Even more filler

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"Anos, can I stop now" Abernyu whined as she held onto her knees.

We are in the sun of destruction about half a day after I left her to train. As a goddess and as a conceptual being she would be extremely well versed in magic, but even Anos wouldn't have guessed that she would be able to suppress the entire orb in less than half a day. Then I remembered that they share the same specialty so that explains it.

"Nyu, come with me" I say without any further explanation as I take the orb and fling it into a magic circle, disappearing into it. Grabbing her hand, I ripped part of the sun to see the scorching landscape before them. It was nothing like it was before they met, it was serene, almost beautiful to them. The unilateral destruction that used to come from the sun was replaced by a beautiful star that makes the living die in peace. her control over her magic was already past what was planned.

"Anos, my wrist" The hot woman next to me groaned as she unshackled herself from my grasp. I looked at her pouting face before smiling a little and held my hand out gentlemen style. She looked back at me with a questioning look that could be described by any other word than cute before I chuckled a little, waving my hand up a little.

Noticing my movement, she seemed to understand my intent and moved her own hand on top of my own. Taking it, I cast <gatom> teleporting us to the throne room of my castle. I live alone so I've never had a reason to decorate the castle, on top of that, it's way too many rooms to furnish so I just left it be.

"So this is your castle huh. Bland." She said with a curious nature.

"You try furnishing an entire castle on your own" I remarked wittingly. Her response was quite obvious as she didn't know that I live here alone.

"You see, my moniker of Demon King of Tyranny isn't for show. I did some terrible things, whether they're for a reason or not doesn't really matter."

"But, your the demon king, ruler of the demons"

"That's not really true, there are other kings, though not demon kings"

"Really now, are they as strong as you?" Nyu said while hugging me by my neck. I could help but smirk in response to the unconscious movement and the personality that came with it.

"No, Not even close. They're called the four evil kings because they are devilishly good at their specific specialty." I say hold by the waist. Noticing the stance they are set at with crimson sun's light pouring through the shaded windows like a spotlight. The red light from the sun blended into the sculpture. She immediately turned red as she tried to move out of the way only to be held tighter to myself.

"I'm not letting go until you let me finish my explanation" I whispered into her ear as I felt her shiver against it. Not waiting for her response I started to guide her back and forth as I continued to explain the political and geopolitical state of the demon lands.

In a complete stupor Abernyu followed without resistance. Euphoria engulfed the both of us as I led her in the instinctual dance in the crimson light. I noticed that part of my throne room was cracking a little because of Nyu's divine eyes, but her control over it is a lot better. After I was done talking, she started whispering to me.

"They don't know it, do they?"

"Of course not, only you and Militia know so far about the plan. Though, Kanon and the spirit queen will know soon." I whispered back.

"Why do you have to do it"

"Who's better for the job?

"The hero"

" He can't use demonic magic, he would have to learn it first. Plus, human maybe even worse than demons cause of their greed" I smiled as I gazed into her divine eyes.

"Are you sad?"

"What do you think?" She responded, sneering.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" I responded with a shake of my head before I cast a magic circle behind the throne at the end of the room. The magic circle was dazzling crimson and white as it emitted vast amounts of magic power.

"The magic circle uses my source to hold your order" I say acting like I don't understand the implications of what I just said. Stuttering in confusion, Nyu just stared at me to which I chuckled in response.

"What the heck do you mean hold my order"

I guess the simplest way I could say it is."


"I want you"

Destruction is a form of Love (Anos X Abernyu)Where stories live. Discover now