4 - Tarilia

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Rix pulled the hood of her ragged cloak down even further as the wandering eyes of Ipsimla's small spaceport passed her. She couldn't remember the last time she was in a public place, and if it wasn't for Jupiter practically holding her hand the whole way, she'd never have left the cabin.

"Stay close. Don't need you wandering off," Jupiter muttered under his breath. 

"I'm not a little kid. I can take care of myself," Rix snapped back.

"Actually that's exactly what you are," Jupiter replied while his eyes scanned the crowd for any sign of empire or hegemony officers. Thankfully due to its isolated location, both governing bodies were rare sights on Ipsimla. However that didn't mean they were completely absent. 

The spaceport was small and unassuming. Given Ipsimla's lack of contact with the galaxy, it didn't need a large one. However the crowds were still big enough to get lost in. Good for blending in.

The two had gotten through security rather easily, although Jupiter's axe had caused some issues but he had insisted on keeping it. Rix wondered why such a tool was so valuable to him but figured there was likely a better time to ask. 

They were now making their way towards the boarding gates. Rix kept eyeing her ticket, almost like if she broke line of sight with it, it would disappear.  Jupiter told her to keep it close, and so she did. It was a strange feeling knowing she was going to board a non-empire-associated ship. Then again, the last empire ship she boarded resulted in her almost freezing to death out in Ipsimla's icy forests.

Said event was running rampant through the young irva's mind. No matter how hard she tried the pieces just wouldn't fit together. It was like she had the corner parts of a jigsaw and she knew where to start, but all the interior pieces were either missing or jumbled up with a completely different puzzle. Putting everything together felt like an impossible task. 

The two quietly sat down at the boarding gate as they waited for their shuttle to arrive. The terminal was actually rather busy which helped them blend in with the crowds. Jupiter made sure to keep his axe close at all times as he meticulously watched every person who passed them by.

"Why so paranoid?" Rix queried.

Jupiter didn't respond immediately, his steely gaze tracking a gruffy-looking kugraw. When the man disappeared from sight, he let out the breath he hadn't even realised he'd been holding in.

"I don't expect you to know much about the hegemony. All you do need to know is that they aren't above hiring plain clothes to do their dirty work. Given their track record, I doubt the empire is either."

Rix frowned, "You know, contrary to what the galaxy says, we're not that bad."

"I'll trust my own experiences over the word of a sixteen year old girl who's been exiled from the home she claims isn't that bad, thanks."

Rix crossed her arms in frustration, "I know it's not a good first impression but there has to be some reason... there must be."

Jupiter didn't let the slight hesitation in her last few words go unnoticed. For now though, he remained silent.

"So... what do we actually do once we get to Tarala?


"Yeah, that's what I said."

Jupiter rolled his eyes. However she raised a good question. He had no clue what their plan was. For now he simply dismissed her.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Let's just get there first."

The sound of a musical jingle filled the air and the spaceport's PA systems suddenly crackled to life.

"Attention passengers boarding shuttle EL 22 to Tarilia, we are now boarding from gate 84-B. Please make your way over and enjoy your flight."

The Streisand Effect [Spectra Fanfiction, book 2/3]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant