Chapter 7

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at this sort of thing.

Unknown POV- a couple weeks later

“I’m bored.” Announced Roxanne Morgenstern, lazily wrapping one of her cherry red curls around her long elegant fingers. It was already a month after her conversation with Kat and Trix about Jace and still nothing had happened. The silence was broken and the other three looked towards her. Clary, Sebastian, Jace and Roxy lounged in the living-room of Clary and Jace’s floor in the huge apartment building they owned. Bellatrix and Magnus went away on some or other holiday two weeks ago and weren’t due back for a couple of hours, while Kat was out shopping. “Okay, then,” said Clary. “What do you want to do?” Jace smirked, raking his fingers through his golden blonde hair. “We can watch T.V.” He said waving the remote in the air, before sarcastically adding, “Maybe ‘Bold and The Beautiful’ will even be on for you watch.” Roxanne scrunched her nose. “Ew. No.” She said. Sebastian sighed as if the whole world had suddenly landed on his shoulders. “Well,” he said boredly. “If I have to come up with everything  do... We can always practice battle.” At this Clary looked a bit wary. “What do you mean?” She asked cautiously. Roxy grinned. “Ah, yes. I like that.” She said thoughtfully. At Clary’s bemused face she sighed and explained. “When Sebastian and I were younger we would always practice fighting each other with Seraph blades. Just for fun of course. We could do that. Move the furniture around a bit and battle each other. Boys against girls.” Clary looked hesitant but Jace smiled. “Sounds good. I like it.” Clary looked up at Jace with an almost slavish admiration. “I agree.” She said meekly. Roxy rolled her eyes. “Alright then. I’ll battle Jace, Clary will fight Sebastian. If a boy and a girl win they’ll go against each other to decide the winning team.” She said briskly. “Sound good?” Sebastian’s black eyes glinted eerily. A sliver of his demonic origin shone through his lust for battle. “Fantastic.” He said darkly.

Roxanne’s POV

The furniture had been stacked against the wall to allow sufficient moving space. I held my Seraph blade loosely in my hand. I was ready. I’d fought plenty of fights before. I knew what I was doing. “Are you ready, Roxy?” Sebastian asked from the corner, Clary nervously biting her nails beside him. I nodded once. “Are you, Jace?” He said. Jace nodded, smirking confidently. “Alright,” Sebastian said calmly. The rules are: do as much damage to your opponent as you can, we’ll heal you with iratzes afterwards. When you feel like you can’t go on; say: ‘I surrender.’ If your opponent deems you defeated, the fight is over. Ready? Three.... Two... One... Begin.” Jace came out swinging. He pounced towards me with awesome agility but I easily dodged. I’m faster. His Seraph Blade sliced through the air where I had been standing a second before. I heard Clary’s sharp intake of breath. I swiftly swiped at Jace’s exposed side with my blade but he swirled around just in time and blocked. Our blades met with a mighty clash. We both pushed out with our blades in a battle of strength to see who would break first. Jace’s blade pressed down on my own with crushing force. I breathed slowly through my teeth and try to keep him at bay. I was strong, but he was a guy. My arms began trembling under the strain. I can do this, I told myself firmly. Jace was so close that I could smell the sweat on skin and feel his breath on my face. I could even see the darker ring around his golden irises. My shoulders burned. Jace’s blade edged closer and closer. I made a split second decision and tore my blade from his and swiftly slashed downwards before hastily backing away. Jace yelled out in pain as blood oozed from the new cut on his thigh. He lashed out wildly with blade and caught me on my upper arm. I gasped as pain shot down my arm. Jace, recovered from his shock, lunged at me again. He took a swipe at my legs but I instinctively jumped, his Seraph blade whizzing under my feet. While in the air I kicked out and caught him in the chest, sending him stumbling backwards. I stole a glance at Clary and Sebastian. Clary’s green eyes were wide and her hands were covering her mouth. Sebastian was leaned against the wall, his eyebrow was raised in apparent amusement. When I looked back at Jace he was running towards me again, breathing hard. He was relentless. I ran in the opposite direction, towards the wall. I could hear his heavy footsteps and ragged breath and my own blood pumping in my ears. My legs tensed, my knees bended, and I jumped. My feet met the wall and I propelled myself backwards, flipping over in the air. I landed gracefully behind Jace, getting a perfect shot of his unprotected back. Instead, I took a shot at his hand, tightly gripping his Seraph blade so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. He cried out as the sharp blade cut deeply in between his thumb and forefinger. He dropped his blade and I kick it away. Jace whirled around and, his eyes desperate, threw a punch. I flew backwards into the wall on the side of the room. My head hitting the plaster with a sickening crack before I slid down to the floor, my free hand flying to my nose. It came away red. My nose was broken. I couldn’t believe it. “Jace?!” I cried surprise. He smiled grimly. “We’re supposed to do as much damage to our opponents as we can, remember?” My eyes narrowed. “Game on.” I murmured, stumbling to my feet. Blood from my nose dripped into my mouth. I could taste its sharp, metallic tint. I flew at Jace, swiping my blade. A cut appeared in his chest. Then his cheek. My vision tinted red with bloodlust as I brought down the blade in a final strike. Jace kicked out at my hand and my blade flew from my hand into his. I tried to move my fingers and nearly cried out. At least two felt as if they had been pulled from their sockets and at least one like it had been fractured. I was bladeless. Jace swiped at me but I managed to dodge. My eyes moved from Jace to the floor, about two metres away. There lay Jace’s Seraph blade. If I could reach it... I dived for it. The dive almost cost me the fight. As I snatched it up from the floor Jace tackled me. He straddled me to the ground, his knees pinning down my arms. He raised his Seraph blade, his eyes glinting with the adrenaline from the fight. I thought fast and thrust up my knee into his stomach. He yelled and dropped his blade as his hands instinctively flew to his stomach. With my hands free I threw a punch at his jaw and he fell back. I grabbed up both my Seraph blade and his and threw myself on top of him before he could recover. His blonde hair was darkened with sweat and his blood had spread over the majority of his clothes. Once again, the red mist descended. I lashed out with both blades. Once, twice, three times, before raising the blades and ramming them downwards. One sunk deep into his stomach and the other crushed into his ribs. He cried out. “I surrender!” He yelled. With great difficultly, I swallowed my bloodlust and shakily climbed off of him. Sebastian cocked his head and smirked. “And we have our winner.” He said calmly. Clary, on the other hand, was anything but calm. She raced towards Jace, Stele gripped tightly within her trembling white fingers. There were tears in her eyes. I smiled. It was obvious that she was a novice.


A/N: Hope you liked it!

OMW! i nearly got scared to death! This afternoon I went into my laptop and couldnt find my book anywhere!!! Luckily i saved it on my hard drive!!

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