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    "Hey Draco "

I said walking past him and his friends in the corridors. His stone cold face looked at me, not flinching nor saying a word.

" Who's this girl" said his mate Goyle. A rather awful person, I could not bare him.

"No idea"

answered Draco. I stood there, frozen. Why did he say that? I didn't understand what had just happened, I mean the day before in potions he was just the sweetest, and it seemed like really wanted us to be friends. Especially when he said: see you around. I mean that means that he wanted to see me around. I know English is not my first language but I was still quite sur I got what he ment right. I just stayed here, in shock. How could he even do this.  I hated to admit this, bug god Harry, Ron and Hermione were right, he was a bad person. I had decided, I was not talking to him ever again.

      I was seating in the gryffindor common room, when I heard two familiar voices calling me out.

" how you doing French girl" said Fred and George in unison

" I could be better to be honest" they looked concerned as they sat besides me, one on my left and one in my right. 

" hey you know we saw your little accident with Malfoy "  said Fred.

oh, I did not expect that.

" oh, um... gosh this is embarrassing " I answered.

" it doesn't have to be " continued George.

" Yeah I mean you know, Malfoy he is an asshole, and a real one, you really shouldn't get offended by anything he says or does."

" thanks guys I appreciate it"

" of course " said Fred.

" but I guess I'm just disappointed you know, I mean Harry, Ron and Hermione did not stop telling me how bad he was, and I kept telling him that I was not like that, and that was sweet and nice and funny, and I mean you know I just hate to admit that they were sort of right" I said with my voice cracking. Gosh why was I so obsessed about Draco, I mean it is not like we were that close.

" maybe they are wrong " said Fred. I looked at him confused.

" no but I mean, he has been a douche, but that doesn't lean he can't be a good guy, and I you have a good feeling about him, then you should listen to yourself rather than what others tell you " gosh Fred had a way of making things sounds like everything was alright. I smiled at him

" you know what, you're right, screw Harry, Ron and Hermione, I have a good feeling about Draco, and I won't let it go just because he did a little mistake, besides I'm sure he had a good reason, you know what, I'm even sure he is going to come and apologize next time I see him."

" love the attitude Lizzie!" Exclaimed George.

" thanks guys, you're the best " I said laying on Fred's shoulder and grabbing George's hand

" anytime French girl" they said in unison.

    They really were the best. They made me feel right, like everything was going to be just fine. Gosh I loved them. After our talk I went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Draco. And I realized, even though I did not want to, that I really had a crush on him, and the hell of a big one. It was hard to admit it to myself at first. But I knew it now.
I liked Draco Malfoy

Hey loves, sorry this chapter is pretty short but I had a long day and didn't really feel like writing anything

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