First date

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       "Hey Elizabeth?" I heard Hermione calling me.

" oh hey Hermione"

" I saw you talking to Draco during class, you really shouldn't do that he is bad" she said.

I was a bit stunned, I mean I had only talk to him for like 5 minutes, how could that be any bad.

" Oh c'mon Hermione we only talked for like 2 minutes, and he wasn't even that bad. Besides do you expect me to stay silent for the rest of the term"

I hadn't plan to tell here that I actually enjoyed talking to Malfoy, but since she was the one bringing it up.

" I'm being serious Lizzy, he really tormented us for a really long time, he is not a good person"

" okay if you say so"

" promise me you won't talk to him again"

" I won't, I promise" I said

     Of course I had no intentions of not talking to Malfoy ever again, and I actually found it pretty weird for her to ask that, I mean what could he have done that is actually that bad. During the lesson he seemed sweet, and of course he didn't talk much, but I believed it was only because he is a bit shy. Then I thought about the moment our hands met how soft and comforting he felt. Just like all the chaos and hatred had flown away when your hands met. I know I might be a bit too much right know, tu but is really how I felt at this moment. I needed to sweep all of these felling an away, because even if I hadn't plan to completely stop talking to the boy, I still did not want to start developing feelings towards him.

     The rest of the week went rather fast. I had only been there for a small period of time, but I already felt home. I had gotten really close with the Weasley twins during this week. They were really nice and just so fun. It happened that I sometimes felt a little homesick and they would always be there to comfort me and make me feel better. I had even already gotten a date. I know crazy right. With Dean Thomas! He was another gryffindor that I had met on my first day at Hogwarts. I did not really have a thing for him, which I felt like he knew, but I don't know, I guess I just thought it would be nice to hang out with someone.

      We were meeting in hogsmead on Saturday. During the afternoon, just to grab a nice butter beer at the three broomsticks. While preparing I did not make many efforts in getting ready, I mean you know I didn't want to overdo things. As the weather was already starting to get a bit chilly, I put in a big jumper, jeans and a nice scarf. When walking there I noticed Draco with his friends, probably going to hogsmead too. God I wish he would not see me in the three broomsticks, I wasn't ashamed or anything, it just I did not want him to assume Dean and I where in a relationship, I don't really know why. When my eyes met his he smiled at me. God he smile was gorgeous, angelic I might even say. It was the fist time I saw his smile but it almost felt like I knew it for ever. I smiled back and kept on walking.

    When I arrived in the pub Dean was already there. I sat in front of him and we started talking. I ordered a butter beer and drank it slowly. Then he came in, Draco. I'd did not want for him to assume Dean and I were dating. So I tried to hide but he saw me. When noticing me he froze and stared for I few seconds. God I felt awful, I don't know why, but I wanted to go up to him and tell him everything. How I just accepted to go because I thought it would be fun to go out for a bit and that I did not feel anything for Dean. But then I thought: why would he care? It's true though we had only talked once. I chased him off my mind, and focused again on Dean.

     Our "date" was nice. We talked for about an hour, about random things. Mostly school. We didn't have much to say to each other, and they were sometimes awkward silences but it was alright. Whilst we were talking I made it quite clear that I was not looking for a relationship, and even if I liked him very much, I did not like him that way. He seemed disappointed at first, which is kind of understandable, but then he was chill about it and we kept on going as friends.

    When leaving I ran into my favorite twins, and they gave me a little tour around hogsmead. I liked spending time with Fred and George. I don't know, I guess it felt right being with them. They took me to honeydukes and the shrinking shack which was absolutely terrifying! Then I got back to Hogwarts and finished some assignments I had due for the upcoming week.

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