stone gate started slightly opening, Tommy took off running into the forest.

"Don't go too far, men!" A male soldier shouted.

Tommy figured they wouldn't venture out as far as he had already ran, but you can never be too safe. So he kept running. He hadn't realized how much he had ran until his knees buckled and he fell to the forest floor. He's legs throbbed and his lungs ached. He sat there for a minute, catching his breath, when he suddenly heard leaves moving from a few feet away beside of him.

He flinched away when he saw the creature beside of him. It was a copperhead snake. It was standing tall with its sharp teeth showing.

"Ah!" He yelped when it came towards him. He stood up quickly and backed away from it. It swayed its body side to side. Tommy was scared. It snapped at him, and Tommy somehow managed to jump back and dodge it's bite, but it quickly snapped at him again, sinking it's teeth into his calve.

He covered his mouth to muffle his scream of pain. He fell to the ground as he started getting dizzy. The snake seemed to multiply from his blurry vision and sudden nausea. As he laid there, about to accept his unfortunate fate, he saw something or someone kick the snake in the side, sending it flying into a tree.

Now pissed even more, it quickly slithered towards whatever kicked it, when an axe went right through it, chopping it in half.

The nausea plus the sight of the blood made Tommy vomit.

He felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

Scared that it was a guard, he tried desperately to wiggle out of their grasp, but Tommy was far too weak. He was loosing blood, and there was snake venom/poison in his blood.

"It's ok, I'm going to help you." The person said.

Tommy stopped struggling. The person picked him up, and then soon after, he blacked out.

Words: 1,020

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