Chapter 13 Performance part 2

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Huyka's Pov:
When I hear yeonjun hyung say that we are heading straight to backstage since the schedule change I immediately turn to check on what y/n's reaction is and I have never seen someone loose their colour so fast, It looked like she had just been shot. I immediately try to get her relaxed but it doesn't work, she looks even worse now and I put my arms around her to support her. Not long after she faints in my arms, I don't say much because no one seems to notice and I don't want to cause to much panic unless I have to. I lay her down on to my lap hoping she wakes up before we arrive.

We are just about to arrive and she still hasn't woken up, I start shaking her to try and wake her up and no response. We are only a few minutes away from the stadium now and she really needs to wake up, I need to find a way to wake her up fast. I start looking for something in the car, and ta-da I found a packet of Oreos.  It seems like a far fetched idea but considering Soobins old body habits are still with his body I am hoping this will work. I start placing several Oreos into her mouth which can sometimes wake soobin up so I hope it happens to her as well. "Yes!" I say probably a bit to loudly but it worked. She started to chew down on the food and opened her eyes. "What was that for hyuka" taehyun asks. "What for?" I ask back confused. "Shouting yes" "oh that, no reason really just got something in my game" i say trying to not sound suspicious. "Great your up y/n"

Y/n's Pov:
I slowly open my eyes as I feel food being placed into my mouth. Biting down on what I know recognise to be stale Oreos. lifting up my head, my vision is blurred as I finish of the remainder of the food. "Great your up y/n" i hear hyuka says excited for my return, "what happened I ask" slightly confused. "You blacked out for like 10min on this car trip and I was really panicked" he whispers to me. "Oh I see sorry about scaring you before" I say looking down feeling bad for making him scared. "It's ok, I was just nervous the others would dined out because we are at our destination right about now" he says while pointing out the window.

And out the window I see a massive concert hall. "Is that where we are going to be performing" i say to stunned to say anything else. "Yes it is and it's time to enter the building for preparation" he reply's back. "Everyone get up and stay close together, manager said there are lots of people everyone got that" yeonjun shouts. "Understood, got it, ok" everyone says in unison. Let's do this.

I get out last and follow closely behind the rest the flashing lights almost blinding me. Squinting my eyes while waving to the people not knowing where I really am. I find my hand meeting with yeonjuns I squeeze it tight to not get left behind. We finally make it inside where it's sheltered from the blinding camera. Yeonjun pulls me aside while the others head to the prep room to start getting prepared. "Hey soobin are you alright because you have been acting strange recently, like in practice you were being quite not to be rude but lazy, and just before with you holding my hand I mean I don't mind but it's strange." Yeonjun says all up in my face.

All of this was a lot to process for me so I was just standing there back against the wall mouth just open. "So what is" he says while raising an eyebrow i respond back nervously "nothing it's ju" but befor I could finish yeonjun interrupts me. "I know something is up, I am not dumb." He says cross his arms while pouting. "Ok ok but when I tell you don't freak out ok." I say while he backs up and nods to my request. "I am not soobin" I say bluntly to his face. Instantly I see his mouth drop. "What do you mean you aren't soobin" he says extremely confused, but before I could say anything staff begin to call us over.

"You two come and get your script for the show, and let's start prepping you" the crew shouts at us. "Tell me later" yeonjun whispers whilst walking away. I slowly follow behind and get guided to my seat where the script is and spare lyrics which I desperately need. I sit down and pick up the lyrics and begin to read over them as the make up artist starts to pamper my face with light foundation. In the corner of my sight I see beomgyu coming up with a vlogging camera. He brings it up towards and starts blabbing on about something, I just wave and smile for the camera he seems happy about it and starts harassing taehyun.

It's been 2hrs now and I have almost memorised the lyrics and script. it's still shocking that I can read Korean every time reading it getting a little surprise. My legs start twitching again as the performance is getting closer and closer. We are just about to head out for the interview with mcs, I am in my out fit and the hair stylists make the final touches to my hair. My mind continuing to race this is like a dream come true your the luckiest girl in the world y/n being able to meet your favourite idols. I don't want it to be like this though having to deal with the stress of a job you never wanted, the constant pressure of keeping his idle image.

Before I can over think to much we get queued to go out, I get pushed by the staff to the room. I immediately bow to two mc's and line up on the iconic white stairs at music bank. "One, dream hello we're tomorrow by together" we all say in unison. (I learnt this from the script). They start talking about out performance, and asking us question and is everything going smoothly. That's until a question that I swear was not on the script ("hey soobin why don't you say something for you international fan?").   Not knowing what to say I quickly look to the others, to try and get some help but they obviously don't get my memo. So I quickly say " thank you Moa for supporting us and enjoy the performance" which I though was pretty good, I am pretty sure that was English hopping so. "Wow, now that's it with txt enjoy the performance" the two mc's say together, waving to the camera. We all exit and bow to the two mc's . "Wow soobin your English almost perfect, have you been practicing" beomgyu asks. "Umm yeah I have been putting in the work, thank you as well" i say back as we are walking towards the stage. I shouldnt have done that i need to play low yeonjun is already quite suspicious of me, but it's not time to worry about that as I am about to perform in front of thousands of people.

The moment of of truth, walking on the stage behind everyone else and I get into my position. The blinding lights not Letting me see into the crowd, which is honestly better as if it's just practice. The silence before the sound was killing me, I keep trying to re-ashore my self that it will be all fine. But as the music starts playing I freeze up, I don't know what to do more and more anxiety rushing over me. I don't know how long I was standing there for but hyuka quickly nudges me and tells me something that I couldn't really make out, but what ever it was it got my body moving. I swiftly move across the stage, the exhilarating feeling of people cheering your name, makes me understand why they do this. And by the end of the performance I am quite happy with how I went.

I walk of the stage waving to the crowd, sweat dripping off my face exhausted from the nerves and pushing myself to my old limits. Me feeling happy with my performance shortly ended, when taehyun says "what was that soobin at the beginning it ruined the whole performance" "sorry I don't know" i say now feeling bad about ruining something for them.

"You've got some explaining to do soobin" a thunderous echoes through the hallway.

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