Chapter 5

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Clary’s POV

“What’s the plan?” I ask, as I hear the elevator door close. Jace ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know yet,” he said, “I’ll tell you when I figure one out.” He began walking to a room. A few seconds later, Jace screamed, “Oh my God!” I frowned and followed him into the room. It was full of an awe inspiring variety weapons and training stations. Jace came over to me, eyes shining with excitement. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. “This ‘gang’ is pretty well equipped.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I wound my hands around his neck and kissed him back passionately. After what feels like forever, he pulls back to catch his breath. He smirked. “Let’s go check out the bedroom.” Then he blushed. “That wasn’t what I meant.” I giggled, blushed as well and said, “Okay.” We walked hand in hand in search of a bedroom. The first door we opened was a bathroom. The second was the kitchen. The third one was a closet. Finally, the fourth door was a bedroom. Together, we gasped at the sight of it. The room was huge, and in the middle was an enormous bed. I yawned. I was tired. Jace smiled. “Are you tired?” he asked, taking off his jacket and shoes. I nodded. Jace stood up and went up to a door in the bedroom. He opened it and it lead to another closet, full of clothes that looked about our size. “Oh my... they really are spoiling us!” I cried. I took something to wear off the shelf. “I suppose we’d better change and get ready for bed.” Said Jace, grabbing a pair of pants from the shelf. “You can go change in the bathroom in you’d like.” With the clothing in my arms, I walked from the room and shut the door. In the bathroom I changed, brushed my hair and teeth and washed my face. When I got back to the bedroom, Jace was asleep on the right side of the bed. I crawled in next to him and he unconsciously put his arm around me. Soon after that, my eyes closed and I fell asleep.


When I awoke the next morning, Jace was no longer in the bed. I decided to go look for him. Eventually, I found him in the kitchen, sitting with Roxy. “Morning.” I said tiredly. Jace came up to me and hugged me. “Hey,” he said in my ear. Roxy smirked. “Hey,” she said. “We have big plans for today. Sebastian and I are taking you out to breakfast and after that, Sebastian has something to show you Jace.” I left the room to go get ready.

Jace’s POV

“Do you have any idea what Sebastian wants to show me?” I asked because I was a bit weary I mean the last time Sebastian and I saw each other things did not end too well. Roxanne giggled; I could not help but notice how cute her laugh was. What am I talking I have a girlfriend! “No I don’t have a clue. Oh and by the way thanks for thinking I have a cute laugh’’ She replied with a smirk and tapped the side of her head to remind me that she can read minds. Just then Clary walked out and came and stood next to me “Are you two ready to go?” Roxanne and I both nodded. There was a sharp ringing noise “That must be Sebastian” Roxanne said. We all got up and walked to the door, I opened the door and we all walked out. We greeted each other and then we got into Sebastian’s car and drove off. We arrived at a little cafe about 10 minutes later. We all got out of the car and Clary’s phone began to ring she showed it to me and I saw it was Simon calling her; I took the phone from her and answered it “Hello Simon, How are you doing?”

“Oh you know same old same old just wondering where the hell you and Clary are?!” We all stopped walking and Roxanne and Sebastian turned around to face me, they did not look to happy. “Don’t worry about us Simon, we are perfectly fine. Please stop looking for us and don’t call again.” I said hastily and hung up before he could reply. “oh by the way I invited my boyfriend along I hope you guys don’t mind.’’ Roxanne said as a tall guy walked up to us.

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