Chapter 1

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Clary’s POV

My best friend Simon and I were at Taki’s, I had just ordered some coffee which tasted like heaven on earth and he had ordered a cup of blood (he’s a vampire by the way) and I could see he was really enjoying it.

“What are you thinking about Clary? You’re staring into space for about the third time this week” the brunette boy asked with a confused expression on his pale face.

I didn’t know what to say I was thinking about a lot, like where my brother Sebastian was and what he was planning, I was also thinking about my boyfriend Jace, I hadn’t spoken to him since I visited him at the institute where he lived a couple of days ago.

“Nothing. So Simon are you coming to the Christmas party?”

“Of course I am you know I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world!”He said with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow, “Is your mom still not letting you in the house?”

Simon shook his head and I touched his hand, his mom wasn’t letting him in the house because she thinks vampires are evil.

“I’m so sorry Simon, she’ll come around eventually”.

After we finished our drinks I paid the bill with some money Luke my step father gave me.

“Hey Simon,” I said as we were walking out the door and before we parted ways. As I spoke he turned and looked at me. “The next time you see Jordon will you please tell him that him and Maia are invited to the Christmas party?”

“Sure. Bye Clary.”Simon nodded and hugged me goodbye and then walked away.

Jace’s POV

I was sitting with my best friend and we were talking about my girlfriend Clarissa whom I had been avoiding lately.

“Dude, I’m not some love guru but I can see you have been avoiding Clary lately. All I want to know is why?” The dark haired boy asked with a concerned look on his face.

“I’m scared I hurt her Alec, I love her way too much to allow that to happen!”

We were in the institute’s library and were sitting on a dusty old carpet on the floor in front of the fireplace looking for an answer about what’s happening to me and how to make it stop.

“Clary knows that Jace but she’s prepared to take that chance to be with you.”Alec said yawning.

“Alec are you tired”

“Yeah, I was up all night calling Magnus but he still isn’t answering my calls.”

“He’s still angry; give him some time to cool off.”I replied trying to be sympathetic but I could see I was failing.

“Whatever!”Alec said as he got up and stormed off.

I went to my room to grab one of my black leather jackets, my conversation with the other boy made me realise that I needed to go after Clary.

“Where are you going?”Isabelle asked twirling a blade in her short fingers.

“To find Clary!”

Isabelle laughed “Well you might as well stay here because she’s on her way over”

“Why would she come here I told her not to?”I said looking confused.

“Look behind you doofus!”Isabelle said laughing her weird little laugh.

I turned around slowly and behind me stood my girlfriend with a beautiful smile on her face. I went up to her and hugged her.

Clary pulled away from the hug and looked at me, she almost looked scared.

“Aren’t you angry I came here?”

“No, I was actually on my way to you.” I said and Clary giggled.

“Jace I just want you to know that I love you and I know you are scared you will hurt me but I’m not I know you would never hurt me intentionally and that’s all that matters. Please don’t push me away Jace, I have lost you before and I don’t to lose you again!”

I grabbed her around her waist and smashed my lips into hers; very soon she responded to the kiss and put her arms around my neck deepening the kiss and making it more passioate.

“OH FOR THE LOVE OF VAMPIRES WOULD YOU TWO GET A ROOM!”Simon said walking up the stairs.

Clary turned around and I put my arms around her pushing her against my chest and putting my head on hers, sometimes I really love being so much taller than her.

“Simon what are you doing here?”Clary finally asked breaking the awkward silence.

“I knew you were coming here and I came to tell you that Maia and Jordan are coming to the party.”

“What party?”I said with a confused look.

“Oh ya that reminds me. Jace I’m having a Christmas party do you wanna come?”

“Sure. I would love to come darling.”

Just as I said that Isabelle walked out the institute’s front door.

“Hey Izzy. Do you guys wanna come to my Christmas party tomorrow night; your parents are invited as well?”Clary asked.

“Uhm, sure see you then” Izzy said and then she left.

“Well then Simon would you excuse us we are going for a walk” I said with a goofy smile on my face.

Simon nodded and walked away.

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