21 - Eyes On All

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Ava, Erica and Duria did their best to blend in as they casually strolled down the busy streets of the city. Morning had come and they were headed to the town's library to enact Ava's plan. Some of the group had their doubts, but of they wanted to stand any chance against Sarin and Beknati, they needed to act fast.

Erica's eyes were weak and heavy from a night filled with nightmares. Sleep had been a rarity for her for quite a while now and it showed. Her posture was slouched and she seemed to shuffle along like a zombie rather than walk. Heavy bags hung under her eyes, grey and depressing. Her once bright and vibrant raspberry-red eyes were now more blood red and sunken, devoid of life.

Duria and Ava had a little more spring in their step, with the kugraw's smile being as bright as ever.

The streets of the city had come alive, very different from what they'd encountered the night before. With the storm having passed and the clouds giving way to clear skies, citizens were out and about in droves. The sound of unintelligible chatter filled the air alongside the hum of cyclers and trucks along the road.

The smell of rain was still in the air, and the sidewalks were damp and moist. Small trees that were dotted around the place had droplets of water that clung onto them, reflecting the light like diamonds. The library was another fifteen minutes away, so Ava decided to try and kill some time.

"So Duria, why were you working with that gang back on Weltaro?"

"Ah, a ruse my good friend. The gangs hold a lot of power in the city. By allying myself with them I gained access to a lot of information. Useful information, movements, plans, trading routes, all that good stuff. Eventually, it led me to Miss Lokket and her friends," He gestured to Erica, "And to Rix."

"Why were you looking for Rix?"

"I suppose I never did tell you did I? Well, I work with information. I'm somewhat of a broker. Normally I relay these kinds of things back to the Hegemony, however this case intrigued me. I still can't think of a reason why the Empire and Hegemony would be allying themselves for this. I mean, I'm glad differences are being settled and all, but the ends don't seem to justify the means. Surely if Rix was just a petty criminal then the Hegemony would have no interest in the case. But both parties clearly don't want this to become widespread public knowledge," the kugraw stated.

"Are there any other parties we should know about?" The mowlin asked, half-jokingly.

"Well I found out that the Empire did end up requesting aid from the Grand Duke. But the dahmaks declined. Probably a wise move in all honesty."

"So the whole galaxy is out to get one girl. Makes sense."

"Hardly. But, that's what we must uncover. Unfortunately, my network cannot be of much aid to us at the moment. Once they found out I had left, they disowned me."

Erica piped up, "You weren't supposed to leave?"

"My network didn't want to run the risk of straining relations with the Hegemony. After all, my interests don't exactly line up with theirs currently."

"So you... you sacrificed your job... to help us?" The dahmak queried.

"Well... that's one way of putting it, yes. I simply viewed it as the right thing to do. It seems preposterous that Rix is being hunted like this. I know a conspiracy when I see one."

"That's... very noble of you, Duria."

The kugraw smiled and bowed his head, "Thank you, Erica."

Ava chuckled under her breath as she saw Erica's morph lights glow ever so slightly brighter.

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