6 - Repeated History

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Jupiter's head throbbed as his eyes slowly peeled themselves open. Blinding white light blurred his vision as he felt his senses slowly start to return. Immediately he felt his whole body burning as he breathed. It was like there was acid inside his lungs, and his limbs were made from pure cast iron. 

As his vision slowly cleared, the sights around him became clearer. It was a sharp contrast from what he last remembered- white walls with a dull grey carpet. A broken old old-fashioned fan hung from the ceiling and whined and creaked as it slowly swung around. The blinds were open and he could see the star-lit sky above the city. 

It wasn't a hospital he was in. That was made even more apparent when his eyes came to rest on a familiar young irva. 


The irva looked up from her book and a smile crept over her face as she saw the dahmak's eyes open.

"Jupiter! You're awake!"

She scurried over to the side of the bed, hands resting on the covers. 

"...Ow," Jupiter winced as he sat up.

"How are you?"

"Sore. Where... where are we?"

"Oh, right. Let me get her. Miss Lokket?" Rix quickly jumped from the bed and ran out of the room, calling a name that Jupiter did not recognise.

He looked around again. Now slightly more conscious than before, he noticed a little table next to him. On it was a book, Death and Life, as well as a photograph of two people, a dahmak and a vett'iri, in front of a large sand dune. The whole room didn't seem very large, nothing fancy. In fact, it looked more like a run down apartment more than anything.

He moved to sit up but immediately was slammed by a wall of pain. Not only from the wound in his gut, but also the needle in his arm. He hadn't noticed the IV drip standing next to the bed. Fluids were being pumped into his arm via a clear tube. Now he was really confused. 

A few seconds passed before the sound of footsteps returned. Now though, there were two sets instead of one. Jupiter looked up and saw a dahmak enter the room behind Rix. Her skin was as white as snow and her eyes were a beautiful raspberry red. She was the same woman from the photo and presumably the owner of the apartment.

"Hello, good to see you're awake."

"And alive it seems. Who are you?" He grimaced.

"My name is Erica Lokket. It's alright, I'm a doctor. You've suffered a pretty bad gunshot wound. Thankfully, your friend here managed to help me get you back to safety. You're in my home now."

Erica had a gentle smile on her face as well as a calming presence. She held both hands together in front of her waist, said hands covered in translucent blue gloves

Jupiter's gaze was narrow and sceptical as he looked the doctor up and down.

"A doctor?"

Erica nodded, "Yes, that's right. How are you feeling?"

Jupiter huffed, "Like shit. We still in Aurum Shores?"

"Yes. We're not far from where you got hurt. I uh... wanted to take you to the hospital but your friend here insisted against it."

Jupiter looked over at Rix who was sheepishly holding her arms.

"Good work kid."

The irva flashed him an innocent smile.

Jupiter furrowed his brow. He turned to Erica, "How long have you lived here?"

The dahmak seemed slightly surprised by the question, "Oh... u-um, well my whole life. Why?"

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