Chapter 14

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Roxy’s POV

“How did you become friends with Kat?” asked Isabelle. I smiled, lost in fond memories. “I remember it clear as crystal,” I began, “It all started like this-”

My twin brother Jonathon and I were playing on our swing set in the yard of our little home in Paris, after a couple of minutes the back door opened and our father walked out. We both ran up to him and hugged each of his legs, because you see we hadn’t seen him in a week since he said he had ‘business to attend to’ and would be back in a week. This happened quite often so Jonathon and I were used to being by ourselves. “Jonathon, Roxanne, I have something to tell you,” Father said flatly. Jonathon and I looked up to him “Let us go inside and talk.” We nodded, walked inside and sat down on our suede couch. “Yes father?” I asked looking down at my hands that were folded up in my lap. “Two weeks from now I have another business trip to go on but I’m afraid this one wont only be for a week,” Father said and Jonathon and I both looked up at him “How long will you be gone Father?” Jonathon asked, unlike myself, without tears in his eyes “A couple of years.” I could not help myself anymore, I burst into tears. Jonathon immediately hugged me and rubbed my back, you could say we were close. I will never forget his facial expression, his blonde eyebrow were hunched up and he had a frown on his face but when he saw me looking at him he sent me a sweet reassuring smile ‘We will get through this together, Don’t worry!’ he mouthed to me “While I’m gone you will be staying with a friend of mine who runs an institute downtown.” Our father spoke flatly not showing a single emotion, we both nodded. “Okay so I’m only here for one more week and we are going to be training hard do you hear me?’’ Father asked sternly. “Yes Father.” Jonathon and I answered simultaneously. The week flew bye and before I knew it Jonathon and I were in our rooms packing our stuff. “Hey JC?” I asked looking over at my twin, JC was my nickname for him and stood for his full name Jonathon Christopher “Yea Rox?” He replied looking at me with a sweet smile. “I’m scared, what if they don’t like us? What if they hurt us?” I asked, Jonathon came up to me smiled weakly and hugged me “I’m sure they will love us and don’t worry I wont let them lay a hand on you!” He replied and kissed my cheek. I love my brother so much! Just then, our father walked in smiling when he saw Jonathon kiss my cheek. “We have to get going now.” We nodded, grabbed our bags and walked to the car. We climbed in and drove off. After about half an hour we arrived at an old looking house. “This is it. I cant walk you guys in, my flight leaves in an hour okay?” Father said and bit his lip. We nodded and got out of the car grabbing our bags “Goodbye Father’’ we said simultaneously something we did often. “Bye Roxanne,” father said kissing my head “Stay strong and beautiful!” I nodded and backed away so father could say goodbye to Jonathon. “Goodbye Jonathon, always remember what I taught you and always protect your sister!” Jonathon nodded and our father drove away. Once he was gone, Jonathon held my hand and we walked up to the door. I trembled at the sight of the old house. Jonathon gave me a reassuring smile before knocking on the door. We heard footsteps and soon enough the door was flung open to reveal an elderly looking women. “Hi! You must be Jonathon and Roxanne. I’m Dorothy, Please do come in.” We nodded and walking in, I gasped. The house was huge. Dorothy showed us our room and then took us back to a room, which I assumed is the library. “KATHARINA!” Dorothy yelled, soon enough a girl with short black hair and blue eyes was standing in front of us. “Yes, Dorothy?” Katharina said with a smile “Katharina this is Jonathon and his twin sister Roxanne they will be staying with us for a while.” Dorothy explains while Katharina nodded. She stepped towards us and held out her hand “Welcome, I’m Katharina but please call me Kat” I stepped forward “I’m Roxanne but please call me Roxy and this is my brother Jonathon.” She shook both our hands and then screamed “LUKAS!” While running behind us and jumping onto a young looking guy. “KAT!” he put her down and turned to us, he looked and us with a confused expression. “Lukas this is Roxanne and her brother Jonathon, they are living with us for a while.” He stepped towards us, I could see him clearly now! He looked the same as Kat except his eyes were grey. “Hi I’m Lukas, Kat’s older brother.”

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