
344 11 10

TW// cussing, child labor, starving, talk of murder, restraining, hitting, crying

3rd person POV
One week later

Tommy had been stuck cleaning for the past one week, and he hadn't been fed once. Meredith wasn't even giving him water. He was tired, hungry, and parched.

He was silently cleaning the kitchen when heard loud, aggressive knocks at the orphanage doors. Soon after, he heard the large door creepily creak open.

"Can I help you, officers?" Tommy wondered what guards were doing here. Suddenly, he heard something be thrown into the conversation that made him worry. "Does the child who jumped the wall live here?" A guard asked. "Thomas? Yes, he does." The caretaker replied. "May we see him?" "Of course!"

Tommy's heart skipped a beat. What could they want with him?

"Thomas, a few guards are here for you." The caretaker said. Tommy looked up from the sink to see three muscular men with swords wearing armor. "H-Hi..." Tommy said. "You're the kid that jumped the wall?" One of them asked. Tommy nodded. The guard looked him up and down. "You don't look it. A bit scrawny if you ask me." He grinned.

"H-Hey! I am not fuckin scrawny, asshole." Tommy scoffed. The guard seemed shocked. "Bit of a potty mouth you got there. Awful rude." He said.

It was quiet for a bit.

"What did you see?" The guard asked. "Pardon?" "What did you see? Past the wall, I mean." He repeated. "I didn't...I didn't find anything interesting." Tommy lied. "Just bugs and plants and some animals. Birds and ducks and such." Tommy said. That wasn't a complete lie. Phil is a bird and Quackity is a duck.

"Bullshit." A voice said, walking into the kitchen.

It was Meredith.

Tommy glared at her.

"Tell them where you were, Thomas." She said. "I..." Tommy hesitated. "I was with...people..." He said. "Ha." Meredith scoffed. "Some people I've ever seen. Be more descriptive." She said.

"They were...how do I explain this...hybrids?" Tommy reluctantly said. "From the stories?" A different guard asked. "Kind of...but they're different." Tommy said. "They're not evil. They're nice. And they look differently than how they are in the books." "How different?"

"They look just like humans, except some of them have goat legs instead, or wolf ears, or wings, or horns. But they practically look like normal humans."

The three guards stared into Tommy's soul.

"Say, how old are ya?" The first guard from earlier asked. Tommy sighed. "Fifteen. Going on sixteen in about two months." He said. "Hmm," The guard hummed. "I think he's lived enough of his life, don't ya think, boys?" Tommy froze. One guard nodded, but the other stayed still and quiet. The one with dark green hair and an 'S' carved into his armor seemed sad.

"W-What?! Lived enough of my life?!" Tommy freaked out. His heart was beating out of his chest as he backed away from the guards. "Don't make this difficult, kiddo." The guard said. "You want to kill me! I'm not 'making it difficult', I just don't wanna die!" Tears welled in his eyes.

Even Meredith seemed surprised and worried.

Suddenly, the guard grabbed Tommy by his arm and dragged him towards him. The other guard, the one that also seems bad, took Tommy's other arm. Tommy kicked at them, but it didn't really affect them.

"Let go of me, you bastards!" Tommy squirmed in their tight hold.

They began to drag him towards the exit of the orphanage.

Tommy didn't know what came over him, but he yelled so loudly for his friends that he wa suede the whole world heard him. Even the guards dragging him away paused for a moment.

"Tubbo! Ranboo!" Tommy yelled, finally letting himself cry.

Moments later, his tow friends came running down the stairs.

"What the hell is happ-" Tubbo cut himself off when he saw Tommy fighting against the two guards as the other stood off to the side. "Tommy! What is..." "The wanna k-kill me, Tubbs!" Tommy sobbed. "I-I don't k-now w-why!" Tears poured from his eyes.

Suddenly, one of the guards popped him so hard in the back of the head he almost fainted.

"Quit fighting!" He demanded. Tommy, on the verge of blacking out, obviously didn't have the strength to fight as at the moment.

Ranboo stood in shock in silence, and Tubbo tired to run towards them, but Meredith stopped him. She wrapped her arms around him and held him against her chest in an almost...comforting way.

"T-Tommy!" Tubbo cried. "W-What do they want with him?! Why are they taking him?!"

Then just like that, they took Tommy away with Tubbo crying, and Ranboo frozen, confused, and in complete shock.

Words: 800

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