Part 19 discoveries

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Soobins Pov:
I wake up from my nap feeling a bit groggy, I touch my eye and feel that it's really puffed up now and hurts a lot like a lot. The slightest touch makes me ounce. I should get some more ice, I think. I grab her phone to check the time and it's 5am!!!!! A long nap i think to myself. I get up and head over to the freezer  I grab the ice pack and place it on my puffy eye. "Oooooooo that fees nice" I whisper walking back towards my room. I slump back down in my bed and open her phone just to scroll around.

While scrolling through her TikTok I get to see and insight to what moas are saying about us online and for the most part they seem really nice, which makes me really happy although there are some toxic moa's which made me a bit sad but suppose there are toxic fans in everything.

I keep scrolling around she probably wouldn't want me too though lmao but it's my phone now so I'm going to do it 😜. I find her instagram and discover she has a fan account for HYUKA!! Geez 🙄 am 'I didn't know she was a hyuka bias' I whisper shout with jealousy. Why am I feeling jealous all of a sudden, weird I think. I continue to look around and dam she is a really dedicated Moa almost since debut!

I didn't realise how much time had passed until I heard Katie stopping around the living area. "I'm going now I have a club today so I'm leaving early byyyeee" she shouts. I didn't even get time to respond when I heard the door slam shut. She must've been in a rush normally she tries to talk to me before leaving.

Now that she's gone I feel much more comfortable in the house as I don't have to worry about taking to her about stuff I know nothing about specifically boys. Well actually I guess I do know stuff cause I was one but Americans are different, they're so much louder and out there then back home definitely a big culture shock.

Speaking of home I have missed Korean food so much like authentic everything here is just not it, I miss Korea so mucchh. To accomodate my needs I grab her phone from my pajamas pockets and quickly try find a good Korean place on menulog. Every place I try to find all looks americanised that's until I find this one place that looks pretty good. I order i heap probably much more then I can eat in this body. I order tteokbokki, Kimbap, fried chicken, ramen, cabbage kimchi, and rice. Like I said a lot, wait I'm spending her money aren't I think as I press the order button, it's ok I'll pay her back plus she currently has my bank account which is much more then a broke college student.

My food arrives and I'm practically drooling just by the smell. As soon as I open the containers I dig right in, "mmmm thank god her body likes this as much as me" I mumble to myself. Everything was really really good not as good as home but the best I've found so far here. By the end I still have like half of it left and I'm absolutely full like if I ate anything more I could explode. I don't think I've eaten this much since for ever. Although I miss everyone back home it's quite relaxing having a break from the pressures and stress that comes with being an idols.

I put on the tv and an add with a guy pops up it's something to do with a modelling agency. When it comes up however something weird inside me happens I feel as though I'm attracted to him!! "WAIT NO IM NOT GAY, am I? No I swear I've only like girls before, maybe no it can't be, is it because I'm a girl now?

A short and weird chapter kinda rushed but hope u enjoy 😊

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