Chapter 14 first day

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Yeonjun's Pov:
I am walking to the back stage of the music bank to get ready and annoyingly there are crazy amounts of paparazzi it's almost blinding. As I am walking almost to the end I feel someone's hand grabbing onto mines. I quickly turn around thinking it could've been a crazy fan but it was soobin.why is he holding my hand I wonder. As soon as we get into the safety of the building I yank him to the side while everyone else continues to walk to the prep rooms.

"I know something is up" i interrogate him. But he insists that everything is fine, I finally get annoyed and raise my voice and say "Ik something is up". This thankfully gets a response. "I am not soobin" what I immediately think, what does he mean by that. But before I get the chance to get more answers staff calls us over.

For the rest of the time during preparation I can tell he is trying to avoid me not wanting to talk. So I just don't bother even trying, I can't stop thinking about how he said he isn't soobin like wdym by that! Is he having a identity crisis? Possibly. This gets off my mind however when we are called by someone to go out to the mcs for our interview before the performance. The interview is going well until they ask soobin a question to say a message to I the international fans. I instantly saw him go white and I was about to talk for him but he goes a head and says something in like PERFECT ENGLISH. Ok this is weird how did he have like no accent what so ever.

This makes me very confused but I just move in maybe he has practiced. We all get in to the stage and I am feeling pretty good we have practiced hard for this. The music starts and everyone starts moving but not soobin what's happening to him. It's been like 3secs and he still hasn't  moved I see hyuka tell him something and he starts moving thank god. After that incident at the start it all went smoothly and I was pretty happy with it. But that's just another thing he has done strangely recently, something is really up and I need to figure it out soon to help fix it.

Soobins Pov:
My alarm starts ringing at like 6:30 "ugghhh hie I missed these days" I say to myself sarcastically. I get up from my bed and got to the bathroom. I haven't washed my hair yet so I am going to do that now. I place a towel around my neck to prevent water from flowing down my shirt. I finish washing my hair and find some nice cloths to put on and spray a bunch of deodorant on. One thing I never realised was that people need deodorant I am so used to not needing any. I check the time and and the Korean time to see if i should ring her or not, and from my expert calculations because she is performing today in my body she should be in the prep rooms so probably not the best time.

I go out to the kitchen and have some jam on toast this body really seems to like that. I quickly grab he laptop and a carry bag for the day and follow Katie to her car to take me to college. I hop in the car and she asks me a question "so what are you planing to do in the summer brake?" "Umm I am planning to go to Korea for a bit" I say which is true I want my body back so hopefully meeting each other will help. "Do you want to see that boy band what was there name txt was it?" She asks. "Umm yeah but I also just want go it seems cool" I say, even though I grew up in Korea and am kinda sick of it. It's really nice here and new.

The car trip was rather awkward so I just put in music for the rest of the trip. I check out her Spotify and I am glad to say txt us her top artist, and her playlist is pretty good. I say my good byes to Katie as we both go to our different classes. I thought y/n said we had the same classes apparently not. Because of this I spend 10min if the lesson looking for the class, when I get in a i immediately apologies to the teacher and thankfully they seemed rather chill. The first two lessons where a double which was gruelling to say the very least, I was barely even paying attention for most of just hoping I dont get called on by the teacher. I think it was something to do about law not really sure tbh. Because it was a double I have a eating brake in between and this should be the time when he is performing our song for me and I need her to do good. I find a seat by myself not being able to see Katie maybe she has something on like a club? I don't mind being by myself however. I open her phone and go to the live stream for music bank and wait for our stage to appear. After about 10min I would say a large logo of txt pops up on the screen I bring the screen closer and start seeing the interview. Everything is going well and she is not being suspicious she could actually pass as me. That's until he gets asked a question that I assume to be not on the script because y/n's face looks like she is dead. But she answers the question rather well in my opinion. Now however the moment of truth they all appear on the stage. And I focus on myself well her, and not to sound narcissistic but I look really good just the soobin charm sexy but cute.

When the music starts I see myself just standing there, what is she doing I think to myself she is ruining my reputation the public might think something is wrong with me. In the midst of my ranting in my head she starts dancing to the music and singing as well. Ngl she is rather good at singing and dancing but I am still annoyed about her at the beginning. Not long after I finish watching the performance my next class starts I decided I won't ring her until I get home as her schedules should be done for the day rather early today.

My next class is better then the first I actually understood some of it but still went through one ear and one out of the other. I staid quite for the lesson only one more to go, thankfully however this lesson Katie was in my class and I could just follow her to the class unlike last time. Just one more lecture to go I think to my self. I must've forgotten how school really is mentally draining like it makes me feel dead on the inside. After that class I get up and follow Katie to go to our final lecture for the day. As we are walking across the campus this group of girls come up to us. "So the big nose rat is back here, I thought I told you to stay away from my boyfriend other wise there would be consciences" she says all up in my face. Not sure the context of what she is talking about I just ignore her and walk away. This Bieber didn't go well."come back here you brat you need a lesson to be taught". Before I could do anything I feel something but my face.

I wake up in a nurses office a bit confused on what's happening."oh thank god your awake y/n" I hear Katie say she comes up and hugs me. Now coming to my senses I realise I was punched by what appears to be her bully. "I will take you straight home you don't need to worry" Katie says fussing over me. I just nod and follow her back to the car. She explains to me that she will be back home later as she has a club on in the afternoon and for me to just rest. It's now like 3:30pm and I think y/n should be free to call. So I pick up my phone and ring her, unfortunately she doesn't pick up but messages me she will ring me soon. Not to much time later I get a call from y/n and I immediately pick it up.

"Hi soobin how was school?"

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