Chapter 4

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A/N: hey guys please comment on the story so i can see what you think about it!

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Clary’s POV

 When I came back into the room, Isabelle was dressed in a beautiful pearl white dress which clung to her curves. “Wow, Izzy!” I gasped. “You look beautiful!” Isabelle blushed. As I said that, there was a knock on the door and Jace and Alec walked in. “Wow,” said Jace. “You two look incredible.” Alec nodded in agreement. “Ready to go?” he asked, running a hand through his black hair. I smiled. “You two look quite dashing yourself.” I said, sliding my hand into Jace’s. “And yes, we are ready to go.” Jace smiled at me and squeezed my hand lovingly. “Are mom and dad, driving us?” Asked Isabelle, looking to her older brother. He nodded. Together, we walked down the stairs and climbed into the car waiting in the driveway.


When we arrived, everything was set up and the door to Jocelyn’s house was open. We walked in and my mother and Luke greeting us warmly. “Hello everyone,” said Jocelyn, “Come in and find somewhere to sit. The drinks are on the table.” A couple of minutes later, Simon and Jordan arrived and soon after them, so did Maia.

Just as Maia and I started chatting, the doors burst open. The chatter in the room ceased. The icy wind from outside filled the room, but that wasn’t what sent a shiver up my spine. It was the two figures that walked in. I recognised one. It was my brother, Sebastian. The other figure appeared to be an older version of myself. “SEBASTIAN!” The name ran through the room as seemingly everybody screamed it out in surprise. “Well, hello to you all.” He said, smirking. The girl next to him, the one who looked like me, stepped forward. She was wearing denim shorts and a loose white top with white sandals. “Oh, and by the way,” said the girl coldly, “thanks for inviting us.” Everybody had confused looks on their faces. “Us?” said Alec in confusion. “I beg your pardon, but who the hell are you?” The girl laughed. “I, of course, am Roxanne Skylar Morgenstern, but you can call me Roxanne.” She said. Sebastian smirked. There was an awkward silence. A strange tension filled the air, until Jace said, “Morgenstern? So you are...” Jace didn’t get to finish his sentence before she said, “Yes, I am a Morgenstern.” Roxanne answered. “Valentine’s daughter and Sebastian here’s twin.” Everybody gasped. “So that makes you my sister?” I murmured in disbelief. Roxanne and Sebastian nodded. I looked over to Jocelyn. “Another long lost sibling you never told me about!” I shouted at my mother, “Well, so much for being an only child!” Another collective gasp ran through the room as the door swung open once again and another two people entered. “Sorry, Rox,” one figure, a girl with long platinum hair streaked red and black, said, “It was getting a little chilly out there, and you l know I like my things hot!” I gaped at her. She was absolutely beautiful, but in the most morbid of ways. The girl’s long hair sparkled with glitter and she had these big pitch black eyes that I’m sure held a lot of anger. “Oh, no problem,” said Roxy, “How rude of me not to introduce you. This one of my best friends Bellatrix. She’s half demon and half Faye.” Once again, predictably, everyone gasped. Roxy continued speaking. “This is Katharina. She’s a shadowhunter with part demon blood like Sebastian and I.” Roxy gestured to the other girl, the one next to Bellatrix. This girl was also stunning, with dark blue black hair and light blue eyes that I swear, if I looked closely, seemed to have a silver outline. I looked around, stunned, and saw that everybody was staring at the group. Suddenly, I felt the icy wind blow against my skin. When I turned back, the girl Roxanne had introduced as Bellatrix, stood directly in front of me. I had to look up to her, I could see her eyes clearly now. They had turned bright maroon red. My heart sank. “Wow, Roxy,” said Bellatrix. “She looks very similar to you.” Roxanne laughed, and Katharina stepped towards me. “Not as pretty though.” She said. I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could get anything out, Jace snapped, “That’s close enough!” to the two girls who studying me. The three girls burst out laughing. Bellatrix strutted right up to Jace and ran a finger over his cheek. “Do you honestly think we’re scared of you?” she demanded. “You’re nothing but a golden boy trying to be a hero!” When she removed her hand from his cheek, it was red. As if she had burned him. All of a sudden, in a cloud of blue sparkles, Jocelyn’s house disappeared. Suddenly, we were in a foreign apartment. I quickly scanned the room. The only people there were Jace, Sebastian, Roxanne, Bellatrix, Katharina and... MAGNUS?! “Hello, Clary.” Said Magnus uninterested. “Jace.” He walked over to Bellatrix. Magnus grabbed her around the waist and kissed her roughly. Jace and I gasped in union, looking at each other in shock. “Magnus?” stammered Jace, “What are you doing with them?” Bellatrix rolled her eyes, still draped sensually over Magnus. “Oh, I’m sorry,” said Bellatrix sarcastically. “I didn’t realize you were his mother!” Magnus disentangled himself from Bellatrix and walked over to where Jace was standing. “Are you seriously asking me that?” demanded Magnus, his green eyes spitting fire angrily. “You Nephilim are all the same, you use and abuse me and then you don’t even invite me to your lame Christmas party! Oh, and you had better tell your backstabbing friend to stop phoning me! I am not interested in his damn stories. I’ve moved on!” Bellatrix walked up to him and furled her arm possessively around his. Roxanne, Katharina and Sebastian walk up to us. “I don’t understand.” I said, my voice shaking. “Where have you been all this time, Roxanne?” Up close, I could see my sister clearly and there were actually several major differences between us. I also noticed that she had a belly ring and that the tip of it had the Morgenstern symbol. “I was there, you just didn’t see me. But you know what surprised me? That you never saw me Jace. I thought you were smarter than that.” I looked at Jace, then back to Roxanne. “The... the red door. The one that was always locked in Valentine’s moving house, that was your door!” I said with a smile, rather chuffed with myself for figuring it all out. Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “Well done Clary, I guess you’re smarter than I gave you credit for.” He said, putting a hand on Roxanne’s shoulder. Roxanne shrugged him off. “Well,” said Roxanne boredly. “Enough chitchat. We have a proposition for you two. We would like you to ‘join our gang.’” I suddenly noticed that while they were talking, Bellatrix and Magnus had left the room. I didn’t want to think about the reason why... Katharina was sitting on the couch. “What do you mean ‘join your gang’?” asked Jace, letting go of my hand. I had forgotten he had been holding it. “Well,” said Roxanne, “it means that you’ll be living with us and that if ever there was a war, you would fight on our side... Oh, and don’t worry, Clary. We won’t be following Sebastian’s plan anymore. We’ll be following mine...” How did she know what I was thinking? I wondered to myself. “I can read minds sometimes by the way, sister.” Roxanne said, answering my unvoiced question yet again. “So this is how it works, if you join us you’ll get your own floor of this apartment building which, by the way, we own. You’ll also get unlimited access to weapons and training. This building had twenty floors. You’re currently on floor seventeen. This will be your floor. Sebastian is on the floor above you and Bellatrix and Magnus are on the floor beneath you. Katharina and I are on floor nineteen and the training floor is floor twenty. The rest of the building is hired out. The elevator is right outside your door.” Roxanne snapped her fingers at us. “Are you even listening?” she demanded. We nodded. “Okay then,” she continued. “You can call me Roxy, Katharina, Kat and Bellatrix, Trix.” Jace held up his hands in a hang-on-a-second kind of gesture. “Who said we were joining?” he said. “And can you get into our apartment.” Sebastian laughed and sat down next to Kat. “Well, looking at your second question, I guess you’re staying.” He said. Roxanne cut him off and replied, “And no, we can’t get into your apartment unless you let us in.” Roxanne shot Sebastian a dirty look. “Well, bye. We’ll be in our room.” Sebastian said boredly. “We’ll be in our rooms if anybody needs us.” Sebastian took Kat’s wrist and tried to lead her out. Kat shook him off in annoyance but followed. “Sorry about him,” said Roxy earnestly, “he’s just been in a really bad mood lately. Well, good night you two, you should probably get some rest. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” Roxanne started to walk away but Jace asked something and she stopped. “Where are we, by the way.” Roxanne smiled and leaned over to him. “Paris.” She whispered. “We’ll show you around tomorrow.” Roxanne turned gracefully around and left. Jace’s eyes met mine. What had we gotten ourselves into...?

Immortal InstrumentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora