11 - Search And Rescue

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-- 1 year and 5 months ago --

"Salvo, take point."

The kugraw drew both his guns and stood beside the door, a grin on his face. Blood from the various different Tempest members he'd slain stained his armour but he didn't care. A fresh magazine was loaded into his SMG and he was ready.

A teregrine - the team's commander, loaded another shell into his shotgun.

"Teck, breachers ready?" 

A mowlin nodded and hurriedly placed two small boxes on both of the door's hinges. A quiet beeping sound signaled out and the red lights on the devices turned green.

"We're primed. Charges hot," the mowlin said.

"Everyone clear. Breaching in three, two one, go!"

Teck detonated the charges and a loud 'thump' sound filled the room. Dust enveloped everything and visibility was soon at zero. The squad of four quickly slipped into the entrance, infrared and thermal sights giving them all the advantages they needed.

The gang members inside were totally blinded as bullets tore through them, eviscerating their bodies and rendering them lifeless. They collapsed to the ground, not a single bullet hitting any of the squad.

"Clear!" Teck yelled out.

"Clear!" A female irva called out.

"Clear!" The commanding teregrine finished.

"Good, that should be the last of them. At least for now. Teck, Salvo, get down there and secure the cargo. Bi and I will lock this room down."

"Got it sir," Teck nodded. Both Salvo and the mowlin darted for the heavy bulkhead door that was sealed shut on the other side of the room.

"Grinder at the ready," Salvo said, grinning from ear to ear. He pulled out a large tool with a razor sharp disc at the end, the edge of which glowed with plasma. 

The disc started spinning wildly and sparks erupted from the door as the kugraw pressed the tool against it. In no time at all, the machine sliced through the heavy duty hinges holding the door in place. 

"We're through, quickly," Teck said as the huge door slowly fell, a loud bang echoeing through the room as it came to rest.

"Hit the lights will you?" The mowlin asked. Salvo quickly found the switch and the room's lights sputtered to life. They flickered and hummed, seemingly not quite sure if the wanted to stay lit or not, but they provided enough visibility to see what was going on.

Both men hurried down the stairs, their weapons drawn and ready for anything. The inside of the room smelled something foul. There were small insects buzzing around everywhere and blood soaked the floors, staining them a deep red. The stench of death hung heavy in the air.

"Not the kind of party I was hoping for but to each their own I guess," Salvo jested. Teck rolled his eyes but the duo continued forwards until they found what they were after.

Infront of them sat the shriveled up form of a blue dahmak. She had shackles around her ankles and wrists as well as her tail. Her mouth was wrapped up in a gag and there were laceration marks covering her body. Her scales which had once been a pearly white were now stained with blood, most of which had dried up over time.

The weak dahmak struggled to look up at the two figures standing before her.

Teck raised his hands to his earpiece, "Sir, we found her. She's alive."

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