10 - New Places, Old Faces

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"What are you doing here?" Blondie asked, peeking through the door.

Erica gently rubbed her wrists, her eyes not quite meeting his. 

"We... we need your help. C-can we come in?"

"Of course."

The door closed and the group waited patiently as the sound of locks clicking and latches being released could be heard. A few seconds passed before the door opened back up, now revealing the figure who stood behind it.

He was a nox, covered in golden yellow fur with deep black pits for eyes, as most nox had. A brown coat complimented his white undershirt and a neat hat adorned his head.

Erica and Jäga both smiled as they were finally able to see their friend for the first time in two years.

"Hey Blondie. Looking good!" Jäga grinned. The nox smirked and nodded back.

"Jäga," he tipped his hat slightly.

The group moved to enter but Blondie quickly held out a hand, glaring at Jupiter and Duria. His eyes darted back to Erica and Jäga. "You two first."

The dahmak and mowlin looked at each other, slightly puzzled. They did as they were asked though, the rest of the ground hanging back while they entered the nox's apartment.

"Who're your friends?" He asked, his voice just as gravelly and rough as it had been so long ago.

"Oh, this is Jupiter, Rix and Duria," Erica said, motioning towards the group, "Everyone, this is Jolona." Rix flashed Blondie a weak smile while Jupiter simply crossed his arms and stared onwards.

"You trust them?" The nox quietly asked, glaring sceptically at the three.

"I do. Yes."

"Well alright then," he nodded, "Come on in. And you can call me Blondie," he said.

Inside his apartment wasn't much nicer than outside, but air was cool and a small ceiling fan kept a constant breeze flowing through the rooms. The walls were a dirty cream and were peeling away in some places, the whole room building clearly not tended to very often.

As they entered, Jäga noticed Blondie quietly putting a photograph back inside a chest or drawers. The thought of questioning him about it came to mid, but he quickly decided now probably wasn't the best time.   

"Well then. What exactly are you all doing here? How long has it been, two years?"

"Y-yea. Well I... we," Erica stuttered, but she was quickly cut off by Jupiter.

"The good doctor here tells us you're good with guns?"

Blondie smirked, "She's not one for lying. Why?"

"We're in a bit of a situation. Could use a helping hand to watch our backs. Looking for a body guard. Hear you're one of the best."

Blondie's tongue curled and twisted in his mouth and he listened.

"What kind of situation?" 

"The kind that involves mercs gunning for us. Already had a nasty run in with one and I'd be willing to bet he's not the last we'll see of them."

Blondie turned to Erica, "And here I was thinking you just missed me," he chuckled, "Alright then. Who's after you? Why?"

Jupiter looked over to Duria.

"I think now would be a good time to start that explanation."

"Wait a minute," Blondie said. His eyes came to rest on the young irva standing across from him. Rix looked up at him with fretful eyes.

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