The Sun of Calamity

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The sky was dyed with crimson, the clouds black with the aura of destruction.

The month of destruction began.

In the middle of a bustling city, no, bussiling isn't the right word.

It was screaming, constant agony was being expelled into the air.

Yet no one seemed to be distraught by it.

It was like this was normal.

Well, it is.

Two men were in the middle of a field that was located beside a large black castle in the center of a city.

"My liege, are you really going in there?" said one of the men kneeling on the ground beside the other. This man had gray hair and colorless eyes with a vertical scar over his left eye. He was wearing a gray long jacket with a sword strapped to his waist.

"Yeah, I am going, all this death isn't necessary I'm going to stop it" The man that was standing responded.

The man, tall with porcelain skin. His hair, like a black hole, absorbs the light around it. His eyes, striking with its crimson-gold irises that glisten against the luster of the crimson black sun that hovered over them.

"What even is this thing?" The man with gray eyes asked, looking at the ginormous crimson- black sun that covered the entire sky.

"Shin, that sun is the order of a god" The crimson eyed man responded while looking away from the flames spewing out from the sun.

Shocked, Shin stood up and looked at the sun with a tint of disapproval.

"To think, that sun is a god"

"You are incorrect, I said it was the order of a god, not the god itself" The man responded with a slightly angered tone.

Noticing the anger, Shin immediately knelt down and apologized for his actions, not knowing why his king was angry. In fact, his king didn't know why either.

He felt a connection to the sun, the brilliant beautiful sun that reflected his own nature back to him.

"The sun of calamity" The man muttered

The man was entranced by the beauty of the crimson black sun that replaced the sky, he always has, ever since he first saw it, he felt the urge to touch the physical embodiment of destruction itself. At first he thought it was because his own source was based on destruction, and for years he was happy with that answer, until he started to feel pain whenever the sun left, a dull pain that overtook him, a pain that wasn't painful but hurt him much more than everything else, and so he decided...

"I'm going, <fres>" The man said as he started to float.

"Yes, your majesty," Shin said in return.

Another wail of agony surfaced from the town to the side causing Shin to turn involuntarily.

"You know there is no need to be so formal," The man said, looking over at the village.

The village looks normal from afar but if you look a little closer, you'll see the villagers screaming in pain as their sources are ripped from their bodies and start to shatter. The more they crack, the more screaming can be heard from the owner. The blood curdling, anguishing screams reverberating across the world all came from one thing, the sun of calamity.

"It's just a formality, Anos-sama"

Destruction is a form of Love (Anos X Abernyu)Where stories live. Discover now