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TW// cussing, crying, talk of murder, playfully arguing

3rd person POV

"We're here!" Techno shouted. Tubbo deeply sighed in relief. "Thank fuck." He whispered. Techno came over and put Ranboo down, who stood there frozen in fear.

"Boo..?" Tommy asked. Tommy speaking snapped Ranboo out if his daze. He stared at Tommy for a brief moment before beginning to cry uncontrollably. He pulled Tommy into a hug. "W-What's up, buddy? Calm down." Tommy patted Ranboos back.

"They we're gonna kill you! I thought I lost you again but forever!" Ranboo sobbed loudly. Tommy and Tubbo both looked at each other with wide eyes.
(Not me somehow crying while writing those two sentences)

"R-Ranboo! You're speaking! You spoke!" Happy tears started to run down Tommy's face. Ranboo just nodded, as he was still crying. "We've never heard your voice!" Tubbo exclaimed.

Ranboo straightened up a bit and sniffed. "Is it ugly sounding?" Ranboo squeaked as he wiped his eyes. "No! God, no!" Tommy said. "It's been a while since I've talked so..." "It's amazing, Boo. We're so proud of you!" Tommy squeezed Ranboo tightly. Tubbo nodded.

"S-So...what's happening?" Techno asked. "Well, Ranboo hasn't spoke a single word in about four years so we're just really exited." Tommy answered. "That's nice..! But why?" Techno asked. "Uhm..." Tommy hesitated. "Just- trauma." He settled with. Ranboo nodded. "Oh."

"Tommy! Why are you and your friends all so gosh darn adorable?" Nikki asked out of nowhere. Ranboo turned slightly red from embarrassment. "They picked it up from me." Tubbo giggled.

Tommy scoffed.

"Did not! You know we picked it up from Ranboo!" Tommy playfully argued. "Hmm, I guess we did some. But it's mostly me." Tubbo said.

"How about we just say we all picked up a little something from each other, yeah?" Ranboo suggested. Tommy and Tubbo glanced at each other from a moment. "Fine." They said in unison, laughing about it afterwards.

Tommy and Tubbo were almost constantly disagreeing about something, and Ranboo was always the one to try and come up with solutions to their disagreements.

It was like Tommy and Tubbo were two angry cats and Ranboo was the annoyed cat-sitter.

Ranboo didn't care though.

They were all the family he had, and he didn't mind them one bit.

Words: 385

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