9 - The Vagabond

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The air was humid and muggy, exactly what Erica hated. Jäga wasn't fairing much better with his fur becoming knotted and filled with sweat. Jupiter seemed to be doing rather well considering his attire and normal place of residence, and Rix didn't seem to care at all.

The landing pad was a few minutes' walk outside the town of Kithjal, a run-down smuggler's paradise filled with stingy wooden shacks and nasty-looking people. Jäga had given Rix a large dirty poncho she could wear as a hood. It didn't do much, but it hid her from afar. There was every chance she would be recognised here. They'd just walked into a hornet's nest after all.

"Stay close. Don't attract any unwanted attention," Jupiter mumbled quietly as they entered town, "Where's this guy we're looking for?"

"He's supposedly at this address here," Jäga said, showing the group a line on his gaunt.

'24 Tiah Complex, Kithjal.'

"Great, any idea where that is?"

Jäga frowned, "Nope. Might be a problem. Maybe we could ask around?"

"Be my guest. I wouldn't go expecting any helpful responses though," Jupiter remarked as he scanned their environment. They'd found themselves in what looked to be a market of some sort. Makeshift stands and shops were propped up along the walls with various different goods being sold.

Erica's eyes darted all over the place. It was a strange feeling being away from Tarilia once again. Everything now seemed so alien to her. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that ran down her spine.

The group headed through the market, being sure to keep their heads down. A few confused looks at Erica and Rix were all they received for the most part.

The doctor held herself tightly, her tail wrapping around her legs as she walked. So many sets of eyes, all of them on her. In the dusty and confined plaza she stuck out like a sore thumb, her pearly white scales and cloak acted like a beacon in the crowd of people who were adorned with ragged jackets and torn clothing.

A sea of dull reds, greens and browns flowed past them as they moved. 

Jupiter looked over at the doctor. Her pupils were dilated and her hands were shaking. Her eyes darted every which way and she looked like she was about to break down.

"Hey, Lokket, keep your head down. Don't make eye contact. You'll be fine. We're not here to cause trouble."

The dahmak nodded quickly, biting her lip. 

The group pushed on through the plaza, evading beggars and gruff brutes along the way. Eventually they managed to come across a small holographic sign that had directions labelled on it. 

Jäga ran his fingers across it, searching for what they were after until finally he found it.

"Aha. Kithjal. Should be west of here, down that alley."

The group followed him as he lead them through a stone archway that slowly gave way to a large alleyway with rags and clothing littering the floor. Dumpsters had been emptied out and turned into makeshift shelters. Rotten mattresses were lined up against the wall, and Erica didn't let the suspicious red substance sprinkled across the floor go unnoticed. She gulped. 

"Whoever this guy is I really hope he's worth it," Rix muttered.

"Oh he is, don't you worry," Jäga smiled. The irva shuddered. She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Stalked, like prey in the jungle. She looked all around, but all around them was only stone walls.

There were however a group of three people standing at the end of the alleyway. There were two kugraws and a teregrine, all of whom seemed to be smoking and talking casually.

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