This is Nothing

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The title isn't for show, this is literally nothing and you guys deserve way better than this. That being said from now on, I'll be release 2 chapters at a time from now on. I have no idea what to do from here in the story but I will be commenting when the next chapter will be coming.  I'll also be redoing these chapters when I have time just to make them better and more cohesive, especially the newer ones since all of the information is based on what I could figure out from the wiki and reading the novels. This chapter is a lot smaller than the others because It all character and world building, The next chapter will revert back to regular sizes if I can.

"You seem to misunderstand something" Pure demonic aura exuded from his body. Someone I thought was strong. Was more than that.

It's been so long. So long since I've felt fear. I thought that I did everything I could to keep this fear away but. I was wrong.

"You seem scared. This is just a little spar, calm yourself."

His mask was faced to the side, showing his uncomfortably handsome face. Why uncomfortable? Because of his smile. That deranged smile coupled with his crazy eyes and undoubted handsomeness, can turn anything surreal.

I seriously underestimated him. I knew he was strong but this is just too much. I would feel really bad for Elenesia if it wasn't for the fact he's fighting me. This battle junkie has no sort of decency when he starts fighting. Especially when it comes to collateral damage. Just from our first exchange alone, entire nations were wiped off the map and that's after he destroyed the moon by flicking away my <Jio Graze>. The worst part of it was that my <Jio Graze> wasn't even flicked towards said moon. It just turned to dust out of nowhere. I still feel like he's holding back though. Granted I am as well but that's not because I want to. It's because I just reincarnated and there are a lot of little things severely limiting my strength, the most important of which is that I only have a tenth of my magic and I can't even use half of that for reasons as well. Honestly, he's beating thoroughly in every way. I don't have anything that he doesn't do outside of source magic, which doesn't do crap to him. He calls this a spar? I guess it would make sense if we weren't near land but flying on top of what was a thriving nation now turned to a crater by... I actually don't know what caused it to be honest but the result is what matters here. Elenesia over there is frowning a little while she recreating the moon for a good reason.

"Umm Mister Muto, can we stop or at least slow down?" I pleaded with him.

"... Okay but use the strongest move you have."

"Here?" I ask him. My strongest move right now is debatable but I would have to say it's world ending magic. Which is exactly why I can't use it here. I've only used this move twice before and both times I had a lot of trouble trying to rebuild the world. I have weaknesses too, okay, I don't have an affinity for creation or holy magic so while I am better than basically everyone in my world, with enough training, many humans and demons could surpass me in those 2 categories. On top of that Kanon is already better than me with source magic although the ceiling for that isn't very high to begin with.

"You shall not" An eerie voice resounded behind Muto causing the both of us to shiver to the core. Her stature, clad in white shone with the newly built moon as perpetuates her wrath. Muto tries to say something but he's struck down by her eyes. Even though Muto is most certainly stronger than her, the instinctual fear of having your woman mad at you is something I had only recently thought about. Luckily... or unluckily I died before something like that could happen. Probably unlucky, anyway, now since this "spar" is over, I have work to do. Like oh I don't know, search a bubble world in the middle of an infinite Sea. Okay, I'm overreacting but it really is a pain.

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