Chapter 11 Preparation

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Soobins Pov:
I wake up from my quick nap, and I look over at the time and it is 6:30pm ahhh nice nap. I get up of the bed feeling refreshed I quickly stretch I go look around to find something to do since I have nothing to do. I wish I was able to call my friends it's felt Ike I haven't talked to them in years. I go over to the book shelf in her room to see if anything appeals to me, even though I don't really like reading but  don't have much to do and I am still full from lunch so I can't really eat. Nothing is standing out to me so I am just going to go on y/n's phone to watch some YouTube.

It's 9pm now and I am honestly surprised  y/n hasn't called considering she was the one who wanted to call this evening. I may as well call her in like an hour because I am getting a bit peckish now so go grab a quick snack from the fridge which is just left over pasta with some sauce that taste good. While eating I continue watching my show I found on Netflix which I can't stop watching atm I was wanting to watch another drama but it wasn't available in America unfortunately but this show is just as good so it makes up for that.

After that quick little meal I change out of my clothes while closing my eyes and change into her pyjamas, after that I brush my teeth and wash my face with a cleanser I found in her bathroom. It's almost ten now and I she still hasn't called by now they should be done practice and be home, did she bail on me??? I decide to ring my phone, "ughhhhh why aren't you picking up I need to talk to you about your college" i say to the phone like a crazy person. Final she picks up. "Hello y/n you there? I say "soobin is that you?"wait is that hyuka, but how does he know it's me!!????

Huening Kai'a Pov:
I wake up from Soobins phone ringing, what time is it I think, I look over and it's 10:30pm. Ughhhhh I just went to sleep do I have to get it I think so I lay back down to try and fall back to sleep but it keeps ringing so I get to see who it is. Lady soobin I read as the contact number, wait is that soobin??? I should talk to him to see how he his doing, I don't want to wake up y/n because she is sound asleep and is probably tired from practice today, so I pick up the phone and answer the call while walking to the bathroom.

"Hello y/n you there" i hear a women say, wait is that soobin? "Soobin is that you?" I ask. "No i am..... Soobina" I hear him say panicked, yeah that's definitely him I think to myself just by the way he talks. "It's okay I know about you two switching bodies, and all that weird stuff" I say happy to be able to talk to soobin again. "Wait how and when did you find out", " I found out the first time you guys called I noticed what I though was you acting weird but I didn't t think to much of it, but I over heard ur conversation and confronted y/n thinking it was a prank but apparently it wasn't." I say whispering to make sure I don't wake anyone up. "Why didn't she tell me!!" I hear a frustrated soobin say. " I wanted to talk to someone at least and I could've talk to you" i hear him whining. " you sound so different as a girl soobin hyung it's a bit funny hearing you whine with a girls voice" i say while chuckling. "Ya you be quite it's not funny, being a girl sucks I had to deal with a period today and it hasn't been nice." "Sorry sorry, why did you call anyways" I ask. "Well long story short I have to go to her college tomorrow which won't be fun and if I don't want to die a more painful death I need her to tell me about how to not die so can you get her" he says clearly panicked. "Do I have to she is sleeping so soundly and she is tired from practice toda.." " yes get her this important to her to and as the leader I order you to wake her up" he says sternly. "Ok ok" I say while getting up to walk back to my room. " one magical thing that happened is that now I can speak fluent English" i hear soobin say. "What really prove it then"I say not being able to believe it. "Well first of all Y/n can speak perfect Korean now, and hurry up and wake her up now" he says in fluent English. "Wow that's amazing" i say back. "Yeah i know right I was just as shocked when I first realised, now hurry up please"

Y/n Pov:
"Huh why are you waking me up, let me go back to sleep" I say stuffing my face in to the pillow. " it's soobin he wants to talk to you about college tomorrow he seems stressed" "fine give me the phone then" i say stil keeping my eyes shut. " ok hello y/n I hear you sound happy" soobin says playfully. "Soo happy how did you guess" I say back, this received a chuckle from hyuka. "Ok so what do you want to know" I say seriously now because I am realising that this could effect my life. "Well just like the importants what classes you take where the place actually is" he says. " firstly the classes I take are legal studies, criminology, and political science." "Sounds boring but at least it's not math" i hear a happy soobin say. "Secondly you don't need to worry about where it is because Katie will drive you there because she also goes to the same uni, during the day just stay with her we have the same classes so that should be fine. Luckily for you because the semester is about to need there aren't any major assessments so don't really have to worry about that. Don't get in trouble and just stay quite and don't say much in class. Okay?" I say. "That's a lot to take in but I think I got it" " ok good, oh and take my laptop there should be class pages for each subject with the work, and that should be it".

"Now since I am all prepared I need to get you prepared for tomorrow hopefully huening Kai already helped you a bit." Soobin says. "I did help her a little" hyuka whisper shouts. " ok good so you know the dance and lyrics?" He questions. "Well I think I am alright at the dance considering your body remembered it, and I don't know all the lyrics" I say. "Well that interesting but lucky hopefully I get some of the body remembering stuff tomorrow but with smartness" soobin jokes, I just let out a little laugh. "Ok with the lyrics on the day they should give you a piece of paper with your lines memorise them ok but if you forget when performing there should be a baking track so it's not the end of the world" he says. "Okay not to bad then" I say trying to stay composed.

"Ok now I want to go back to sleep considering I was woken up by you and had to go to your practice" i say emphasising yeh word your. " technically it was huening Kai who woke you up" Soobin says. " enough good night, and good luck" i say "good night soobin hyung hope your mind doesn't explode tomorrow" i hear hyuka say. "Good night to you both cya and call me tomorrow before the show if you get a chance but definitely after ok" "ok bye" I say while hanging up the call. "Ok now u am going to get as much sleep as I can before we have to get up" I say to hyuka. "Same here" hyuka says in agreement.

Authors note:
Not the best chapter and sorry for the slow update. Anyways hope you enjoy.❤️❤️

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