3 - History Lesson

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"You can't remember anything? Anything at all? Surely that can't be right. How are you on the run from two galactic super powers and can't even tell me why?"

Jupiter's expression sank as he rubbed the tops of his legs anxiously.

"I don't know. I...I'm sorry, I just... I can't remember." Rix stated as she continued to stare at the ground, her eyes glassy and filled with fear.

A lengthy sigh escaped the dahmak's mouth and he leaned back in his chair slightly, the wood creaking under his weight.

"Well... whatever it is, you've got the two of them working together. That's no small feat. Can you at least tell me you know your age?"


Jupiter's eyes widened at her answer.

"Fuck me. You're just a kid?"

A sheepish nod followed his response.

"Why the architects would the empire cleave a kid? I knew they were bad but this is ridiculous."

He stood up and began pacing up and down the room, rubbing his snout as he walked.

"Is there anything you can tell me? Anything about who you are? Where you're from?"

Rix was silent for a few seconds, the look of contemplation plastered all over her face.

"I... I remember the city. That's about it."

"City? What city?"

"Imperum. The city on the Beta plane?"

"What is that, some sort of capital?" Jupiter asked as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't know Imperum? The largest city on the Beta plane? The home of the empress? I thought I was the one with no memory." she jested.

"Do I look like I follow irvagaleni politics?" He asked, waving a hand around his small little wooden cabin.

"Fair point but..."

"But what?"

"I dunno. I thought everyone knew about Ir."

Jupiter's face contorted into a frown.

"Hate to break it to you kid, but most people aren't a fan of your little empire."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, her voice raising slightly. "We're not bad people!"

Jupiter motioned towards the stubs under her arms.


Rix sunk back into her seat, her shoulders raised as she held her arms in her hands.

Jupiter looked over at her saddened posture and felt a bit of guilt in his heart. He let out a sorrowful sigh.

"Look. Point is, the empire don't exactly present themselves in the nicest way alright?"

"And the hegemony do?"

"The hell they do. They're no better than the empire. Why do you think I'm all the way out here?"

Rix tilted her head to the side, her head fins raised slightly.

"Did... did they do something to you?"

Her words caused something in Jupiter's brain to snap, and he stood frozen for a few seconds. His eyes came to rest on his silver axe, however whatever it was that was on his mind, he didn't speak it. All that exited his mouth was another sigh.

"They took something from me. That's all you need to know, ok?"

Rix could sense she had struck a nerve. Her fins dropped once more.

The Streisand Effect [Spectra Fanfiction, book 2/3]Where stories live. Discover now