Chapter 15 Back stage

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Y/n's Pov:
"You've got some explaining to do soobin!!!!" I hear our manager shout through the narrow hallways. When he turns around the corner and comes into view I immediately apologise to him and bow to show my respect to him. This however doesn't do much as he was still full of rage and anger directed towards me. "You should t be apologising to me but to your hyungs and fans, I don't want to hear any more of this and if it happens again you will have to speak to the ceo, now apologies to everyone" he says as he storms back out to a random room back stage.

After their manager scolded me in front of literally everyone I was very embarrassed but also felt very guilty for what I did on stage. And I felt bad for letting pretty much everyone down their fans, soobin, txt, and like the whole company. I turn around and keep my head looking down to the ground while I apologise to everyone. "I am very sorry to everyone especially you guys I don't know what happened but I will do better next time." I say still looking down at the ground fearing for my life if I look at them directly. Like I know how much this means to them, and for me to just come in here randomly and ruin there careers. To my surprise however they don't seem to annoyed with at least that's what I am assuming because they haven't replied yet. This creates a very awkward atmosphere with me standing there while they are all staring at me. I am starting to get frustrated with this i think and my intrusive thoughts won. " are you guys just going to stare at me or say something!!!" I say very frustratingly with this whole situation. I turn my back and start walking to the bathrooms when I get a response. "we were all staring at you weirdly because we didn't really understand much of it because, you said it in English." Taehyun says while rubbing his head. "What do you mean" I reply, "it's exactly what taehyun said, soobin that whole apology well I think it was an apology was in English" beomgyu says backing up taehyun. I can feel all the staff staring at us but more specifically me, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. " you have been acting strange over the past few days soobin is there something you need to tell us" yeonjun says while folding his arms, he has been ok my case all day now and now this. I look over too hyuka and see him standing awkwardly trying not to engage to much in the conversation. Yeonjun catches me looking over to him and rats me out. "Hey what aren't you telling us does hyuka know something about this whole situation recently, we just want to know to help you if you need it." Honestly I have no idea what to do, I can either tell them now which would reveal my secret to like the whole company or wait till we are somewhere private but have to endure their interrogation and suspicions, i think I will go with the second one. While in my train of thought hyuka tries to back me up, "he has just been practicing English very hard and got them mixed up" but he says it very sceptically which literally doesn't help one little bit and they very clearly aren't convinced.

"Ok I will tell you what's up, along with hyuka when we get back I want to be some where more private (I whisper that part), and I would like to apologise to you all again because I am very sorry about messing up and ruining your performance I promise I won't do it again." I say now much more sincerely because I still did feel very guilty with what I did. "It's ok but you better tell us what ever is happening when we get back to our dorm" everyone but hyuka says splitting up each character like they could read and each others minds. " I will I promise" I say to them while half smiling to them. "Awww we can't stay mad at you soobini" beomgyu says while coming in for a hug. I am surprised with his action but I openly embrace it while everyone else comes in with me in the middle. It was oddly comforting but kinda weird being hugged by 4 full grown sweaty men, but mainly I was happy they weren't mad at me I think 😰😰.  " we love you soobin and you can tell us anything" taehyun whispered in my ear. They are so kind to each other  and it feels nice to be sort of loved by so many people even if they don't really love me.

After our hug everyone went of to get all their gear of, tbh it was very reliving everything was so uncomfortable I can't believe idols have to do this so often. Once I get all my stuff off I need to get changed back into my normal comfortable day clothes. I start looking for an open un-used change room but I literally can't seriously, like why just makes my life so much more difficult. " hey soobin ahhh there is a spare change room over here." I think beomgyu said not sure honestly but idc a change is a change room. So I happily march off to the direction of the voice. When I get there however I discover that it's not behind used by staff or other people but the rest of txt. So I have a change room but there are going to be attractive men getting changed in front of me. "Actually I am going to go to the bathroom" I say as I quickly rush of to find the nearest bathroom l. Ok finally I can get changed in peace I think when I enter a vacant cubicle. That was a close call it junk to my self. I finally get changed into my clothes and gosh it's an amazing feeling to be free from those tight sticky pants. I am still adjusting to getting changed but I think I am starting to get the hang of it I can practically do it perfectly with my eyes shut!!

When I meet everyone else as we prepare to return to their dorm for a bit until more practice!!! Like hello we just performed on stage and now we get like one second rest. Any ways I get back to them and we just sit down waiting for our car to come and take us back. While I am waiting I open Soobins phone and try to find any games I could play, and not so surprisingly I found genshin impact. Honestly I have always wanted to play this game but my phone would literally explode if I try. So I start playing and it's alright I mean I guess I probably just don't know how to play properly. Our cars gets here and we all hop into it sitting in the same seats as before which is good cause I don't want yeonjun or anyone else all up in my face the whole trip. I currently exhausted from the stress and the performance so I put in some music and dose off for about until he get back.

Authors note:
Not the best update 😩😩I am sorry but hope you enjoy.

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