26 - Comatose

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It was hard to watch as the doctors wheeled Erica away on a gurney. Ava and the others did their best to keep pace. The doctors were clearly trying to stay calm, but there was a recognisable desperation in their eyes. The dahmak had been hooked up to a blood bag almost instantly and a defibrillator had been brought down. The doctors had been able to restart her heart after several attempts. The relief was short lived though. 

They raced through the halls of the hospital, desperately trying to find an empty ward. Nurses yelled at patients and doctors alike to get out of the way. Ava fought against the crushing anchor weighing her heart down. It was almost impossible.

The doctors exchanged different codes and orders, none of which anyone understood. In the chaos, it was hard to understand anything. Erica's chest was stagnant, frozen in time. The nurses were cleaning the wound as they went, all the while making sure her oxygen mask was fitted properly.




The sounds of the heart rate monitor was the only thing Ava could focus on. Everything else seemed to blur into a mess of white noise. An echo of reality surrounding her. Erica's pale skin had turned sickly white. More than normal. She looked like a ghost. 

Jäga reached out to hold Ava's hand as they jogged, but the mowlin either didn't realise or wasn't interested. Her own hands were held together, fidgeting in front of her. It wasn't just her either. Jäga and Blondie were just as worried, even if the latter was better at hiding it. But his eyes were locked on the doctor. His hands were clenched into fists by his side. A telltale sign of his worries bubbling up.

Jäga eyes were filled with fear. They kept darting up to the heart monitor then back down at the dahmak. Almost like if he stared hard enough, maybe she'd start staring back. It wasn't to be however, the only response she could give was silence. 

Jupiter and Rix were right by them too, with Rix holding the side of the gurney tightly. Jupiter trailed behind them, not wanting to make himself known. But Ava could see worry in his eyes. She could tell this was not his first time in a hospital. There were certain looks people had that were unmistakable. The focused glare and tense posture he had told her everything she needed to know.

Her thoughts didn't stay on him for long though. Try as she might, she couldn't take them away from Erica. Her friend lay as cold as stone. Mere moments away from death. That is, if it hadn't already taken her.




Other nurses and patients scrambled out of the way as they raced down the hall. 




One of the doctors eyed the monitor. She didn't even realise she was holding her breath. Suddenly there was a flash of movement from the bed. An arm shifted, a tail twitched. The doctor instantly brought her hands away from the dahmak.

"Erica, Erica can you hear me?"

The only response she got was Erica's body beginning to twitch and spasm, her limbs and fingers curling and contorting slightly, sharp movements and rapid convulsions of her chest followed.

Ava looked on in terror as her friend began shaking uncontrollably on the gurney.

"What's happening?!" She cried, racing to her side. She didn't make it far before the doctor stepped in between her and the gurney, gently throwing her arms out to her sides.

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