Chapter 10 New york adventure

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Soobins Pov:
I got my my hot water bottle and had some Panadol which helped a little but it's still uncomfortable, I can't believe girls have to deal with this once a month. Hopefully I won't have to deal with another and will be back my handsome sexy body again. I wonder how she is dealing with practice hopefully she knows at least some of the choreo because that would be bad for both of us if she fails for me. It's kinda nice to have a break from it though, being under lots of  pressure long practices.

Now that I am feeling better I am going to have breakfast, I make my way out to find Katie still here. I thought she would be at work like yesterday apparently not. "So your finally out I made some pancakes for you they are ok the table" she says cheerfully. "Thank you can't wait to have them, and you sound happy today" i say trying to act like y/n as much as possible. "Well I got my pay check today and I was wondering if you wanted to go help me go cloths shopping". "So these pancakes were bribery" i say jokingly. " so is that a yes or a no". To be honest I don't like clothes shopping it's boring but for the sake of keeping y/n's friendship I will have to accept. "It's a yes" I say, "Really, well that's a surprise you normally don't accept my offer, thank you" she says while jumping up in excitement. "I can't wait it will be so fun just you wait" she says while exiting the room. Well hat sucks if I knew that she wasn't expecting me to come I would've have definitely declined. This is going to be interesting, but hey look on the bright side you get to explore a place you don't know that well.

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Me and Katie reach the shopping centre and my god it's huge, it's definitely one of the biggest I have been too. "Ok let's go to the first shop" she says while pulling on my arm which makes me stumble, I regain my balance and just follow her. "Hey wait up" i shout to her, "okay but hurry up slowpoke we have lots of shops to visite today and I don't want to waste time" she says still walking fast. I catch up to her and we walk into the first store I already feel bored, please let this go by fast I think.

"So which ones better, this one or the long one" she says while putting them up in front of her. I honestly think they both look good but I know that saying that won't satisfy her because this is our 3rd store so I just pick a random one. "The long one" I say, "are you sure I was kinda wanting the short sleeved on" she says. " yes I am sure, it suits your body type better" i say trying to convince her. We have been to three stores and it's almost 1hr and 30min, this is going to take forever. "I think your right y/n thanks now I am getting hungry let's get some lunch" she says already walking up to pay. Finally something other then shopping I think.

When we get by the food court I see some Korean fried chicken. Mmmm I like that and it makes me feel abit more at home. "Oh dam it" i say "what Is it" Katie asks. "I don't have any money" I say frustrated,  "oh don't worry I will pay for you I know you didn't really want to come so I should pay for you." She says "oh no I don't mind being here" i say flustered, "it's ok don't lie I am grateful for you coming and it's nice, ok anyways let's get your food what do you want?" she says trying to change the subject. "Umm the Korean fried chicken please" I say. "I should've guessed of course you would get this don't you ever get bored of it" Katie says to me jokingly.

I get the food and sit down at a spare table while Katie is getting her food, this gives me some time to just be able to forget about what has happened because it is quite stressful being in a foreign environment with a person you meet a couple days ago. Mmmm this is actually pretty good considering it's made over here, still not as good as the ones in Korea though but still good. I don't why but this brought back memories of eating fried chicken with the rest of txt. I miss them they are like family to me and not being able to even message them is really starting to get to me. Ya stop being so emotional soobin, I don't why I have been so emotional since I have switched bodies maybe it's linked to the issue down there. I get snapped out of my thoughts by Katie, "i see you have been enjoying that already ate most before I came back" she says with a big grin on her face. "Oh sorry I should've waited" "don't worry I was only joking" she says.
~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We are finally leaving and it's 2pm so it's been 4HRS and I could not be more happy that we left. We were making our way back to the appartement when my phone buzzed and I looked at it and it was an alert before I could say anything before I could say anything I was being pulled by Katie. "What you doing why are you running with me?" I say very confused, "didn't you see it was an alert for a shooting" she says while still running. "Quick let's get home where it's safe it just around the corner." I pick up my pace and follow her because I don't really
Know my way around the area. We get inside and she immediately locked the door, I sit down out of breath and still sit confused about what just happened. "Why did we have to run so fast I didn't see anyone with a gun nor did I hear anything" I say still out of breath. "Didn't you see it at the alert all, the shots where just in the mall we were Just in like 10min ago so I wanted to get as far away as possible and to a safe place." "Oh I didn't realise sorry, every just went by so fast" I say finally getting my breath back.

I get back up and go to my room to change my pad. Ughhhh gross I think as I place the old one in the bin I find a new one and put it on, it was easier this time because eu had already done but I still don't like doing it. All this girl stuff is growing me out, and I have got school tomorrow which will be interesting hopefully she doesn't do math because I hate math. Well I hate school but maths is defiantly the worse, hopefully she does music because I could show off my amazing voice if I do say so myself. Although I don't have my normal voice but I can't be that bad because still have the technique and experience.

To stop thinking about it I take a well deserved nap, you know I had a near death experience I would think even if that is stretching it a bit. I close my eyes and quickly fall into a deep slumber.

Authors note:
I am currently having lots of final exams atm so I will probably update once a week sorry. In a couple of weeks they will all be over so I should go back to more quicker updates.

Soobin txt body swap // ff. Where stories live. Discover now