Chapter 16

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Kat’s POV

 They looked so ridiculous that I burst out laughing. Jace’s dark jeans were ridiculously short on Magnus and way too big. He had to hold the waist up so they didn’t fall down. The plain white T-shirt hung off his shoulders like a tent but it was way to short as well, baring his stomach. Jace looked even worse! The sparkly leather pants which, luckily, had been quite loose on Magnus, were so tight on Jace he was walking like a spaz and tripping all over because of how long they were. He couldn’t even manage to fit into Magnus’ button up neon shirt and had simply tied the arms around his neck so it hung down his back like a superman cape. The only thing covering his upper body was a sequined jacket that had fitted Magnus loosely but almost seemed to be suffocating him. “I hope you’re happy!” he grumbled to Roxy. Bellatrix smiled. “I don’t know why you’re all laughing, I think it’s a good look on Jace!” Jace grimaced. “Well, if Bellatrix likes it I must look like an even bigger idiot than I originally thought...” he muttered. Magnus, looking annoyed, gave the bottle a spin. It landed on Sebastian. “Truth or Dare?” Magnus snapped. Sebastian raised his eyebrow. “Well, taking into consideration your mood, I think the safest option would be truth.” Magnus shrugged. “Well, going back to what Kat said about you quoting the bible-” Jace, also royally ticked off, cut him off. “Oh congrats, you’ve actually been paying attention!” he said irritably. Magnus’ cat eyes spat angry fire. With an irritable click of his fingers and a flash of light, Jace turned neon green and Magnus continued talking as nothing had happened. Jace yelled but Magnus just raised his voice to block him out. “Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, seeing as you seemingly have a habit of quoting the bible at inappropriate times, do you quote it while going to the bathroom?” Throughout this, Jace had been jumping around like a maniac shouting, “I’m green! I’M GREEN!!!” Bellatrix rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Good skills of observation!” she snapped sarcastically. “Now keep it down, we’re trying to have a conversation! Shadowhunters now days are so damn rude...” Sebastian gave Magnus a filthy look. “No!” he said indignantly. Bellatrix raised her eyebrows. “He’s lying. He totally does. Trust me.” She said. “I’d know.” I snorted in amusement. “Yeah, I can second that actually,” I added. “I remember thinking what weirdoes these Shadow Hunters were... I mean, who on earth hunts through the bible for verses about going to the toilet?” Roxy smiled. “I can third that.” Sebastian made a loud sound of indignance. “I do not hunt through the bible for verses relating to the toilet!” he snapped. Roxy, Bellatrix and I shared a communicative look. He totally did. “Whatever you say,” I told him, smirking. Roxy laughed. “If it helps you save your dignity then fine, lie about it then if you must...” Jace had finally turned back to his regular colour and flopped back down into his spot. “Thank God,” he panted. “Green is not my colour!” Clary, who along with Isabelle had been completely cut out from the conversation, faked a yawn. “Wow, I’m really tired. Maybe we should head to bed...” There were a few mutters of agreement and everybody went their separate ways.   

Roxanne POV  

The next couple of weeks flew by and today everyone was coming over to Kat and I’s apartment for breakfast. I got out of bed, showered and put on a white flowing sundress that ended at my knees along with red sandals. I walked out into the kitchen to see everyone except Clary already there. “Hey guys, where’s Clary?” I asked while pouring my self a glass of sweet white wine. Isabelle came up to me and poured her self some as well “She forgot her phone downstairs and quickly went to get it.” Isabelle replied and gingerly took a sip out of her wine. Just as I sat down the door bell rang and I got up to go and get it.

Clary POV

As I walked up the stairs, I could hear music and laughter emanating from Roxy and Kat’s shared apartment. I pursed my lips. I don’t even know why I agreed to come. I wasn’t a fan of Roxy’s friends, Katharina and Bellatrix. They were always mean to me. They teased me. They were part demon, like Sebastian and Roxanne. Kat was the direct offspring of an angel and a demon, resulting in her being exactly half demon and half angel. Trix was the offspring of a demon and a Faye, resulting in her being immortal since the medieval times. I could pick out her high pitched laugh from amongst the rest. I gritted my teeth. Out of all of Roxy’s bizarre friends, Trix had to be my least favourite. She was slutty, arrogant, obnoxious and bipolar. Not to mention the way she dressed... But Jace was going to be there and I didn’t want to leave him there with Bellatrix around... Magnus would be there too, him and Trix were an item. It was only the five of them that would be there. Hopefully. I sighed huffily and pulled my cardigan tighter around myself. I arrived at the door to Roxy’s apartment and rang the doorbell. The music was too loud for them to hear. Already irritated, I rang the doorbell several more times immediately after each other. Eventually, the door was swung open. Behind it stood Roxanne. She had red hair, like me but hers was more of a cherry red, rather than carrot red like me. Her eyes were green like mine too, but hers were darker. I was always a little jealous of her. She was much prettier than me. And much taller. “Oh, hi Clary!” She said smiling. “For a minute, I thought you weren’t coming. You’re late. Jace is already here! Come in.” I had to force my legs forward into the house. Roxy led me through the brightly decorated house into the lounge. The black and cerise furniture hurt my eyes with their brightness. Even the walls were pink. Sprawled across the couches was the whole collection of Roxy’s guests. She loved having people over. Sebastian was sitting far away from both Bellatrix and Kat. Kat wouldn’t permit having him near her. They used to date, you see. But then Kat found out that he was cheating on her with Trix. Typically, Kat had a fit and hates his guts now. Also typically, Trix didn’t mind sharing men and laughed her ass off when Kat was giving Sebastian a piece of her mind. Sebastian broke up he with shortly afterwards for taking Kat’s side. She wasn’t right in the head, that girl. Even now, when everybody was either taking small measured shots of alcohol followed by water to avoid getting drunk (like Jace and Magnus) and others were gingerly sipping wine (like Roxy, Izzy and Kat) while Trix was downing alcohol one glass after the other. Like the trash that she was. I disdainfully sat down as far from her as possible. Roxy plopped down next to Kat. I’d always wondered how Roxy had handpicked two such beautiful girls to be her best friends. When they hung out together all eyes were always on them. Kat had big round eyes of the brightest and lightest blue with a silver tint in the centre.  Her hair was long, straight and black and, when let loose, brushed the hem of her bottoms. She usually wore it in a high ponytail though, like now. Trix was the strangest of all. Her hair was platinum blonde with two red streaks and one black and her eyes were so black that her slit pupils almost seemed lighter than the iris’. She wore even more makeup than Magnus, with lips tinted black and the tips of her fake eyelashes dyed red. She even wore a pair of handcuffs as a bracelet and 7 inch stripper boots which made her near to Magnus in height. She tried so hard to a freak. Just looking at her grated me. I really didn’t like her. I swallowed my temper. There was a murmur of greeting in my direction before conversation just continued as if I wasn’t even there. Keep calm, I told myself, you’re being ridiculous; she hasn’t even done anything to you yet. But even the way she draped herself sensually over Magnus annoyed the hell out of me. Why did my sister surround herself with such trash?! And yet, they were really close. “Wine or a shot, Clary?” Roxy asked. I flushed. Embarrassing as it was, I didn’t really didn’t drink. “Um...” I began hesitantly. “Could I get a diet coke instead?” Trix looked away from Magnus for a second to sneer at me. “Oh, come on Morgenstern.” She said in her low, husky voice that was so strangely at odds with her high pitched laugh. “Don’t be a buzz kill. Maybe a drink, or ten, will actually make you fun for once.” I narrowed my eyes at her; her feet were resting on the coffee table as if she owned the place. Magnus looked calmly from Trix to me and sighed lightly. Trix obviously did this a lot. I still couldn’t believe he dumped Alec for this jailbait... “I’d rather be a buzz kill than trash like you.” I snapped, instantly regretting it. I had to suppress the urge to clap a hand over my mouth. Trix was very in touch with her demonic side. From what I’ve heard; she gets pretty violent. Trix’s dark eyes sparkled with what could be anything. Her eyes seem to pierce through my soul. I quickly stood and announced loudly. “I’m going to use to use the bathroom.” Kat glared at me through her thick black lashes. “Let us know if somebody tries to stop you.” She said sarcastically. I ignored her and rushed for the door.


AN:  im so sorry for not updating in so long. its holidays now tho, so will update often:)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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