
411 12 3

TW// cussing, crying, injuries, panic attack (kinda), talk of past abuse, grating wounds

3rd person POV

Wilbur opened up his bedroom door, not bothering to knock or anything, scaring Tommy. Tommy jumped up from his spot on the corner of Wilbur's bed and turned to face him hurriedly. He had a scared expression on his face, but it slowly went away and turned more embarrassed and ashamed when he realized it was just Wilbur.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." Wilbur nervously chuckled. Tommy cleared his throat. "Took you long enough." He said, ignoring Wilbur's statement and attempting to change the subject. "I was uhm, getting you food. Do you like Ramen?" Wilbur asked. Tommy shrugged. "Never had it." He said.

"What?!" Wilbur shouted, immediately regretting it. Regretting it not only because his family maybe heard him, but also because he clearly frightened Tommy since he slightly flinched away from Wilbur.

"Wilbur? You ok?" Phil yelled from downstairs. "Yeah! All good!" Wilbur yelled back.

Tommy stared at the floor, clearly upset.

Wilbur stepped more into his room and closed the door, locking it.

"I'm sorry I startled you...again." Wilbur sighed. Tommy reached up and wiped his eyes before looking back up at Wilbur. "It's fine." He said. "Here," Wilbur handed Tommy the bowl of hot Ramen. "Eat up."

Wilbur placed the glass of milk on a coaster on his nightstand. He sat down on his bed and patted the blanket next to him, signaling for Tommy to sit down. Tommy, though reluctantly, sat down and began to eat his Ramen.

After the first bite, his eyes lit up.

"Holy shit, this is so good!" He said through a mouthful of food. Wilbur chuckled and began eating his crackers he had gotten for himself. Tommy continued to shovel the not-too-hot Ramen into his mouth, occasionally taking a sip of his milk.

Within minutes, the bowl was empty.

Wilbur shook the bowl from Tommy and placed it on his nightstand. "I'll clean it later. I'm too lazy right now." He said. Tommy giggled. Wilbur smiled. Suddenly they heard footsteps approaching Wilbur's door that he had thankfully locked because the handle started to jiggle.

"Just a second!" Wilbur shouted, grabbing Tommy and shoving him into a small closet.

Tommy swore under his breath as his leg where he had been bitten hit something sharp. Wilbur didn't seem to notice Tommy's sudden pain, because he shut the closet door, leaving Tommy standing there with a sharp pain shooting through his leg. Not to mention his past trauma.

Wilbur hurried over to his bedroom door and opened it, revealing his brother, Technoblade.

"H-Hey, Tech! What's up?" Wilbur said in a high voice that made him seem like he was very guilty of something, which he was. "Uh, hey? You good?" Techno nervously chuckled. Wilbur nodded. "Mhm! All good! What do you need?" He quickly said.

"Phil was wondering if you were alright since you yelled earlier, but he didn't wanna bother you, so I am instead." Techno said. "Oh, me? Psh- yeah? W-Why wouldn't I be alright?" Wilbur nervously laughed.

He was a bad lier.

Techno stared at him with his arms crossed, obviously not believing him.

"Anyways, goodnight, Techno!" Wilbur said, closing the door, leaving Technoblade confused. "It's only 7:30." He mumbled. He sighed, and left.

Wilbur let out a deep breath of relief. Now he heard the almost non-audible cries and shaky breaths coming from inside his closet.

Wilbur went over and opened the closet door, revealing Tommy who's leg was bleeding and was sitting in the corner with his back against the wall, hands gripped in his hair, and eyes squeezed shut with tears trickling down his face. He was breathing heavily and seemed to me having a panic attack.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's alright!" Wilbur said in a soft voice as he crouched down beside of the crying boy, pulling him against his chest while rubbing comforting circles on his back. "Shhh, it's ok." Wilbur rocked them side to side. "Just follow my breathing."

Tommy steadied his breathing by listening and copying Wilbur's exaggerated breaths.

"I-I'm sorry." Tommy's voice shook. "For what?" Wilbur asked softly. "I-I don't know what I did b-but I'm sorry. It'll n-ever happen again." Tommy gripped Wilbur's sweater his his fists. "You didn't...you didn't do anything. I put you in there to hide you from who was at my door." Wilbur said.

"O-Oh...so you're not mad at me for anything?" Tommy asked. "Of course not! Why would I-..." Wilbur paused when he realized why Tommy had thought this.

"Tommy...why exactly did you think I'm mad at you?" Wilbur asked in a stern voice. "B-Because Miss Meredith usually locked me in closets when she was mad at me..." Tommy shyly replied. "Who- Who is Miss Meredith?" Wilbur asked. "Uhm...the caretaker...at my orphanage." "You...were in an orphanage..?" Wilbur confirmed. Tommy slowly nodded. "I'm so sorry."

Wilbur scooped up Tommy and sat him on the bed. He pulled some bandages out of his nightstand and began wrapping Tommy's leg up.

"How did this happen?" Wilbur asked. Tommy shrugged. "I dunno. It was too dark to see but something sharp cut me."

Wilbur got up to look in his closet to see what was sharp. His eyes caught his shiny iron sword. He picked it up and showed it to Tommy, now noticing the small amount of blood on the side.

"Yep, that'd be it." Tommy said.

"So...no more closets?" Wilbur asked.

Tommy chuckled dryly.

"Yeah, no more closets."

Words: 940

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