8 - Fantasies

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Erica's head slammed against the hospital wall, the same spot she'd hit fifty seven other times. The wall had begun to show signs of chipping from the amount of hits it had taken.

It hurt.


Maybe if she kept hitting it hard enough, she'd pass out. Maybe even permanently. 

She once again raised her head and slammed it into the wall.

Her blue gown now had specks of blood on it. Her white skin had turned purple as small rivers of blood trickled from her forehead.

The pain was growing, but she couldn't feel it. She couldn't feel anything.

She hadn't felt anything in months.

Since Vex passed the scars on her wrist had grown more and more numerous. She'd started cutting her tail as well. Anywhere she could find a spot to hurt herself, she did.

It was what she deserved after all.

There was no emotion in her eyes. Simply a blank thousand yard stare. Hollow eyes that gazed aimlessly from the window. A window she'd tried many times to break through. The doctors had made sure it was reinforced and permanently locked. That didn't stop her from trying. There was still a smudge from where she'd rammed her body against it in a futile attempt to escape. 

The sudden sound of bangs on the door behind her echoed through the room, but the dahmak took no notice. 

"Miss Lokket! Stop!" 

"Erica please stop!" 

The shouts from the doctors and psychiatrists behind her fell on deaf ears. Eventually they opened the door. There were two security guards and two medical personnel. 

"Erica, you need to stop," one of the doctors said. He did his best to sound friendly, but the dahmak was in no mood to talk.

She ignored his request, slamming her head into the wall again. 

"Alright, get her on the bed," the female doctor muttered. In an instant Erica's pupils dilated. Her clipped claws dug into the wall, her ears drooping.


Her emotionless stare disappeared and a look of terror overcame her features as she started clawing at the window in desperation, trying anything to break it. She hurled drink bottle and plastic cutlery at the glass but it was all in vain. She screamed in agony and did her best to fend off the guards as they approached. 

"Erica please, calm down."

"We're only trying to help." 

Once again the voices of the doctors went in one ear and straight out the other. In her manic state she wasn't even able to comprehend what they were saying.

The two kugraw guards moved in, seizing her gently. But when she clawed and scratched, their grip tightened.

"Sedative, now," One of the guards said.

"Let me go!" She screamed, tears now flowing from her eyes, "Just let me die, why won't you let me die!" She begged, choking on her own tears. 

The guards forced the manic dahmak to her bed where the female doctor pulled out a large needle filled with a clear solution.

"Hold her down, quickly," she said as she tapped the needle.

"Kill me, please!" She pleaded, begging for and end to it. Begging for something to turn the lights off. Her cries echoed through the facility like banshee wailing, searching for its long lost partner.

The Streisand Effect [Spectra Fanfiction, book 2/3]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora