𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚋𝚢 𝚃𝚘 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚎

485 13 25

TW// cussing, restraining, yelling, fighting, crying

3rd person POV

Wilbur was chatting with Quackity about random things, when he got a weird feeling in his gut.

"So how's that kid? The human." Quackity asked. "He's ok...I think." Wilbur replied. "You...think?" "I have a weird feeling."

Moments later, Wilbur could swear he heard a scream.

"Did you hear that?" Wilbur asked. "No? I'm just a duck. I don't have god hearing." Quackity chuckled. Wilbur listened closer for a moment.

"Wilby help me!" Wilbur heard Tommy scream in a shrill voice. Wilbur's stomach dropped and he covered his mouth with a short gasp. "W-What?" Quackity asked. "It's Tommy. I have to go. He's in danger." Wilbur said, quickly standing up to leave. "I'll come with."

Wilbur didn't have time to argue. He also didn't have time to be dragging a slow duck behind him, so he picked up Quackity and ran. It was the only way he knew how to keep Quackity from slowing them down.

Within no time, they were at Wilbur's home. The house wasn't too far away from where Wilbur and Quackity were, and Wilbur is very fast.

Wilbur put Quackity down and flung open the front door to hear many sobs and heavy breaths and yelling from the kitchen. He recognized the voices to be Tommy's and Technos, with Dream thrown in a little bit.

Wilbur raced into the kitchen to see Techno on top of Tommy. Tommy was lying on his stomach with his hands pinned behind his back. Techno had twisted Tommy's wrists in a way to where they were starting to turn red. Techno was holding a knife to Tommy's throat.

Dream stood in the doorway, properly flipped out.

Wilbur pushed past Dream.

"Alexander Technoblade Minecraft Watson!" Wilbur shouted his full name. "Let him go right now!"

"Are you crazy?!" Techno asked. "Are you?!" Wilbur replied.

Wilbur forcefully took the knife from his brother and threw it across the floor. He then pulled Tommy away from Techno and wrapped his arms around him. He Tommy in his lap and Tommy had his arms around Wilbur's neck and was gripping his shirt tightly as he sobbed loudly into Wilbur's shoulder. Wilbur put Tommy's hood over his head to try and help calm him and gently rubbed Tommy's back, rocking them.

"Shhhh, it's ok. You're safe now." Wilbur said in a calm voice. Techno stared at Wilbur in shock and disbelief.

"What is wrong with you, Techno?!" Wilbur asked in a mad, yet slightly quiet voice. "Me? Your asking what's wrong with me?!" Techno sarcastically laughed.

"He is a child!" Wilbur said.

"He is a human!" Techno argued back.


"I can't believe you, Technoblade."

This is how you knew Wilbur was very pissed off. Wilbur never, ever used his brothers full name.

By now, Tommy's sobs had died down and it was nothing but sniffles and choked breaths.

"Let me see your wrists, Toms." Wilbur said. Tommy pushed himself up from Wilbur's shoulder and held out his hands. His wrists were red and bruised. They were slightly shaky.

"Aw, you poor thing." Wilbur hugged Tommy. "I-I'm sor-ry..." Tommy said. "What for?" "Y-You said not to leave your room after 11:00 b-but I did anyways..." "Don't apologize. It's ok." Wilbur said.

"Everything ok, boys? My dad senses are tingling." An older male voice which belonged to Phil shouted from the next room over after a door opening and closing was heard. "Oh! Quackity, Dream. What are you two doing here?" Phil asked. "U-Uhm..." Dream hesitated.

Phil went past them into the kitchen, now seeing his two sons and, to him, the mystery boy on the floor.

"What- What the hell?" He nervously laughed under his breath. Tommy gripped Wilbur's shirt and squeezed his eyes shut, afraid of whatever was to happen next.

"Boys...who- who is this..?" Phil asked. "Some damn human boy that broke in that Wilbur is protecting for some fuckin' reason!" Techno shouted. "He's not 'just some human boy' you asshole!" Wilbur argued.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't call your brother an asshole, Wilbur. And Techno, don't be rude to your brother either. Now tell me what's going on." Phil demanded.

"Well-" Techno cut off Wilbur.

"This human was in the kitchen when I came home with Dream. You know how I feel about humans. He must have broken in, so I restrained him! Is that a sin to restrain someone who broke into your home? I think not!" Techno said. "I don't even know how he made it here! The nearest human society is like, a seventy-two miles away!"

"S-Seventy-two miles..?" Tommy choked. "I'm never gonna see Tubs or Ran every again..." He whispered quietly to himself. "What was that?" Wilbur asked, placing his hand on Tommy's face. "N-Nothing." Tommy's voice shook.

Wilbur sighed.

"Techno, he didn't break in." He said. "W- Yes he fucking did! Where else would he come from?!" Techno scoffed. "Tech, calm down-" Phil started. "No. I'm not gonna calm down! This human broke in and Wilbur's treating him like a fucking brother!"

"Techno he didn't break in!" Wilbur shouted. The whole room went silent. "He's been living in my room for three weeks." "He's...what?" Phil asked.

Wilbur took a deep breath.

"A few weeks ago, I found him in the forest. A snake attacked him, and I saved him. He's been in my room for the last three weeks and I've been taking care of him." Wilbur confessed. "His name is Tommy."

Wilbur didn't make eye contact with anyone.

"Why did you hide him?" Phil asked. "Because...I thought you might make him leave. And he doesn't have anywhere to go." Wilbur said shyly.

"God damnit, Wilbur. If you had just brought him in through the front door and introduced him none of this would have happened. He wouldn't be traumatized and scared of me if you had." Techno said.

Wilbur was about to reply, but Tommy spoke first.

"I-It's fine. I understand." He said. "Oh! Uh...so he's not traumatized?" Techno asked. "Just a little." Tommy replied.

It was quiet for a bit.

"Now may be a bad time, but do you have any sewing materials I can borrow? Red thread?" Tommy asked. "I think so. Why?" Wilbur said. "My hood ripped more." "Oh, I can fix it for you." "No, it's ok. I know how."

"Well I'll get those for you," Wilbur said. "But right now, I need to get up before both my legs fall asleep." Tommy giggled. "Good idea."

Words: 1,100

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