25 - Race to Arkon

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"Blondie is there any more of that glue?" Jupiter quickly asked as he began putting pressure on Erica's wound. Before bandages could be applied, the gash needed to be sealed. The dahmak worked as quickly as he could, using what medical knowledge he had to clean off the dried blood, then using sutures to stitch it back up.

Sutures wouldn't be strong enough to seal it on their own however, as he worked Blondie handed him a small capsule of sealant, the same type of material she'd used to seal his bullet wound back on Tarilia. There was total silence as he worked, with Ava and Rix also standing by and doing what they could to aid him. 

Erica's skin had grown cold to the touch. She was still unable to breathe on her own. As they all watched on with hollow eyes, Jäga slowly trudged back into the room. 

"We're out of scanning range now. We'll be safe as long as we keep moving. How is she?" He asked, his eyes drawn to the still form of his friend lying silently in bed.

Jupiter finished applying the surgical glue. He turned, Erica's blood staining his hands a sickening red. 

"It's bad. Real bad. She's lost a lot of blood. I'm no doctor but it looks like her stomach has been hit. Acid spilling out all over the place."

Ava did her best to hold back the tears. The feeling of absolute helplessness was sickening. It had almost broken her before. Jäga noticed and held her hand gently. She succumbed to her emotions, planting her head on his chest. He rested his cheek on her forehead, holding her close.

"Arkon is the closest planet. We're on our way now. How long do you think she's got?" he asked.

Jupiter rolled his tongue hesitantly as he looked down at the doctor. 

"At this rate? Hours. Less. I don't know how long she was out there but it was long enough to lose a lot of blood. How long until we reach Arkon?"

"Two hours. Little more."

Everyone standing around the bed winced silently as the severity of the situation fully set in. 

"We'll be cutting it close," Blondie muttered. 

"What other choice do we have?" Rix said. The room fell to a haunting silence once more. Nobody could muster the courage for any words. Ava walked forwards, laying a hand on Erica's cold forehead. Another tear fell from her eye. Her lower jaw trembled as her pain began to turn to anger. She clenched her eyes shut before opening them again, now with a burning fire inside.

"I'm going to gut Duria like a fucking fish," she hissed. Blondie watched her, deep in contemplation. His own thoughts were screaming at him. He knew full well their situation was getting worse and worse by the second. First an inquisitor. Then Sarin. Then Silent Eyes. Now Erica was knocking on death's door. It was getting harder and harder to see a way out.

"There is good news though," the nox said, leaning over the bed. 

Ava looked up at him with confused eyes, "Wha- what are you talking about? Look at her! What's good about this?"

"Her taking that dagger now means we won't be taking it further on down the line. I don't like that it happened. But better it happen to only one of us. If Duria had been able to get under our noses he may have been able to completely destroy us. Erica saved us from that. She exposed him. Which I'm willing to be wasn't a part of his plan."

Ava stifled another flow of tears, "Plan or not, he stabbed her. He... he might have just killed her." 

 Blondie's demeanour was hard to read. The normally tough and gruff nox now looked lost. For the first time since they lost Vex, he looked genuinely hurt. He turned to Jäga.

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