Chapter 11

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Clary’s POV

It was several hours later and Isabelle had finally settled in. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I opened the door to find an excited looking Jace, smiling broadly at me. I kissed his cheek in way of greeting. “Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked. Jace shrugged. “I came to ask if you and Izzy wanted to come and play truth or dare with the rest of us.” He replied. I hesitated a second before I answered, “Sure... Let me just go get Izzy.” I left him at the door and darted back inside to hunt down Isabelle. I found her in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hands. “Hey, Izzy?” I said. Without even looking up, Isabelle answered, “Hmm?” I sat down next to her. “Jace invited us to play truth or dare, do you want to?” I asked. Isabelle put down her coffee, grabbed her jacket form the counter and answered. “Yeah, sounds like fun. Let’s go.” I quickly went to my room and grabbed a jacket for myself. We made our way to Jace and Sebastian’s apartment. Since Jace had moved in, only a few hours ago, the place looked much tidier. Jace must have cleaned like an absolute demon to achieve this level of cleanliness in a house where Sebastian lived... Jace welcomed us in and lead us through to the lounge area. The black couches had been pushed against the walls to clear a space for us to sit. So far, besides Sebastian and Jace, we were the only ones there. A couple of minutes later, Roxy and Kat walked in. Kat raised an eyebrow. “It’s great that you’ve moved in now, Jace.” She said contemptuously. “Or this place would be an absolute pigsty. Trust me! I’ve been there...” Everyone started laughing except for Sebastian, who simply raised an eyebrow. “Kat, this is my friend Isabelle. I believe you two have met before...” Isabelle eyed Kat warily and nodded. Soon enough, Magnus and Bellatrix arrived, fashionably late as always. “You guys are late,” said Sebastian irritably. “Again.” Magnus looked indignant. “Look, perfection,” he gestured at his face, “doesn’t just happen. It takes effort, and effort takes time.” Roxy smiled and embraced Bellatrix, “You look cool today,” she said to her. I had to disagree. She looked like a mixture of goth and neon and sparkles and skankiness and vomit... Bellatrix smirked. “Aw thanks! This took time and plenty of Magnus’ money!” she said cheerfully. “And check it out, I borrowed his sparkly mascara that I love so much! But don’t tell him... He doesn’t like it when I steal his makeup...” Isabelle simply gawked at Magnus. “MAGNUS! YOU’RE HERE!!!” she cried. Magnus rolled his eyes. “Ugh, not this speech again! Yes, I do have a life outside your little group of shadow hunters! As hard as it is to believe, I. Have. Moved. On!” He put his arm around Bellatrix while saying the last part. Bellatrix smiled almost sarcastically at the disbelief in Isabelle’s face. We all sat in a circle on the floor, with an empty vodka bottle in the middle. “I want to spin first!” announced Trix, spinning the bottle without even waiting for permission. The bottle stops at Roxy. “Truth or dare, Rox?” Trix asked. Roxy looked hesitantly over at Trix. “Dare?” she ventured. Trix smiled maniacally, her eyes glinting madly. “Okay... I dare you...” she began, surveying the room. “To kiss Jace.” Roxy smiled in a manner almost scheming. “WHAT?!” Jace and I demanded simultaneously. Roxy stood and walked over to Jace, who sat across from her. Roxy kneeled in front of him and said almost mockingly, “I never back down for a dare, so pucker up, Buttercup.” Before Jace even had a second to react, Roxy had grabbed his shirt and her lips crashed onto his. I expected Jace to pull back immediately. But he didn’t. He kissed her back. After what felt like forever, they pulled apart. Roxy, smirking slightly, went back to her seat. Then, Roxy spun the bottle. It landed on Sebastian. “Truth or dare bro?” she queried. Sebastian sneered. “Dare.” Roxy thought for a second before saying, “I dare you to play 7 Minutes In Heaven with Kat.” Kat immediately got up. “No! No way! Been there, seen that!” she began ranting. “Not going back down that road! Not reliving those memories-” Sebastian cut her off. “Are you done?” he asked, smirking. “Let’s just get this over with.” Sebastian got up, pulling a grimacing Kat with him, and left the room. Magnus, who was busy filing his nails rather than paying attention, stated, “And then there were six. Since Sebastian is no longer with us, why don’t you take a spin, Clary?” I nodded and gave the bottle a spin. It landed on Bellatrix. I grimaced. Before I could even ask if she wanted a truth or dare, Bellatrix said, “Enough dares, hit me with a truth, Red.” I nodded again, thinking up a question.


A/N: please comment

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