Chapter 12

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Bellatrix’s POV  

“Alright...” Clary said, not wanting too ask anything too informative, “How did you meet Magnus?” I smiled, my eyes glazed slightly in memory “Here we go....” I started to say.

It was dark in there. In the fashion show, I mean. Only V.I.Ps were allowed to watch. What made me a V.I.P, you ask? Well, I was dating a V.I.P. Sebastian Verlac, also known as Jonathon Christopher Morgenstern. You remember him, right? Blonde, sexy, twin brother of Roxanne Morgenstern. The chairs were made from the softest deep purple velvet which matched the stage curtains perfectly. The long runway was the centre of multiple spotlights and camera flashes. The models strutted their crazy outfits with confidence and grace down the runway. I was bored. After entertaining myself by scanning the crowd, reapplying my makeup and creeping out the guy sitting behind by making my eyes change from black to red for half an hour, I was finally bored to death. I sighed heavily to try to get Sebastian’s, who was sitting beside me, attention. The glasses - wearing guy behind me shushed me. I turned around and forced my eyes red again. Just for him. He almost fell off his chair. I grinned evilly and rested my head on Sebastian’s shoulder and, looking up at him, batting my eyelashes, stated loudly, “I’m bored.” Sebastian looked at me with uninterested eyes. I could see he wasn’t exactly captivated by this season’s new stylish jumpsuits either. “I’m not exactly having the time of my life either, Bellatrix, but it’s part of my job description.” He whispered. “I have to be here.” I roll my eyes. So boring. “Come on.” I said, still not bothering to whisper, despite the multiple dirty looks I was receiving. “Let’s sneak out of here. We could go some place fun...” Sebastian sighed in mild irritation. “Look, I thought I just explained that I have to be here.” He said with gritted teeth. I pouted my deep purple bedazzled lips, which matched my deep purple bedazzled eye shadow, purple bedazzled top and purple spiked bedazzled purse. “Please...” I whine, batting my eyelashes furiously. “We could only go out for a minute! We could sneak into the clothing cupboard outside the door and... spice this night up a bit.” I purred. I nipped his earlobe teasingly. Somebody behind me cleared their throats loudly at the P.D.A. I didn’t even care. I raised my middle finger and held it up over my chair briefly for them to see. Sebastian looked amused for a second. Then he smirked, leaned forward and kissed me roughly. It was after a good few minutes and multiple coughs, throats being cleared and sounds of disgust from the crowd later that Sebastian finally pulled back abruptly and looked down into my eyes. His eyes looked blacker than peat pools in the shadowy room. Just I was expecting him to grab me and drag me over to the storage cupboard outside, he said, “Maybe during the intermission.” Fantasy ruined, I glare at him for a second before crossing my arms and turning my back resolutely to him. He sighed in annoyance. “Why are you mad at me?” He demanded. “It isn’t my fault that you don’t understand what ‘I have to be here’ means!” I pulled a tongue at him and said sulkily, “I’m not talking to you.” Sebastian sighed as if I was the one being unreasonable and continued to watch the show without enjoyment. After a while of surveying the crowd, I spotted somebody interesting. He had spiked black hair full of glitter and almost as much makeup as me with a multicolour leather jacket, matching pants with a silver sequined shirt. He was almost on the opposite side of the room. The only reason I noticed him, even with my zoomed in demon vision, was because he was so sparkly. I forgot that I wasn’t talking to Sebastian anymore and poked him in the side. “What?” He said in irritation. I point over to the guy. “Sebastian, who’s that?” I demand loudly. He grabbed my wrist and lowered my arm. “Don’t point!” He hissed. “And why do you just assume that I know everybody?!” I shrugged and hoisted my legs onto my chair, crossing them. “Because you’re all V.I.Ps. Surely you all know each other” I noticed a guy in an Armani suit looking at me funny. I made a face at him. “Bellatrix.” Sebastian said sharply. I looked slowly back to him. “That’s Magnus Bane. High Warlock of Brooklyn.” That wasn’t exactly the information I wanted. I was hoping for more like, fun or not and rich or not and kinky or not... “Oh.” I said, unsatisfied. I feel my stomach grumble so I pull a bag of microwave popcorn from my bag. I allow a tiny spark of fire to ignite in my palm and hold it under the popcorn. All the kernels pop at once with a loud bang. Everybody looked at me, flabbergasted. Sebastian put his face in his hand and said slowly. “Bellatrix, there is no eating in fashion shows. And can’t just go around using magic in front of humans! One would think you’d figured that out after 2000 years but no...” He mumbled. “How did you even get that past the security?” I shrugged and pulled the packet open. “I flirted with the security guard until he let me through.” I explain calmly. “Popcorn?” I held out the bag for him. He sighed and, ignoring my popcorn, pulled out his wallet. “Look Bellatrix,” he said with forced calm, “how about you just go to the mall, or the club or whatever the hell you want for a few hours.” He pressed a hundred dollars into my hand. “Go. Have a good time. Leave me alone. Come back home at about 10 when the fashion show ends.” I raised an eyebrow. “What am I supposed to do with a hundred dollars?” I demand. “I’ll need at least five to keep myself occupied for two hours.” Sebastian makes a sound of annoyance and gives me another four hundred dollars. He gestures for me to go. I smiled flirtatiously and said, “Yay! Thank you.” Sebastian smirked deviously. “You can think of ways to thank me when I get home tonight.” He said, voice low and sexual. I shrugged. “K.” I said nonchalantly, leaning over and kissing him, running my tongue over his bottom lip. As I pulled back, nipping his lip sensually, the guy behind me cleared his throat ridiculously loudly. I sighed dramatically. “All right! I’m going!” I stalked between the rows, many disapproving gazes lingering on me, to the door. As I’m about to finally leave, to feel freedom once more, a thought occurs to me. Magnus Bane occurred to me, to be precise. Maybe I should go sit with him for the fashion show. He was bound to be much more fun than Sebastian... But, I was torn. Come on, not because I was worried about betraying Sebastian (you know me better than that, hopefully) I didn’t care about that. But Magnus was all the way on the other side of the room! Should I? Shouldn’t I? He was all the way over there... Was it worth it? I decided it might be, so I began the long, three minute journey, popcorn still clutched in my glittering black nails, to my destination. Magnus Bane. When I finally arrived, it was worth it. He had all my favourite characteristics in a guy. He was sparkly, hot, tall and, looking at his platinum jewellery, rich. There were no empty seats around him. I walk up to the petite blonde girl sitting next to him. “Hello there.” I said sweetly to her. She smiles back. My face changes instantaneously from a warm smile to a death glare, my eyes flashing momentarily red. “Move it or I’ll hurt you, blondie.” The girl’s eyes widen in surprise and fear as she jumps from her seat. I take her place. Magnus turns his head to give me an amused look. His sallow skin and the curve of his vividly green cat eyes hinted he was part Asian. Now that I was closer to him, I realised just how tall he was. Even sitting down, I could tell he was about 6.6. I smile at him. “Hey, you’re Magnus Bane, right?” I ask, batting my eyelashes. “Popcorn?” I held out my bag of popcorn to him. He smiled a bemused smile at me. “Do I know you?” He asked. I loved his voice. It was hot. I smirked flirtatiously. “Well, not yet.” I said softly. “But I saw you sparkling from across the room and decided that I wanted to introduce myself.” Magnus laughed a little. “Yeah. I must say, I love sparkles.” He replied. I grinned widely. “Me too.” I replied. “Obviously. And I love makeup and parties and I find this fashion show really boring. I’m Bellatrix, by the way.” Magnus took a look at my sparkly punk outfit and smiled. “I couldn’t agree more. With everything. I love makeup and parties too. And this fashion show is a snore fest. I can’t believe I have to be here. I love fashion... but who would ever wear this junk?” I bit my lip sensually. “Wow, we have so much in common.” I purr, leaning closer. “Do you want sneak out of here together?” His beautiful green eyes, which were slit pupil-ed like my own, met mine. An understanding passed in between us. He smirked, one corner of his mouth quirking up. He leaned towards me and whispered into my ear, his hot breathe fanning my cheek, “Let’s go, then.” A shiver ran up my spine. I smiled. He was much easier to persuade than Sebastian. I liked it. I liked him. I liked how he just did his own thing, he didn’t care what people thought of him. He wasn’t scared to leave. I intertwined my fingers into his and stood, leading him through the rows of chairs. Everybody gawked at us. Probably for two reasons. Firstly, because Magnus was not supposed to be leaving. And secondly, because I can only imagine what a strange sparkly couple we made. Magnus’ hand slipped from my hand and wound across my waist. I smirked ferally. Thank you, Sebastian...  

“And that, is how I met Mag over here” she said completing her story.


A/N: please comment

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