Some more characters

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A short woman floated above the endless sea of white as she stared into the darkness above her. Her gold eyes that contracted with her pale silver colored hair and priest-like gown flicked as she slowly fell through the silver sea into the deeper worlds hidden within it. Finally stopping as she closed her eyes only to open them up again to see a beautiful sight of the pale blue sky. Looking down she saw the seemingly never ending domain of sanctuaries with the many different zones in this land. Some were huge golden volcanoes while others were forest. The confusing sight seemed to be quite familiar to her as she flew down through the areas one by one. Each passing at the same pass as the one before. She stopped in front of what was a small wooden door in which she opened without hesitation.

As she stepped inside, the world shifted to that of a plain white abyss in wish she did not bat even an eye and kept walking. The abyss slowly shifted again as the space in front of her twisted to form a round table in which figures were already seated around.

"Ah, you actually responded to our summons" one of the figures said apathetically. Much like the others, they did not seem to have actual form as they seemed to just be shadow incarnate, or maybe they weren't there to begin with. The woman replied by sitting in one of the 2 empty seats as her body grew hazy.

"What is it that you want?" she called with the same level of indifference that the others had started the conversation with.

"We believe that the last seat has been vacant for too long." The chair became more defined by the second contrasting to the chair in which the woman was sitting. She simply nodded in response as she cared little for this sort of thing. Despite her order being an abstraction by nature, her power rivaled those of which reality was in question. The power that the exuded was familiar to nearly all beings in existence. The gods. Simple as it may, her power in particular was also quite complex in ways that even the strongest of gods still have trouble comprehending. Her nature was trying to coincide with her order only to be fought by the order itself. Yet, its strength was far from consistent. But no one who knew of it could say otherwise as her strength was not that of battle of the body nor of the soul but of the mind within the mind. The conscious, something that even the gods have within them; whether it is strong or not is not of question as it did not matter.

"So what does that have to do with me?" The woman sighed as she began to become more and more illusory further showing the inconsistency of which her emotions were portrayed.

"We want you to be the new selection goddess and we want you to oversee the selection in itself"

The abyss started to rumble slightly as the gold eyed woman now fully formed stood up from the chair in a state of both rage and confusion.

"Why me?!"

"Because we want to involve the upper world as well as someone who can cross the silver sea with minimal effort without the world's noticing."

She simply sighed before nodding and turning to walk away from the table.

"Oh and please try to suppress your order, it's important for that last seat to be filled. Goddess of Rebellion and Disobedience, Arcana."

Arcana simply waved her hand beside her before walking through the door and disappearing from view.

"That goddess is still a handful." One of the ghostly presences sighed.

"Yes but her ability, while not specific to her, is something that only she could do at such a fast pace. It is as if the world does not mind if she were to fly away from the sea in itself" Another responded with the same sigh. The rest nodded before they disappeared from the table and the white abyss disappeared with them.

Shin, the ever loyal demon to the king of tyranny, was walking about minding his own business outside of the demon country, defeating whatever monster that came by before being suddenly transported to a forest. As apathetic as always, he looked around before walking towards the forest in a menial manner. Eventually being confronted by small lights they tried to obstruct his path.

"Hey, you. Who are you and what are you doing here?" One of the lights squeaked, grasping on to Shin's interest. Upon closer inspection, Shin found out that the light was actually a spirit which explained the setting of the forest. He had found himself in the Great Spirit Forest Aharthern. Ignoring the chattering coming from the spirits around him, he tried to recollect as to what he did to be transported here only to come up with nothing. He did not know or care what rumor was needed to be transported here so he would not know what the catalyst was.

Now fed up with Shin's apathetic attitude, some spirits fly away while the others start to push him toward the ones that flew. Not sensing any true hostility from them, he let them do as they pleased as he curtly helped them in their endeavor to push someone far larger than themself. Most would see this as comical but Shin saw this as a waste of energy.

He followed the spirits ending up at a small clearing close to the center of the forest. In the center was a beautiful woman dressed in white and green perfectly encapsulating her ample bosom. Her long waist length hair color took after the latter while her eyes followed neither, being amber in color. Crystal-like blades hovered behind in the shape of wings as she chuckled at the spirits around her. The picturesque scene would have made anyone lower their guard but the indifferent Shin was not anyone. The woman eventually noticed Shin's presence and immediately held a steadfast gaze against him, feeling the low demonic aura around him.

"Who are you?" The woman asked in a weary tone contrasting to her firm eyes as she got up from her balloon-like seat. For a demon to appear in Aharthern while not impossible was not something that happened often and this was the first time a demon had ever entered without her knowledge.

Shin, not planning on responding, turned around to walk away and heard a thud behind him. He turned around to see the woman face flat on the floor surrounded by frantic spirits. As if on instinct, he walked over to the woman as she was gasping in pain and held out his hand.

"I am Shin Regalia, right hand man of the Demon King of Tyranny"

The woman grasped his hand without a second thought, completely disregarding her previous weariness and getting up with his help. While still having her hand held by the demon in front of her she slowly absorbed the information sent to her verbally.

"Shin Regalia huh, I am the Great Mother Reno. I didn't quite catch what you said after your name, may you please repeat that."

"I am the subordinate of the Demon King of Tyranny"

"Ah, I se- WAIT THE DEMON KING!" She screamed as she nearly fell backwards if it wasn't for Shin catching her by the waist with his other hand before responding with.

"Of tyranny"

I don't really like writing stuff in chapters outside of what the chapter is but I just wanted to say that a new novel I'm working on will be released in the next few days and I would be really grateful if at least some of you guys would try to read it. I only have about 5 chapters ready for publishing. The story is  slow, dare I say unbearably slow but every single sentence has a deeper meaning. If you just want a light hearted fanfic or a story with a basic plot, then that work is not for you. Also, I want you guys to tear it a apart as well as you can, find every grammatical error, back peddling, and inconsistencies. But this story wont be stopped and it wont be slowing down much either so thank you for reading this. I'll have comment saying that it is published when I do so.

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