The ball

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Today was the big day, the day of the ball. Draco hadn't ask me to go with him. I was going to have to say no anyways since I was going with Fred, but I guess I still expected him to ask me. Maybe he just didn't see me how I saw him. I guess it was dumb for me to think that he could like me, I mean, it is already a lot for him to befriend me, but like, in a romantic way I believe is too much to ask.

Anyways I was getting ready to go to the ball and have a great night with Fred as I should. I hab my dad send me my mom's old dress. The most marvelous attire. A dark green puffy dress, with a moulding top. Almost looked like a slytherin. Wasn't to revealing, I mean just as it should be. My blond hair was tied in a braid crown. I went simple for makeup, just a bit of mascara and eyeshadow.

For the first time in a while, I felt pretty, and god I liked it.

" ready?" I heard Hermione behind me. I turned around to see her all dressed up, wow I never saw her like that.

" blimey Hermione, you look stunning!" She was wearing this gorgeous pink dress.

" thanks Lizzie, I gotta say look great as well"

" thanks mione, still don't want to tell me who you are going with?"

" nope, you will see, I want to keep the surprise"

" gosh this is so intriguing, I should probably go, Fred must be waiting for me"

" I'll se you at the ball Elizabeth"

I waved at her and got down to the common room. I was so exited for the night I was going to have. I noticed Fred waiting for me sitting on the bright red couch.

" wow Elizabeth, you look hot! If you didn't have the biggest crush on Malfoy, I'd definitely try something tonight" I chuckled

" shut up Fred, but thank you "

"Shall we?" He exclaimed handing me his arm

" we shall my friend" I grabbed his arm and we started walking down to the great hall

I could feel everyone's gaze on me as we walked down the stairs. I guess people weren't used to seeing me all hoped up like that. Then I met his. The only person's eyes I wanted to meet right now. Draco. He was wearing black dress robes, perfectly fitted, and I mean he looked so fine. I could see him looking me up and down. He smirked at me when we locked eyes again. I blushed really hard, turned as red as a tomato. I could feel those butterflies coming back. I smiled and waved at him as I passed besides him, he smiled back.

We went to the great hall, waiting for the champions to arrive with their dates.

" Draco couldn't take his eyes off you" affirmed Fred.

" oh shut up " I answered.

" just stating the fact French girl, just staring the facts"

" shh their coming in" I interrupted him as the champions came inside the room.

And I saw Hermione, walking down holding Victor Krum's arm. Gosh Hermione, she didn't lie when she said she was going with someone special. I looked over at Ron, who seemed really mad, I felt bad for him. I also saw Cedric, holding Cho's arm. He smiled at me, waving a little, he looked so good as always.

The champions opened the dance and we quickly followed. Gosh Fred was a terrible dancer, he kept stepping on my feet, giving ma a small apology every time. We were laughing and having a great time. But then I saw Draco, dancing with this girl from slytherin I didn't know, he had found a date, and he seemed so happy, I felt, well almost jealous to be honest.

We stopped dancing and went over to the table to grab some drinks, I was leaning on the table talking to Fred and George.

" may I have this dance " said Draco, walking up towards me. I looked over at Fred.

" what are you asking for my permission " he said.

I noticed Fred winking at Draco. I giggled and left holding Draco's hand. I liked his cold touch. We were just waltzing around, having fun.

" isn't your date going to mind you asking me to dance?" I asked Draco.

" well I think I'm the least of her worries right now." He answered pointing at her, she was in the corner of the room, snogging a dumstrang boy

" oh I'm sorry Draco"

" not like I care. You know I got to say you look great tonight "

" well thank you Draco. "

" green fits you , looks like you're a slytherin " I chuckled

" you wish "

" almost makes me feel bad for not asking you to be my date tonight"

" yeah, why didn't you though?"

" it's not like I didn't not want to, it's just when I was about to ask, well potter arrived, I guess I was scared you were going to say no and humiliate me in front of his face"

" you should've, I would have said yes"

" you would've? "

" well yes of course, I was expecting you to, I said no to loads of people waiting for you to ask me!"

" you did for real, I didn't know you were that populate Elizabeth, whom did you refuse?"

" well, these two dumstrong boys I don't even know, Harry, Dean, Seamus, Cedric..."

" digory?"

" yes "

" wow I didn't know you guys knew each other"

" yes we do, our mothers were like best friends, we spent all our summer vacations together, until... well you know" he smiled.

" Well for what it's worth, I'm sorry I did not ask you Elizabeth, I should have"

" you're forgiven Draco"

we kept on dancing and fooling, I really was having the best night of my life.

Getting to know you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora