22 - A Night Of Fire

22 1 0

Warning, this chapter contains sexual themes and imagery. Viewer discretion is advised.

Ava, Erica and Duria made their way back to the Stinger as quickly as they could, information in hand. A good find, one that would hopefully turn the tides in their favour. The walk home was as uneventful as the walk there, with the only conversation being about what Erica had been reading. She brushed it off as simply wanting to learn a bit more about the city, but Duria could see through her bluff. He didn't mind her lies though, what she did was her business and hers alone.

With the group heading back to the ship, it was finally time for action. The three were greeted by Rix as they entered.

"Hey. Find anything?" The irva asked as they all crowded around the table.

"Indeed we did. Care to tell them?" Duria said.

Ava stepped forwards, burner gaunt in hand.

"We've got a location. Peraplex tower. We caught them snooping around. I'm pretty sure they've got some sort of meeting point set up there. Maybe we can get the drop on them."

Jupiter nodded his head as ideas began to flood into it, "Good. Good. It's a start. How do we want to go about doing this? Trap the place?"

Jäga shook his head, "No, it's still a public building. There are people that work there. We can't risk hurting them."

"My recommendation would be keeping this under wraps. We don't want them to know that we know about it. If they think we're still on the run, they'll be more careless. Subtlety is the name of the game here. I say we gather intelligence first," Duria explained. Jäga brought up a map of the street on the ship's holo-table.

"There's a big building opposite. Nice flat roof, plenty of cover. Could be good for a stakeout. Maybe we could catch them off guard."

Blondie stroked his chin, "If we can listen in on what they're saying it might make things easier. Ava?"

"I can take care of that. They won't leave their hideout unguarded for long."

"Good plan. You and Jäga can take watch tonight, relay any info you find back to us-"

"Absolutely not," Ava exclaimed, her eyes locking with Jäga's, who was decidedly more submissive.

"Why? You two are the best we've got for quiet operations. And you shouldn't be out there alone." Blondie stated, clearly not in the mood for petty bickering.

"I'll be fine. He'll only slow me down."

"Ava I-"

"Shut it."

Jupiter's temper was reaching its breaking point, "Alright I don't know what the hell is wrong with you two but just cut the shit. Grow up, the sixteen year old irva is behaving more maturely than you. This is bigger than you. Swallow your pride for fuck's sake."

Jäga said nothing, however Ava was very adamant about voicing her displeasure.

"You don't know half the shit I've been through, don't you dare talk to me!"

The dahmak was unphased. He looked her in the eye and slowly approached, standing tall as he glared down at her.

"I lived on a frozen wasteland for five years. And on a desert before that. My wife was taken from me. You're not the only one who's been hurt. You're not special. I'm not in the mood for your games. A kid's life is on the line. All our lives are. He could've fucked your sister for all I care. You're not here to make friends. Do your job. Or I'll do it for you."

The Streisand Effect [Spectra Fanfiction, book 2/3]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt