Chapter 8 Help me

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Y/n Pov:
"Aaahhh" I let a scream and instantly jolt up from my bed. Cold sweat running across my face, I breath heavily to catch my breath. This wakes up huening Kai, "are you alright soobin hyung" "it's y/n remember and I just had a really strange dream that's all" I sigh still out of breath. "Sorry I was hopping that would've been soobin that's all, and what was your dream about" i could tell that he was disappointed about me still being in Soobins body, this makes me feel sad, but I decide to tell him about dream. "It was weird I saw soobin in my body and we were both talking to each other." I could see his shock face "really!" He says still shocked. "Yeah and we were able to move around and everything, but all of sudden we were getting sucked into a witches spinning cauldron and that's why I screamed" "do you think that could be linked to you guys swapping bodies" he suggests "idk but it was definitely unusual to say the least, anyways what time is it" i say. "It's 5am" he says "perfect more time for rest" I say already snuggling back into my bed sheets. "Uh uh uhh not to fast young lady we are supposed to leave by 6am and you have to follow soobins schedule, and there isn't much point getting 15min extra sleep" he says to me pulling of my covers.

I get up half dead how do they wake up at this ungodly hour, I slowly walk towards the bathroom to freshen up. I splash water on my face which sort of helps but I still feel extremely tired, I look in the mirror and see that my hair is disgusting. I really need to shower but I don't want to get naked in this body, so I just wash it under the sink. My hair fills so different it's so thick and feels bristly I am not used to this. I spill some water on his white shirt and I look down to dry it up but doing so reveals some of his body, I quickly look up clearly flustered.

After that incident I finished washing my hair, all done I think. I don't really know how to style guys hair so I just comb down to a fringe and call it a day. I walk back to my room but on my way I encounter taehyun. "Wow what a surprise to see you up before your alarm." I hear him chuckle. "Yeah I has a bad dream and woke up early that's all." I say "well you need to get changed your cloths are all wet" he tells me. I listen and walk back to my room, I find another white top and denim jeans, I chose not to change underwear for obvious reasons and quickly change. Nothing to fancy but still looks good.

" everyone come out for breakfast" i hear yeonjun shout out. I hear my tummy rumble and walk out towards the kitchen. I see hyuka already sitting down and walk down to sit next to him.  Breakfast today is rice with eggs looks good I think, especially knowing how much this body loves the taste of eggs. I dig right in once everyone has sat down it's really good, I look up to find everyone staring at me. "What" i ask "nothing just you normally don't eat this fast it's like you haven't eaten in years" taehyun jokes and everyone laughs. So I just let out a little chuckle and continue eating but a little slower.

When we all finish we all get up I stay close to hyuka because I feel the most comfortable around him and plus he knows my not so little secret. "You need a cap and a mask there should be one in your bed side table" hyuka whispers to me. I quickly ran back inside and grab both the mask and cap and rush back outside with the rest. "I will really need your help today because I know none of your choreography" i say to hyuka with a nervous tone. "It's ok I will figure something out just don't talk much and just nod when talking to manager" he tells me I just nod, getting more nervous every second anticipating what will happen during practice. We make our way to the van thankfully there is no paparazzi so we just hop in quickly. During the rest of the ride we all sat in silence I was just staring out the window admiring the city view, i had always wanted to visit Seoul so i am going to advantage of it.

When we reach the big hit building it's a whole different story, there are cameras everywhere and I become very overwhelmed. Before i get out I tug on hyuka's arm to signal to him that I am nervous, he gets the memo and walks next to me telling me to keep my head down and wave. I follow his lead and do as I was told, once I enter the building I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you" I whisper to him, he just replies back to me "all good". I look around my surroundings in awe this is cooler in real life. After my site seeing I follow the rest to our manager "good on time today I see, and good to see you here to soobin no more days off you know the right schedule" manager says in a very passive aggressive way, I just nod and keep my mouth shut.

After manager scolded me for not being here yesterday, we walked up to our practice room, manager starts playing music and tells us to do our usual warm up. I just stand still thinking to myself how am I supposed to know there usual warm up! so I go up to hyuka and ask him for help. But he beats me to it and tells me to just stay at the back and follow what he does, I just nod and walk to the back.

It's been 30min and I am so tired, I am not used to doing so much intense exercise, I am very lazy so this is definitely a shock to the system. While everyone is still doing the exercise I am just complaining and look like a rag doll. "Ya soobin stop messing about and do it properly" manager says to me. I just nod and try to pursue, when is this going to end I think.

Soobins Pov:
I jolt your from my sleep from that dream I just had, was that really Y/n in my body or just my mind playing tricks on me. I try not to think about it too much I look over at the time and see that it's 8am. Wow that was a nice big sleep I think, but why is my tummy so sore was it the pizza I had last night. Ah but it feels like cramps, wait it can't be that time of the month for her is it. I quickly look down and see blood stains on my pants and bed, oh no no no this can't be happening right now I am a guy for crying out loud I don't know how to deal with this stuff.

I scramble to y/n's phone and call my number immediately for her help because I am completely helpless and i don't want to ask Katie because she will think i am insane for not knowing. Why isn't she picking up I think I try again and this time she picks up.

"Help me"

Authors note:
What should we call the manager in this story any suggestions just comment. Hope you are enjoying the story.❤️❤️❤️

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