Chapter 9

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Roxanne's POV

After Sebastian and I got iratses I turned to the boys with a grin on my face. “Since you guys lost you each have to buy us drinks at Le’ Eltrica’s and maybe I will invite Stefan, Kat and Trix to come with!” Sebastian gasped “No Roxy please not at Le’ Eltrica’s anywhere else I’m begging you!” I let out an evil laugh. “Le’ Eltrica’s is an expensive bar down the road that is $50 for a single beer and every time when I win I make Sebastian take me there” I heard Jace and Clary gasp when I told them the price of a single beer. I took out my phone and dialled Kat’s number “Hey girlfriend, guess what?”I said when she answered the phone “Sebastian and Jace are taking us to Le’ Eltrica’s for drinks! Oh and call Trix and tell her that she and Mag can come too! Love ya doll see you there at 8” I ended the call and Sebastian was sitting against the wall with his head in his hands. I dialled Stefan’s number next “Hey babe, Sebastian is taking us to Le’ Eltrica’s wanna come?” while listening to Stefan’s answer I glanced at Jace he looked very worried. “Of course Damon and Elena can come too! See you there at 8.’’ Sebastian got up and looked very angry before I could move he pushed me onto the floor and was on top of me. “ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE? 10 FUCKING PEOPLE!” He screamed grabbing my throat. I kicked him where it hurts and he moved away and fell on the floor, my hand was on my throat it felt like I got strangled with a cactus. “Chill dude you nearly freaking killed me. I would’ve given you the money back!”

Sebastian leaped at me again but this time Jace held him back.

“DUDE CHILL ALREADY! Roxanne said she would pay you back.”

The door slammed open and a tall figure with dirty brown hair and brown eyes walked in “What’s going on here?” Stefan asked

“Sebastian tried to kill Roxanne all because she invited like ten people to Le’ Eltrica’s” Clary explained

Stefan used his vampire speed and ran over to me “Are you okay? Your neck is blue!” he said wrapping me in his arms.

“Yeah I’m fine. Where are Damon and Elena?”

Stefan let go as Damon and Elena walked in the room.

“What happened? Why is everyone so quiet?”

Elena vampire sped over to where I was standing “What happened to your neck Roxy?”

“Sebastian and I had a little disagreement and he got carried away. Nothing to worry about”

“Well I am leaving so you all have fun at Le’ Eltrica’s!” Sebastian said and slammed the door behind him.

Stefan’s POV

I ran after Sebastian and caught up quickly with the help of my vampire speed; I grabbed his arm and turned him around pushing him into the wall in the hall.


“Mind your own business Salvatore this doesn’t concern you!”

“Actually it kind of does I love her Sebastian!”

Sebastian burst out laughing. “If you think she loves you, you are mistaken. She’s just using you!” after he said that I lost it and punched him in the jaw.

“I’ve had enough of you I want you out of this apartment building! NOW!”

Clary’s POV

After Stefan ran out the door Roxanne fell to her knees and tears burst out her green I had never seen her cry before and I had known her for a couple of months now, she was always a strong person so when I saw her start to cry I ran over to her immediately “Roxanne please don’t cry” I said engulfing her in a hug. “He has never tried to kill me before, we have fought but he never tried to kill me. I think I finally pushed him too far,” she said in between sobs. I looked at Jace and he looked worried, I’m going to look for Stefan he mouthed to me and I nodded. “It’s gonna be okay Rox don’t worry” I said pulling her up off the floor just as Stefan walked in. He ran up to her and she hugged him.

Jace walked in and hugged me from behind.

“Stefan where is Sebastian?”Roxanne asked “Busy packing his stuff, I told him to leave this apartment building.”

Jace and I gasped. “YOU WHAT?” Roxy screamed and shoved Stefan.

The door burst open and Bellatrix and Katharina strolled in.

“HEY!!!” they screamed in unison “what’s going on?”They asked picking up on the tension in the room.

“Stefan chased Sebastian out of the building. I will give you the deets later.”Roxanne replied.

“NO WAYS! I can’t believe you chased the only eye candy out of the building... No offence Jace.” Bellatrix screamed

“Ah I see the rest of the gang is here what happened to Jonathon?” Damon asked.

“Can everyone please just leave; I don’t feel like being around people right now.” Roxy said wiping away her tears. Everyone except Kat; Bellatrix; Jace and I left.

“I think I’m going to leave so you girls can chat” Jace said and walked out the room closing the door behind him.

Roxanne’s POV

“Don’t worry Sebastian used to have these hissy fits all the time when we were dating, its okay he will get over it! You know what I used to do to cheer myself up?”Bellatrix said with a laugh trying to cheer me up.

“What?” I said with a smile that was clearly forced.

“I used to spend all his money on everything I saw!” she said with an evil smirk. I burst out laughing and so did Kat and Bellatrix. Once they stopped laughing there was a knock on the door, “Now who could that be?” Clary asked. Just then Jace walked in with 4 tubs of Cookies and Cream ice cream. “OMG Clary I am now officially in love with your boyfriend” Kat said grabbing a tub of ice cream and a spoon and sat on the couch to start eating.

“Well I just came to give you guys the ice cream because I thought it would cheer you up” Jace said and handed the rest of them their ice creams and a spoon. There was an awkward silence. “Jace?” Said Bellatrix sweetly “Yes...”Jace replied cautiously “You are causing an awkward silence, leave!” I could see Clary was shocked at Bellatrix’s words but I let it slide because I just was not in the mood. I could tell Jace was pissed off, he looked to me and then to Clary as if looking for back up. He found none. So turned on his heel and stormed out. “Thanks, Trix,” I said. “You didn’t have to be so harsh but it’s the thought that counts.”

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