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During the train ride the trio kept buzzing me with questions.

" So why do you have an accent " said Ron.

"c'mon Ron it is kind of mean to ask that to someone " answered hermione.

"haha no worries it's fine, English isn't my first language that is why, I'm French" .

" I don't think you have so much of an accent actually for someone who English isn't their first "

"thanks harry"

it was the first time he had actually spoke since the beginning of the ride.

" And if you don't mind me asking, why did you transfer?" Asked Hermione

" no of course I don't mind, my mom passed away a few months ago so I moved in with my dad"

" oh Merlin I am so sorry"

"It's fine"

"how did it happen, you don't have to answer of course" asked harry

" Um... she was murdered by death eaters"

" oh I'm sorry "  said harry.

then I stopped talking, tears started coming, I tried to stop them as much as possible. I hadn't quite got over my mom's death yet. For the rest of the ride I was silent. The three of them kept talking but in a low voice, I was not really invited into their conversation, besides I was getting pretty hungry and exited for the large meal that was waiting for us at Hogwarts.

     Once the train stopped I got down and saw a huge man with a big beard waiting for me.

" Hey there, Elizabeth I suppose, I'm Hagrid, welcome to Hogwarts. I'll taking you to the great hall so you can be sorted to your house. Where is your trunk?"

" oh um it's right here" I answered pointing him my trunk

" okay well do come along then" he said walking me to the castle

" So happy are ya' do go to Hogwarts?"

" Yeah I guess, mostly scared to be honest"

" No need to be, it will all end up just fine"

" What if it doesn't though, what If I get put in slytherin for exemple?"

" Ha I see, you know the hat takes acquaintance of your opinion, so if you really don't want to be in slytherin then you won't, and if you do I'm sure you can make it your home, I promise"

"thanks hagrid"

      When we approached the castle I was amazed. It was huge. Giant towers and halls were dominating over the night sky. Hagrid took me inside then into the great hall. Hundreds of students were seating on four different tables, hufflepuff, ravenclae, grynfondor, and of course slytherin. As I came in the headmaster started talking:

" please each and one of you welcome our new student Elizabeth Hugo"

I could feel everyone staring at me, I stayed and stared at the grown not wanting to meet anyone's gaze

" I am sure that you will all welcome her very warmly and make her feel at home in Hogwarts, now miss Hugo if you mind step up so you can be sorted"

    Okay there is was the moment that would determine the rest of my four years here at Hogwarts, I was so tense and scared as professor Mc Gonagal placed the hat on my head.

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