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TW// cussing, crying, mention of murder/death, yelling, hurting someone?, knives

3rd person POV
Three weeks later

"Ok, Tommy," Wilbur said as he walked into his bedroom. "I'm leaving. I'll be back in a few hours." He said. Tommy's face went white. "W-What..? I'll be a-alone? What if they find me?" He asked. "They wont find you. Dad is going to the shops and Techno is hanging with his buddy Dream. I'll be home before they get back."

"Well...where are you going?" Tommy asked. "I'm chilling with Quackity. Don't worry, we're gonna be away from Schlatt." "Ok...wait- you guys have shops?" Tommy asked, perplexed. "Uhm...yeah?" Wilbur laughed. "We have towns and shops just like humans. They're all deeper in the forest though." Tommy nodded.

"What do I do if something happens?"

"Scream my name as loud as you can. I'll probably hear you. Y'know, wolf ears. I have good hearing."

Tommy nodded and stared down at his lap.

"Don't worry. It'll be ok." Wilbur said. "Ok...be safe." Tommy replied. "I will. If you want food you can go get it since nobody is home. I'd only go down there any time before 11:00 though. Just incase someone comes home early. They'll be home at around 1:00 if I'm not already home." And with that, Wilbur left.

Tommy sighed and flopped down in the bed. He stared blankly at the ceiling for who knows how long before he fell asleep. When he woke, he pulled himself up from the bed and checked the time.

It was 11:24.

Wilbur said not to go down after 11:00, but Tommy was very hungry. Wilbur said if someone got home before him then they'd probably be home around 1:00, so Tommy had time, right?

He opened up the bedroom door and walked down the hallway, down the stairs, and through the bottom level of the house to search for the kitchen. When he found it, he hopped up on the counter and grabbed an apple and a tangerine from a basket.

He peeled his tangerine and ate the juicy fruit. It was the best one he had ever had. He glanced at a clock on the wall that now read 11:47. Damn. He really must have been eating that slowly.

He grabbed his apple and was about to get off of the counter when he heard the front door open. He hoped to whatever god that was watching that it was Wilbur.

"You wanna head to my room, Dream?" A deep, monotone voice, that definitely didn't belong to Wilbur, asked.

Now Tommy hoped that the voice belonged to Wilbur's dad since Wilbur had said his brother, Techno, would probably kill him. Then, he remembered Wilbur saying his brother was going to be hanging out with someone named 'Dream', and the voice had just referred to someone as Dream.

Yeah. Tommy knew he was definitely fucked.

He quickly got off the counter and put his tangerine peelings into the trash can so Wilbur's brother wouldn't see it. He quietly ran around the trash can, but he tripped on the leg of a chair, causing it to screech on the floor, and also resulting in him falling onto his stomach.

"Who's there?" Techno yelled. Tommy swore under his breath. He quickly stood up and was about to run out of the room when two older boys came running in. Tommy froze. He was scared out of his skin.

The two older, taller boys looked very intimidating to Tommy's 5'4 ass.

The pink haired boy, who Tommy assumed was Wilbur's brother by how he was described to Tommy, had many emotions on his face.

Confusion. Anger. Sadness.

Tommy began to back away from the two. The pink haired boy stepped forward and Tommy took off running to the only other exit. The window.


Tommy got jolted back as he felt someone grab him by his long, red hooded cape. He heard the hole in its hood rip some more. The sound on top of the fear in him made him tear up.

"Let go!" Tommy shouted at the pig man who was pinning him down on his stomach with his hands behind his back. "Who are you." Techno demanded his answer. Tommy didn't reply. "Is said who-" Techno cut himself off when he took off Tommy's red hood, revealing that he, indeed, is a human.

The other boy, Dream, slightly gasped.

Tears began to stream from Tommy's eyes.

"I-I'm so-rry!" He sobbed. "Let m-me go!" Techno was now more ready to kill this child than ever before. "Your kind," Techno gripped Tommy's wrists tightly. "Killed my fucking parents."

"I'm- ngh- Im sorry!" Tommy squeaked in pain.

"Techno-" Dream started, but cut himself off when he saw Techno reach for a knife from the drawer. "T-Techno that's-"

"Wil-" Tommy tried to yell Wilbur's name, but was cut off by his own muffled scream of pain when Techno twisted his wrist in a direction it definitely wasn't supposed to twist in.

Tommy was sobbing and hyperventilating. All of this scared him so badly. It reminded him too much of his abuse at the orphanage. He wanted Wilbur. He wanted Tubbo. He wanted Ranboo. He wanted...his parents.

"Techno he's having a panic attack! Let him-" Dream was, yet again, cut off. But this time by the most shrill, bone chilling, blood curdling scream you've ever heard come from Tommy as he pleaded for his rescue through his sobs.

"Wilby help me!"

Words: 930

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