24 - Desperation

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"Sarin. Come in. It's Duria, do you copy?"

The nox held his gaunt to his grizzled face as he took a swig of fire whiskey. Beknati stood beside him, arms crossed and foot tapping the ground impatiently.

"What's up butterfly?"

"Unfortunate news. I've been compromised. They found out, but the doctor has been dealt with."

"Dealt with?"

"She's dead."

Sarin scoffed under his breath as his eyes rolled.

"Good job. You managed to kill the second most helpless one there."

"I have no time for your games Sarin. I'll be at the rendezvous. Make sure you're there."

"Don't get your quills in a twist. I'll send Beau to get you. Try not to trip over on the way back. Out."

The line went dead as Sarin turned to Beknati, a sound emanating from his nose that resembled a chuckle.

"Looks like the Silent Eyes aren't all they're chalked up to be," the nox jested, downing another swig.

Beknati froze, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Your little partner in crime went and got himself caught."

"The kugraw?"

"Yup. He's at the rendezvous point now. Apparently he merced the doctor on the way out."

The irva pinched the bridge of his snout and let out a frustrated growl.

"Imbeciles. You are all imbeciles. Why must I be working with children?"

"Clearly you're having trouble catching one," the nox jested. Beknati brushed him off with a sneer.

"Have your dahmak pick him up. We must act quickly now that we've been compromised."

Sarin looked over to the dahmak.

"You heard him. Get moving. Make sure he doesn't break anything else on the way back."

The dahmak nodded quietly before promptly exiting the room.

Beknati watched with a frustrated growl, "Does he always follow you like some lost dog?"

The nox chuckled dangerously. 

"He don't have much of a choice. And it seems you don't either."

"Be that as it may, they know now. What is our approach moving forwards?"

Sarin took a long puff of his cigar, watching as the smoke gently wafted into the air. He thought for a few seconds. Beknati stared impatiently.

The nox looked back at him, "Tell me, Mr Beknati. If you knew you were being hunted by every armed thug in the galaxy alongside the two most powerful governments, what would you do?"

"I'd find somewhere nobody knows about. Your point?"

"Nah. I'll tell you what you'd do. You'd shit yourself. Fear makes people reckless. And they just lost their buddy and found out one of their own was a Silent Eye this whole time. They're scared. And they'll start running soon enough."


The sun had long since set. The group were huddled around the Stinger's holotable once more, exchanging ideas and plans. Ava had taken over the terminal from Duria and was searching through all the different records of empire ships that had passed through the Netarus system. Unfortunately, the results they'd found weren't what they'd been hoping for.

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