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As Anos floated beside the sun of calamity, he heard the space behind him crack. He turned around to Egus again.

"I could have sworn I destroyed your source," Anos said out loud.

"Who are, leave this area before I kill you" The Egus look alike said in an emotionless tone

"Oh, so you don't remember me?"

"I warned you, die" Egus said while shoot a <Domios>. Which was blown away by Anos's sigh.

"Well since you have nothing to show me, you can die now." Anos said nonchalantly.

He snapped his fingers causing Egus to burst into flames, burning his source with it. Anos turned back to the sun and breathed in slowly.

"I've lost my patients because of him, I'm just going to blow a hole in it." Anos said, a little annoyed.

Anos casted <Jio Greas> which causes meteors to spawn from the giant magic circle behind him.They hit the sun causing it to rumble a little, but it did not break.

"Impressive but" He said with a smirk.

"There is a reason why I'm called the lion of destruction. Deeper Magic <Dogda Azbedara>."

Suddenly a giant blue star appeared seemingly out of thin air and crashed into the sun of calamity. The sun started to shake but it wouldn't break. So Anos added some of his demon king blood into the blue star turning it red. The sun of calamity started cracking and soon a hole was created on the sun after the red star faded away.

I heard a loud noise reverberate from inside my order before a bright light blinded me.

"So this is the inside of the sun of Calami- "

I looked up after my eyes got used to the light to see a man. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him, his bright crimson - gold eyes pierced my amber Ones which made my source write in desire. I wasn't able to control myself and my divine eyes of Annihilation came out turning my pupils into crimson - black suns. My formally pleasured source suddenly turned rigid and my

my heart stopped. He's going to die. Is what I thought before I heard a small chuckle from the


" Your eyes are the most beautiful ones I have ever Seen. What might your name be

goddess of destruction." The man in front of me said with a smirk.

" My eyes are beautiful? " I whispered to myself.

"Yes, the most beautiful in the world. Do they have a name?" The man responded without missing a beat, causing me to heat up.

when I finally calm down again I Wondered

why he wasn't destroyed until I saw his eyes, holy shit his eyes. They weren't the crimson

Gold eyes that that made my source writhe in Pleasure, they were black and purple with an

insignia etched into it. Looking at them kinda scared me but they turned me on to no end.

"They are so beautiful. " I accidently said it out loud.

"Thanks but they don't Compare to yours" The hunk replied quickly with a Grin on his face.

"But anyone that looks at these eyes are destroyed immediately " I whispered knowing he could hear me. "

"That's one of the reasons why they are so beautiful. They're filled with an enormous amount of energy, rivaling even mine. Now Back to my original question, what's Your name? "

"you first" I responded as calmly as possible opposite of what was going on in My source.

"Oh my bad, the name's Anos Voldigoad, the demon king of tyranny. " He responded casually.

Anos, Anos Voldigoad. Abernyu Voldigoad. Wait what? What the fuck Did I just say? nothing okay.

" My name is Abernyu and as you know I'm the goddess of destruction. My divine eyes are called the divine eyes of Annihilation " He looked at me with a smile that could kill.

" Good to know thank you. Mine are the demonic eyes of chaotic destruction. They are stronger than your eyes because mine destroys reason. "

I was in Shock. How could something like that even exist, destroying reason? That's bullshit.

" Yeah it's bullshit so I only use it if I absolutely have to. " I finally decided to get up from the fetal position and stood up.

" Oh my, Your eyes aren't the Only things that are beautiful, the rest of you is immaculate as well " Anos said while gazing at me with an even greater passion than before causing me to blush.

My divine eyes are still in effect since I can't control them but he never looks away from them. As I walk towards him, I start to notice his features. He is so much more handsome up close than he is from afar. His lean but chiseled body is slightly noticeable from the shirt and coat. Then it hit me. I was shy for my entire life until I met this Person. Noticing my Change in emotion, Anos changed the topic to my order.

"Abernyu, are you able to control Your order? " Anos asked.

"Let alone my order, I can't even control my divine eyes. " I responded with a slight eye roll.

"Do you have mood swings? "

"What? No''

Oh Okay. Well I have to go."

My heart shuddered in fear. He's coming back right?

"Don't get me wrong, it Just lunch time, I Can't miss my mushroom gratin"

"Okay, wait. Don't I have a guardian or something that was supposed to protect me?"

"Yeah, his name is Egus de Rafan, the guardian God of Destruction" Anos answered, slightly angered for some reason.

"How did you get past him?" I asked, ignoring his sudden disgruntledness.

"I simply killed him, twice" He said, turning his back to me.


"Yeah, it seems like the guardian gods are disposable and are able to be recreated, but without any of the same memories and emotions"

"Only guardian gods?" I asked, genuinely interested in the topic.

"I don't know for sure, but I don't think so" He responded, turning around to look me in the eyes again.

"Why is that?" I say as I try to stay calm.

"Because their sources are reproducible because they borrow their power from the order they're supposed to protect for what I can see" As he continues to stare at me.

"What do you mean by see?

"I'm not going to hurt you"


Suddenly, I felt a lot of pain in my body which automatically activated my divine eyes of Annihilation. After the pain dissipated I looked up to see Anos staring at me with his demonic eyes of chaotic destruction.

"Why?" I stuttered in fear from what I just saw. He was trying to kill me, why.

"I just told you that I wasn't going to hurt you, please try to control your divine eyes, I can't focus because of their beauty" he said, noticing my distraughtness.

"I can't control them," I said, still a little scared of the man in front of me.

"Okay then close your eyes" He said.

I didn't want to close my eyes, but my body followed what he said without a second thought, compulsion magic?

I suddenly felt a jolt of pleasure flowing through me, causing me to start breathing heavily. I don't know why, but my knees felt weak and I could stand anymore. Just as I was about to fall I felt something holding me. I opened my eyes to see Anos holding me up by my elbows. The second I saw that he was touching me, I was on fire. At least that's what it felt like.

Destruction is a form of Love (Anos X Abernyu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora