23 - Silent Night, Deadly Night

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Ava rested herself comfortably on Jäga, her head nuzzling his neck. Their eyes were both closed with huge smiles on their faces. The cool wind that whipped around them only served to further their need to hold one another close, their bodies sharing warmth. The fire inside them had slowly faded, but not before they'd had a chance to give each other their love.

Ava hummed happily as she stroked Jäga's shoulder.

"Hmm, that... I've been waiting two years for that," she murmured happily. Jäga chuckled.

"Was it worth it?"

"Every. Damn. Second."

Her words elicited a laugh from the mowlin and she held him tighter, purring the whole time.

"I love you hun."

"I love you too."

Jäga stroked the exposed fur on her back and pulled her a little closer, letting his head roll to the side as he did. His eyes fell to the street below as he lay there when suddenly they snapped open. In the heat and passion of the moment, neither of them had realised their prey was lurking down below. 

On the street below was a nox, an irva and a dahmak, all very familiar.

"A-Ava... Ava put your shirt on, they're here."

Almost as soon as the mowlin spoke, their microphone hummed to life. 

Ava's ears perked up and she quickly retrieved her top and bra, sliding them back on. Jäga buckled his pants and slipped his jacket back on. Play time was over, now they needed to focus.

"How long have they been here?" Ava whispered.

"No idea. Think they just arrived."

Both mowlins put their clothes back on and took up a prone position on the roof overlooking the building. Jäga kept his shotgun close, Ava made sure her pistol was holstered on her hip. The microphone crackled to life, feeding a crystal clear audio recording of the conversation down below.

"The handler is not happy. This was supposed to be done. I hope you know what you're doing bounty hunter."

The voice of Beknati cut through the silence, quickly followed by Sarin.

"Tell your handler to shut it. Can't do my job with you lot yappin' in my ear. You worry too much, the Silent Eyes will keep tabs on them. They won't get far."

"Silent Eyes are masters of deceit. I do not trust them."

"Missed the part where that's my problem. They said they're gonna help us out. Your rather do it on your own?"

"It would probably be done by now if I was."

"Last time I checked you had ample time to stab them at the yard too. Don't be getting all high and mighty with me."

A voice the two mowlins hadn't heard before spoke up.

"May we just get this done without the arguing. Please."

Peering over the roof, the two watched the exchange. Both Sarin and Beknati turned to glare at the dahmak, almost like he was a child stepping out of line. Soon enough Beknati handed both of them a small gaunt.

"Keep this on you. If you run in to trouble with the empire, show them this. They'll know what it means."

Sarin scoffed but took the device. A few moments later, Beknati turned and headed inside the building while Sarin and the dahmak continued on down the street.

Both mowlins turned to each other, their blood running cold.

"Silent Eyes?" Ava whimpered.

Jäga gulped, "Duria was right. Shit. We gotta go. Now."

The Streisand Effect [Spectra Fanfiction, book 2/3]Where stories live. Discover now