Chapter 15 - How did you meet that girl

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Roxy’s POV

“After that Sebastian, Kat and I spend every second together and were the best of friends.” I concluded. Everyone nodded and I spun the bottle. It landed on Magnus. Before I could even ask the question, he sighed in boredom and said, “Dare.” I smiled. Hmm... What to dare him? “Okay, I dare you to go without makeup or sparkles for a whole month!” Magnus looked at me as if I were some precocious two year old. “No, bitch,” he states calmly. “That isn’t possible.” I raised my eyebrow. “it’s a dare, you have to do it!” I said cheerfully. Magnus rolled his eyes. “try me,” he answered. I sighed. “Fine then, it’s either that or... you have to swap clothes with Jace for the entire day.” Jace looked horrified. “No way!” he said thunderously. Magnus considered it for a second. “Can I still wear makeup?” he asked. I shrugged. “Sure.” Magnus looked Jace up and down and then crinkled his nose as if he were looking at something disgusting. “Can I add sparkles?” I nodded. “No!” said Jace, “You are not adding sparkles to my clothes!” Magnus made a face but shrugged. “I’ll take it. Come on, Golden Boy. Let’s go change.” Jace gave me a scathing look. “Gee thanks!” he hissed on his way to changed. I laughed. “Okay, since Magnus isn’t here to spin, why don’t you spin, Clary?” The half naked girl spun the bottle. It landed on Kat. “Truth or Dare?” Clary asked. Kat shrugged. “Truth.” Clary thought about for a little while. “How did you meet Bellatrix?” Kat smirked, as if the memory amused her.

Kat’s POV

I remembered the day I met Trix clear as day. “Well,” I said, “it happened like this.”

“We walked down the quaint streets of Paris. Next to me, Roxanne raked a hand through her bright red hair. She wore a denim mini and a gold and black shirt with gold sandals. I wore hip hop pants, a tight tank top, a hoodie and a high tops. French boys’ eyes lingered on us as we went. I smirked. I mean, I know I’m hot but damn... Roxy and I went into our favourite coffee shop for a morning kick. “Hey Kat,” said Roxy, turning to me, "why don’t you go get us a seat while I order the coffee. I know what you always order.” I shrugged. “Whatever.” I sighed, strutting away as Roxy headed for the counter. Roxy was my best friend. We did everything together, really. She was the kindness in our friendship and I was, well, everything else. I sit down at a table, resting my feet on it. I surveyed the people at the other tables. I always did that for entertainment. Then I could criticise everyone I saw. Like, he’s so fat. She’s so thin. He’s too tall. Is she really wearing that top with those shoes? It was fun. But, as I was doing this, I felt somebody’s eyes on me. When I turned around, expecting to find just some other random boy eyeing me, I found somebody standing right behind me. I started, having gotten a fright, cussed softly and spun around in my chair to give him a piece of my mind. He had jet black hair, pitch black eyes, pale skin and a slender body. He was, admittedly, pretty damn hot. “Can I help you?” I snapped. “I mean, seriously, take a picture. It’ll last longer.” The boy smirked at me. “Well, haven’t you gotten rude, Katharina?” he murmured. I bristled. “How do you know my name?” I demanded. The boy made a sound of indignance. “Unbelievable! Are you saying you don’t recognise me?” he demanded. “Come on, Kat. It’s Sebastian!” I frowned. “Sebastian...?” I said slowly. “I’m sorry you’re going to have to elaborate. Are you sure you have the right Katharina?” The boy, Sebastian I guess, rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Fine then! It’s Jonathon to you, I suppose!” I raised my eyebrows. “Yeah... I still don’t know you.” Roxy suddenly arrived at the table with two coffees. “Okay Kat, here are the coffees...” She trailed off when she saw Sebastian. “Oh... Who is this?” Sebastian looked absolutely ticked off. “So now you don’t remember me either, Roxanne?” He said scathingly. Roxanne frowned. “Um... Do I know you?” He threw his hands up in exasperation. “Does nobody remember me?” He demanded. “Jonathon? Ring a bell?” My vividly light blue eyes, pupils ringed with silver and irises rimmed with dark blue, met Roxy’s own, emerald green, eyes. I could see she was just as clueless as I was. Sebastian’s eyes sparked angrily. “I thought that you of all people,” he said irritably, “would have remembered me. Sister.” For a second Roxy looked confused but then, a look of recognition crept onto her face. “Jonathon!?” She cried in surprise. She threw herself at the boy and tackled him into a hug. “Jonathon, I can’t believe it’s really you!” I stood up and gently pulled Roxy away. “No, girl.” I chide gently. “That’s inappropriate, you just met the guy and he’s a creep...” Roxanne smiled brightly at me and put her hands on my shoulders. “No, Kat, you don’t understand!” said Roxanne joyously. “This my brother, Jonathon! Remember him! He used to live at the institute with us.” I thought for a second, and I did remember something... During my childhood, with my best friend, Roxy, always came along her twin brother... Jonathon. “Oh...” I said in realization. “Wow. You’ve gotten hotter.” Jonathon smirked at me, glancing up at me through his lashes. “Right back at you.” Roxy pulled Jonathon into a chair and we all sat down. “SO,” said Roxy, eyes sparkling. “Tell us everything!” Jonathon smirked. I could tell he enjoyed the attention. “Well,” I said calmly. “How about explaining how all this ‘Sebastian’ shit came about? B.T.W, weren’t you a blonde?”Jonathon’s dark eyes glittered as he got comfortable in his chair, preparing to tell, what looked to be, a boring story. “Well, it all started with Valentine’s plan to intercept the Alicante boundaries and to get into Alicante’s boundaries I needed a disguise. So I… got rid of a boy called Sebastian Verlac and took his place. I had to die my hair black, because his hair was black.” Roxy and I shared a communicative glance. Got rid of? Sure, yeah right… More like killed… “Why do you want to get into Alicante?” Roxy inquired. Sebastian smiled at her, entwining his fingers together and putting them behind his head. “Ah, that, dear sister, will be revealed all in due time,” he said. “I’m assuming you’ll want to see Valentine again? I’m sure he’ll let you in on everything if you do.” Roxy’s eyes lit up. “Of course! Are you staying with him?” she said, smiling. I frowned, a little lost in the conversation. “Yes, when I left; I ended up living with Valentine-” Sebastian began. Running my finger over the top of my coffee, I interrupted boredly, “Valentine? Not to come off slow, but who the hell is this again?” Roxy looked over to me, her face still covered in euphoric disbelief. “Valentine was our father.” She murmured. I took a sip of my drink. “Oh, fantastic.” I said boredly. Sebastian cleared his throat and continued as if I hadn’t spoken, “I’ve been living with Valentine.” He said, lowering his voice secretively. “Training with him. Working with him on his plans...” Roxy looked a little jealous. “Why didn’t you take me with you?” she demanded. “Don’t you think that I would’ve liked to see him again too?” Sebastian smirked at Roxanne as if she amused him. “Oh, come on. A good little girl like you would never have run away from the Institute. This was a job for the big boys only, little sis…” Roxy, looking outraged, opened her mouth to reply but never did. Her eyes had wandered from Jonathon to something else. Something behind me. I turned in my chair to see what it was. My eyes barely had to wonder at all before I saw what she had been staring at. There was only one possibility that could’ve actually made Roxy speechless. I must admit, it made me pretty speechless too. It was a girl of about seventeen or eighteen. She was pretty, I guess, if you like that sort of thing, but that was not what made her so… I didn’t even know how to describe her! Weird? Horrifying? Obscene? Offending? She was dressed horrifying scantily, especially for me, in mid thigh anarchy stripper boots, tight leather shorts that were so damn short that I would hate for her to bend over, a white crop top decorated with a black pentagram and a leather jacket. Around her wrist was a pair of handcuffs, both ends snapped into place, and her makeup consisted of an elaborate black smoky eye with silver diamantes, black lipstick, long fake eyelashes died white (which matched the platinum colour of her hair,) and a long complex cat eye. Her waist length hair was decorated with black and red streaks and her bottom lip, left eyebrow and the entire ridge of both eyes were pierced. I swear, my eyes practically hurt from looking at her. I turned back to Roxy, who was still staring. “Is that… thing… really standing over there,” I asked. “Or am I having a nightmare?” I liked fashion. I liked good fashion. My fashion. And that outfit went against every law ever written in my fashion bible. “I… I see her,” said Roxy, almost in disbelief. Jonathon glanced lazily over my head and, upon seeing the girl, smiled and put up a hand in greeting. “Ah, she’s here,” he said calmly. Roxy blinked, seemingly having recovered herself, and looked over at her brother. “You know her?” she asked in shock. Jonathon smirked. “Yeah,” he said, as if girls like this were a common commodity. “You could say we’re quite… close… at the moment.” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Um… meaning…?” I asked. Jonathon smirked, looking over my shoulder at the girl. “You’ll see,” he murmured. I frowned and looked back again. I pressed my lips together as I saw why. She was coming this way. Without uttering a word to anybody, the girl walked over to our table, sat on Jonathon’s lap, facing him, her legs wrapped around his waist, and began to kiss him. My jaw dropped. Was this chick for real?? I looked around at the other tables. Many of their occupants were glaring over at the girl like: “Bitch, this is a restaurant! We’re trying to eat!” It would almost have been humorous if I hadn’t been so repulsed… I looked over to Roxy to see her reaction to her brother and this strange girl. Her jaw was set and she was glaring down at her coffee as if it had just killed her best friend, her cheeks blushing a dusty rose colour. Understandable, he is her brother… Damn, awkward… Jonathon’s hands rested on her butt, which was, very unfortunately, directly across from me, giving me almost nowhere to look. Their kiss was so rough, lustful, sexual and… long… Eventually, after a good few minutes, I clear my throat loudly. The girl pulls away from Jonathon, nipping his lip affectionately. “Hi, Sebastian,” she said to Jonathon, as if this was all perfectly normal behaviour. Jonathon smirked back at her. “Hey,” he replied boredly, twisting a strand of her platinum hair around his finger. I clear my throat once again. “Um… Jonathon?” I said in annoyance. “Would you like to introduce your… close… friend?” Jonathon smirked as the girl repositioned herself on his lap so she faced me, her arms around Jonathon’s neck and her legs lying horizontally across his. “This is Bellatrix. Bellatrix this is my sister Roxanne and her friend Katharina.” The girl, Bellatrix I guess, gave me a once over, then gave Roxy the same treatment. She seemingly found us lacking, as her lips pursed. “Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet me, I’m sure,” she said coolly, before resolutely turning away from me and leaning her head against Jonathon’s shoulder. My mouth quirked upwards in a disbelieving smirk. This chick couldn’t possibly be legit... Was this Jonathon’s idea of a prank? If so, it sucked. I forced a sweet smile and held up my hand, my palm facing me. “You know,” I said thoughtfully. “I’m very fond of all of my five fingers...” I put down four of my fingers, leaving only the middle one up. “But this one is my favourite,” I said in a sweet voice, then, pushing my finger right up in front of her face and waving it around, I add, “What do you think of it?” The girl studied me contemptuously. “Wow, I can understand you feeling inferior when I’m around, but there’s no need to get bitchy, please, control your jealousy,” she said, her eyes flashing red. “Now, I suggest putting that finger down. I’d hate for you to lose it, seeing it is your favourite...” My smirk fell from my face and I gave Bellatrix a scathing look. “Was that a threat?” I asked, voice soft and dangerous. Her smirk had fallen from her face too and she was looking at me in an almost predatory sort of way. “No,” she said evenly. “That’s a promise.” I raised an eyebrow. “Bring it!” I snapped. Bellatrix stood up but Jonathon put an arm around her waist and held her back. “Sebastian!” she whined. “Cut it out! Let me go!” Jonathon’s dark eyes sparkled in amusement. “Trust me Kat,” he said, smirking. “You don’t want to get into a brawl with Bellatrix.” As I watched, the colour was draining from her skin. Her eyes were turning red. Her long nails, painted black, and sparkling white teeth elongated into sharp, animal-like points. My eyes widened, my eyebrow raised and my lips pursed. I looked over to Roxy. She had turned pale. “Jonathon,” she hissed. “What is she?” Jonathon, who was still the only thing preventing Bellatrix from attacking, rolled his eyes at our worry. “Don’t worry, little sister,” he muttered. “Nothing for you to worry about.” My eyes roamed back to the struggling girl. “Are you sure about that?” I demanded. Jonathon had began whispering into Bellatrix’s ear and she began to calm down. Colour returned slowly to her skin. Her eyes faded from red back to black, like Jonathon’s own eyes. Her teeth and nails retracted and lost their sharp points. “Now,” Jonathon said in a scolding voice that would almost have been comical in a different situation. “What have I told you about turning in public places and around mundane?” Bellatrix rolled her eyes at him, pulled a tongue and turned her back resolutely to him. “You’re so boring!” she whined. “You never let me have any fun! Besides, she started it!” The scene was almost ludicrous. Jonathon rolled his eyes boredly at her. “What. Is. She?” Roxy demanded once more. Jonathon smiled. “She’s half demon, half Faye,” he replied. “It made for an interesting mixture. Resulting in immortality, power over fire and fighting skills far superior to those of most shadow hunters...” Roxy’s expression worried me. She didn’t look as I did, repelled by the girl’s mixture of genetics, having no angel blood in her to counter all her demonic energy, but half nervous and half... curious. As if it interested her, as it did her brother. “Does... does Valentine know about her?” Roxy asked. At the mention of Valentine, Bellatrix joined in on the conversation as if she hadn’t just tried to attack us. “Oh yeah, Valentine knows me,” she said calmly. “You see, I used to stalk him back when he was a teenager because he was just that sexy, right, and then when Fairchild left him, I happily played rebound girl. He and Sebastian are actually pretty like, in some ways, both of them are hot, both of them are sadistic and both them have stamina and dexterity ruins, which really come in handy when-” Roxy cut her off, her jaw clenched. “Okay, we’re going deep into T.M.I territory now...” she said. “Now, how did you know Valentine when he was so young if you’re only seventeen?” Bellatrix rolled her eyes. “Haven’t you been listening?” she demands. “I’m immortal. I’ve been alive for more than 2000 years.” I smiled sadistically. “Well, that explains why you’re so cranky and clingy!” Bellatrix glared at me with annoyance crackling over her face like lightning. “I sense your part angel. I guess that’s why you’re so vain, arrogant and naive.” My jaw dropped open and I began to stand angrily once more. But, before I could do anything, Bellatrix’s phone rang, belting out Rihanna’s hit song, ‘S&M.’ “Whose that?” Jonathon asked boredly. Bellatrix looked at her screen, smirked and replied, “Oh nobody, I have to take this.” She pressed the green phone button and lifted the phone to her ear. “Hey,” she purred, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger. Jonathon raised an eyebrow at her. Bellatrix lifted a finger in a give-me-a-second kind of gesture and lifted herself gracefully off of Jonathon and sauntered of a few steps, perhaps, in my opinion, to get just far enough that Jonathon couldn’t hear what the person she was talking to was saying... “Yeah, that sounds amazing...” she said in a low voice, followed by high pitched flirty giggle which was oddly contradicting to her low, sensual voice. Roxy raised a questioning eyebrow at Jonathon. He shrugged unconcernedly. “Yeah, I’ll be right there,” Bellatrix was saying, biting her lip. “Can’t wait...” She ended the call, smirked down at her phone for a second before coming back over. “Okay, look I gotta go,” she said. “I have another appointment. It was... interesting... to meet you, Raquel, Karina.” I gave her a scathing look. “I’m Katharina and she’s Roxanne,” I say through gritted teeth. Bellatrix waved her hand dismissively. “Whatever.” She then leaned over Johnathon and gave him a deep kiss, her hair, hanging down around them, blocked them out from view like a sort of privacy screen. Eventually she pulled reluctantly away. “I’ll see you tonight, okay?” she whispered. Jonathon simply made a sound of agreement and turned back to us. Without so much as a goodbye nod in our direction, Bellatrix strutted away. Roxy and I simply looked at Jonathon in disbelief. He smirked. “So, what do you think of her?” he asked. Roxy made a sound of indignance. “You can’t be serious!” she said. I rolled my eyes. “Look, there are many adjectives that I would take great pleasure in using to describe her but, to round it off, she’s a slutty bitch.” I said, irritated. Jonathon shrugged, grinning. “Well, that’s true, but I think you could end up being good friends with her,” he said, completely unconcerned. “Trust me, you have more in common with her than you think...” I laughed in a derisive sort of way. “We will never ever be friends with that demon bitch!” I said contemptuously. Roxy raised an eyebrow, resting her chin in her hand. “I have to agree,” she murmured irritable. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody that I’m less likely to become friends with.” Jonathon smirked as if he knew something we didn’t. “Don’t talk too soon, little sister.”

 “And that’s how we met but, trust me, the journey to friendship wasn’t an easy one!” Just as I finished my story, Magnus and Jace re-entered the room, having swapped clothes.


Sorry for taking soooooo long to update, been really busy

Hope you liked it:P

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