5 - Overtime

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The sun had long since set. The room was quiet, the bed was warm. Soft music played from the small speaker that sat on the bedside table. Huddled under the quilt, a dahmak and vett'iri cuddled one another. The vett'iri's hand was gently cupping the dahmak's cheek, both women staring longingly into each other's eyes. 

The dahmak couldn't wipe the smile from her face as the gentle feeling of the vett'iri's skin caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into the embrace, her own arms wrapped tightly around the vett'iri's waist. The vett'iri's legs were encased by the dahmak's tail, adding an extra sensation of warmth and security. Everything felt so tranquil.

"I love you," The dahmak muttered under her breath as she squeezed her friend tightly. The vett'iri chuckled and followed up with a kiss. Their lips briefly connected and the dahmak felt her cheeks turning red. It had been so long since they'd last seen each other. So many stories left untold, so much time they'd never get back. 

However all that mattered was that they were with one another again. Two friends reunited after what felt like a millennia apart.

"You're so sweet," The dahmak giggled as she shifted herself a little closer. The vett'iri kissed the dahmak once more before burying her head under her friend's chin. Her warm hands gently rubbed the dahmak's shoulder before slowly making their way down and finding a comfortable position at her waist. 

"Only when I feel like it," she giggled.

The dahmak smiled, "And how often do you feel like it?"

Her question was followed by another kiss from her friend, this time it was a little more passionate. 

"When you're around? Hmmm... how about all the time?"

The dahmak seemed a little taken back by the kiss, but her smile soon returned, "I can live with that," she beamed.

"Good. I do have just one question though."



"Why what?"

"Why did you leave me to die?"

The dahmak's gleeful smile faltered slightly and her eyes twitched.

"What do you mean?"

The vett'iri continued to smile, "In the vault. You know. You left me there. You all did. Why?"

"I... wait... I didn't-"

"You couldn't save me. You didn't even try to, did you?"

The dahmak's smile turned into a slight frown and her brow slanted upwards, "Vex I... I tried... wait what are you-"

"You're supposed to be a doctor right? I thought doctors were supposed to save people. You didn't save me," The vett'iri's smile was still there, but it looked strained, like she was forcing herself. Beads of water started to form in her eyes and her grasp on the dahmak grew tighter and tighter.

"V-Vex... Vex that hurts... please," the dahmak stuttered as her friend's fingers dug into her skin.

"Does it? You know what else hurts? Watching the person I loved walk away from me when I needed her the most... dying slowly and having the one person who could help do nothing. Why did you do nothing?"

"I didn't do nothing I promise, I tried, I-I tried I swear!" the dahmak pleaded.

"Please don't lie to me Erica, please don't hurt me more. Just tell me why you gave up on me? Why did you let me die? I could have lived... I wanted to live, Erica."

By now the dahmak was distressed and fretful, her friend's smile looked more like a carving in her face rather than an expression of joy, and tears were falling from her eyes.

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