silenced and lost

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"Transport of the underworld's misfit successful" Arcana said to herself with complete indifference within her golden eyes. Reciting the world's thoughts as she converts into the new selection goddess. Unwanted but needed. An annoyance that did not exist before but still needed. A council of uselessness but needed. Blah blah blah but needed.

"Brother" She whispers to herself as she looks towards the abyss.

"How did you?"

What is going on? Even I couldn't have expended an outcome like this. No, seriously how I end up here. Where's here you might be asking. I have no clue. As I'm still dazed, a voice comes from behind me.

"A demon child. No, a reincarnation" Such magic in that voice. It's not even compulsion magic, this man just exudes pure magical energy, dense magical energy. This can't be my world. It has to be a different one. The sheer density of magic in the air is far more than Milita's World. Which begs the question, why the actual heck am I doing here. Great, the monster is picking me up.

"Muto, this child looks like Celis." This woman seems familiar. Yeah seems a bit much. It's more like she looks exactly like Militia. Can't be a coincidence can it.

"Who is Celis?" The man holding me says with not so hidden animosity. I guess no matter what the world, jealousy is something that just can't be avoided.

"Old subordinate. Child, how long will you fake"

What the heck. Just how apathetic could a person be? Anywho, it seems that I can't hide it. Not that I was going through. Well, how should I go about doing this? Even I can't go against 2 powerhouses at the same time with less than 10% of my base magic. Wait, they don't seem very hostile so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Hello there, I'm Anos Voligoad" I say as respectfully as possible. I have no clue why but I have a feeling I should have a good first impression with that woman. The guy that's holding me? Not really but I'm definitely not going to be rude to him. Especially since he's holding me like he's been holding babies for decades. Seriously, despite his tempered body he's complete control over his body.

"Oh? I'm not well versed in source magic since it doesn't exist within this universe."

"What? Source magic doesn't exist? How do you know about it then?"

"Elen helped to create it when her original world existed. Well, specifically <Scillica>"

"Yes with Celis's help" Again with Celis. Why does that sound so familiar? More than that, The sheer jealousy radiating from this man scares me a little. Umm Miss Elenesia, please look at the clues and work on yourself.

"Miss Elenesia, may I get an explanation on why I'm here?"

"Just Elenesia is fine. First, the infant body."

"Oh yes, of course." I use <Kurst> to age myself to about 8 years old. Why 8 years old? Fanservise I guess. Just kidding, I'm doing this to set a hierarchy. It's easier to get along with people if you show yourself to be likable to them. So, my adult form isn't the best form for that job. At least, that's my opinion. Muto, who was holding me, didn't look shocked in the slightest. In fact, he looks a little disappointed? With a sigh, he starts walking towards Elenesia who turns around herself and opens a magic door. Wouldn't it be easier to use <Gatom>? We walked through said door and wound up in a white abyss with a bed in the center. Inefficient but with their strength I guess it doesn't matter. We all sit on the bed before Elenesia creates a tea set.

"So Muto, Elenesia. Please help me out here. Where am I?"

"The magic bullet world" Excuse me what? That doesn't explain anything. What type of name is that? Okay okay Elenesia doesn't seem to be the type to explain things so I decide to look towards Muto. Thankfully, he's not socially inept so he explains that the Magic Bullet World Elenesia is a deeper world than mine and that it's a universe that was taken over by Elenesia a while ago. The name? Random I guess. What does the world look like? You're asking too much.

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