20 - Doctor, Doctor

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The storm had turned into a light drizzle. The winds had all but died down as the sun poked over the horizon. The Stinger was still hidden away next to an old warehouse on the very outskirts of town. Erica had done everything she could to help Blondie. She knew he'd be fine, the injuries weren't lethal thankfully, but losing an eye and ear wasn't going to be easy for him to deal with. There was nothing more that could be done though.

The doctor sat quietly, Ava by her side. They were under an old stone building just a few meters away from the ship. Erica had wanted some peace and quiet after her panic attack but Ava had refused to leave her on her own. The last time she had, they'd found the dahmak staring down the barrel of a gun. 

The two women sat quietly, Erica's eyes glistening with a soft wetness as she gazed up at the sunrise. The clouds in the sky trapped the sun's rays, creating gorgeous streaks of gold through the sky. If it were a movie, this would be the point where the main couple kiss. Erica knew this was no film though. There were no main characters, only lost souls trying their best to get by. There would be no happy ending to his tale.

Ava's fur was sparkling with water as the clouds began to part, giving way to the sky. Tiny droplets of water ran down her body, making it look like she was covered in thousands of tiny gemstones. Erica's skin did much the same, though it was harder to see thanks to her natural albinism. 

The feeling of Ava's hand as she held hers was comforting, grounding.  Erica's back hurt from bearing the weight of her sins for so long. There was no sound as the two sat, Ava simply content with being there for her friend. A small tear sunk down Erica's cheek, she quickly wiped it away but Ava noticed. 

The mowlin sighed and gently caressed Erica's hand with her thumb. 

"It's going to be alright," she whispered. Erica couldn't help but shake her head.

"Why am I like this? What's wrong with me?"

"Hun there's nothing wrong with you. You're just hurting," Ava said, rubbing her shoulder gently. "Eventually it will pass. It's going to take a while. Years maybe, but it will pass."

The doctor wiped another tear before it could fall, "No. no, it won't. It never does Ava. I... I've been like this forever. It doesn't pass. I don't... I can't."

"Can't what hun?"

"I can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?"

"This. All of this. Being here. These stupid adventures, living like this, I'm... I can't do this, I just, I can't do anymore of this."

"You think you'd be better off at home?"

The dahmak's lower jaw trembled slightly and Ava could tell she was fighting as best she could to hold back a tidal wave of emotion.

"I don't... I don't know."

The mowlin sighed.

"You really miss her don't you?"

Erica's composure was cracking, more tears started falling as she remembered her friend's face.

"Y-yea... I miss her s-so much. Why did she have to go?"

"I don't know. I wish I did but I don't."

"I just want to see her again."

"Would going back home help you?"

"N-no, they'd just lock me up again."

Ava suddenly paused, her head cocking to the side.

"Lock you up? Huh? What do you mean?"

In her distress, Erica hadn't even realised what she said. She punched herself mentally for slipping up, that was not something she wanted Ava to know about.

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