Chapter 21 concerns

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Soohins Pov:
I quickly turn away from the tv shocked about what just happened, the feeling however doesn't go away and instead moves down to my stomach and down there. It feels like butterflies have been set loose, do I rlly find him hot? I ask my self. 

Trying to ignore what just happened I get up swiftly to splash my face with some cold water to snap myself back into reality. But as I get up I feel light headed I ignore it and blame it on me getting up to fast but with each step the pounding in my head swells until it's unbearable. I collapse on my knees and grip onto my head with all my strength, I gradually feel more and more weak my arms turn to jelly then my eyes.

When I wake up I find myself floating in seemingly nothing but it feels like water. I start floating around in this seemingly endless expanse. Not far ahead I see something else, I quickly chase after it not to sure what it rlly is. When I get closer I notice that it's another person I go as fast as I can shouting on the top of my lungs with this I notice him turn around and it's me!!! "Can u hear me" I shout "yes I can, it's me y/n" I hear her say  "where are we?" I ask   "I have honestly no clue it's just empty" she says. "It's so weird I had a bad headache then fainted and woke up here" I say, "wait that's the same with me I was waking out of le sserafims practice room and then bam" y/n says. "Wait why were u with Le sserafim?" I say confused. "Uhhhhh I was doing a tik tok with them." She says " you know I've always found Chaewon attractive" I say "yeah I could tell ur body got butterflies when I was with her" she says while laughing.

Y/n's Pov:
I'm still laughing over Soobins judgy face which is technically my face but it's still hella funny. That's when I feel myself drifting further and further away rainbow streaks travelling with me the further and faster I go. In an instant soobin becomes a faint light, and I feel myself getting heavier and heavier, everything else disappears and I feel my eyes become lighter and I slowly start to regain my senses. I notice 5 blobs surrounding me unsure of who they r as my vision is still adjusting. Once it becomes clearer I notice it's the rest of txt and chaewon. "Omg he's awake" chaewon says. I lift my back up to sit up while rubbing my eyes. "Are u ok y- I mean soobin hyung?" taehyun asks. "Yeah I'm ok do u know what happened I don't remember all of it, and where am I?" I say while rubbing my head. "Ask chaewon noona she was the one who got us" beomgyu says. I look over to chaewon signalling my curiosity. "After you left our room I heard a loud thud so u went to check it out and I saw u there collapsed on the floor, I quickly called the medical team to take u to the nurse and then got ur members" she says with a shaky voice. "I'm sorry for giving u all a fright" I say after noticing chaewon hand shaking. "No don't be sorry it's not ur fault at least ur looking better already, when we first came in u were very pale now u look as good as new" yeonjun says while ruffling my hair causing me to do his bunny smile. "You can go now chaewon I should be all fine now thank u for being here for me though" I say slightly blushing. She just nods and leaves.

"Also what time is it?" I ask "exactly 2am" taehyun says. "What I was out for ages were u guys with me that whole time?" "Yes we were except when getting snacks and going to the bathroom"hyuka says proudly. "U guys should've gotten some rest it's rlly late" I say feeling guilty for keeping them up. "It's ok it's not later then usual plus we wanted to make sure u were alright" hyuka adds again. "no later then usual so ur telling me if I didn't collapse we would still be practicing, thank god I fainted" I whisper in disbelief. They all just giggle at my reaction which makes me smile. Once they stop I suggest we go back up to practice (yes Ik I hate it but I feel guilty because they value this much more then I do and I don't want to let them down). "Nu uh the nurse said that u were very dehydrated and that u should go back and REST hyung plus we r all tired as well" beomgyu says all up in my face in a serious joking manner which made me laugh. He stays all up in my face and pokes my nose.

Gosh this man is so beautiful especially up close even though he's not my bias I've always found him the most attractive member. "Ur rlly handsome" I say unaware, when I realise what I said I immediately cover my mouth with both hands and then cover my eyes out of embarrassment. Everyone laughs except for beomgyu who thanks me for saying that then proceeds to chuckle.

After THAT incident we get into the van but because it's so late yeonjun drives us, which makes me somewhat nervous but after a while I settle in. This time I'm not sitting the hyuka but BEOMGYU. After that ordeal I can barely look at him in the eyes. I assume beomgyu senses my awkwardness as he says "don't worry about before nobody can decline this beautiful face". This makes me chuckle and does help to lighten the mood. I turn to the window and look at the scenery of Seoul. Not long after that  beomgyu falls asleep and it appears everyone else has except for me and yeonjun (thankfully). I keep looking out the window when I feel beomgyu fall on my lap. A little smile appears on my face and I instinctively start to soft my fingers through his hair. Doing this reminds me of time back home with Katie, thinking of her and home brings small tears to my eyes. "Y/n we r here can u wake everyone up" yeonjun says snapping me out of my thoughts. I shake beomgyu to wake him up and he does quite quickly. I quickly wake up hyuka and taehyun who have their heads on one another, "awww so cute" I whisper to beomgyu who just chuckles, I think he is not rlly sure what's going on but I admire the effort. I shake the two sleepy heads and they both get up and realise where we r without me having to tell them.

When I get into our room i plop hyuka's pyjamas out side for him to get changed while I lock the door and get changed I'm still to shy to get changed in front of hyuka. When I'm done i unlock the door and he waddles into his bed. By now the tiredness has kicked in and I flop myself into bed not caring that I'm not under the sheets. "Good night hyuka" I groggily say. "Good night y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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